University of Central Florida - UCF Student Government Association

University of Central Florida Student Government Association
Scholarship Committee
Student Government Association
January 21, 2016
9:00 AM
Black and Gold Conference Room (SGA)
Call to Order- 9:12 AM
Roll Call & Verification of Quorum- half the committee is presents, thus there is
quorum for voting procedures.
Chair Devkota
Vice Chair Graves
Justice Sznapstajler
ILA Njeru
LJR Chair Ervin
CRT Chair Bayes
ORC Chair Bedgood
OSFA Representative Baptiste
SSAO Representative Phillips
SDES Representative Ortiz
Justice Sznapstajler
ILA Njeru
LJR Chair Ervin
ORC Chair Bedgood
SDES Representative Ortiz
Approval of the Minutes- approval by general consent
Approval of the Agenda- approval by general consent
Announcements from the Chaira. December scholarship meeting with OSFA
i. Decisions
1. Chair Devkota: We did not finish reviewing all the
scholarships from fall.
b. January scholarship meeting with OSFA
i. The meeting is next week, where we will finish reviewing all the
Fall scholarships
Announcements from Committee Membersa. SSAO Representative Phillips provided with the updated list of
scholarships that have already been funded by the committee.
Announcements from Non-Committee Members- none
This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.
Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association.
Chair Devkota
University of Central Florida Student Government Association
Scholarship Committee
Student Government Association
Old Business- none
New Businessa. Scholarship Presentations
i. Order of Pegasus – Dr. Stacey Malaret
1. Dr. Stacy Malaret: Order of Pegasus was created in 2001
and is the highest award given at the university. This
award is not something you can apply for, as you have to
be nominated for this award. We typically receive 300
undergraduate nominations. 7 faculty and staff members
sit on the committee, looking at leadership, research,
academics, and then choose 50 students to interview. From
there 20 students are selected for the award. Order of
Pegasus is more of an honor, which is why we haven’t
advertised the scholarship aspect in the past. This year we
will be sure to include SGA in our booklets and online as
the scholarship provider.
2. Chair Devkota: Thank you Dr. Malaret from coming in to
present the scholarship.
3. Chair Devkota: With the vote count of 4-0-0, the Order of
Pegasus scholarship passes.
ii. Mr. & Miss Hospitality – Courtney Buzan
1. Courtney Buzan: I would like to request two scholarships
for the Mr. and Miss Hospitality pageant. Similar to the
Mr. and Miss UCF pageant, there is a talent portion,
professional wear portion, and professional interview.
Judges in the past have included individuals from the
hospitality industry, including Mr. Rosen himself. We
have had an increase in applications.
2. CRT Chair Bayes: Is there a reason you requested less
money than last year’s events?
3. Buzan: I would just be grateful for anything you can give.
Last year I requested a range, not knowing how much to
request specifically.
4. Chair Devkota: With the vote count of 4-0-0, the Mr. &
Miss Hospitality Scholarship passes.
b. SGA Spring Scholarships
i. SGA Spring 2016 Dolores Burghard Scholarship – SGA Pres. Cait
This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.
Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association.
Chair Devkota
University of Central Florida Student Government Association
Scholarship Committee
Student Government Association
1. I would like to present the 2016 Dolores Burghard
scholarship for Cait Zona, as she is out sick this morning.
Dolores Burghard was the first director of the UCF
Creative School and SGA would like to honor her for her
30 years of service to the university by creating s
scholarship in her name. If approved, the scholarship will
be presented at the UCF Creative School during the week
of the school’s anniversary.
2. CRT Chair Bayes: Is there a reason why the scholarship
amount is so high?
3. Chair Devkota: I am not sure exactly the reasoning behind
the amount, but we can speak with Cait and review it at our
next meeting.
4. Chair Devkota: Now we will review the SGA Spring
scholarships and propose any changes necessary on voting
5. CRT Chair Bayes: I propose we increase the number of
Patriot scholarships and increase the number of Rosa
Parks’s scholarships.
6. Vice Chair Graves: I propose we increase the number of
Extreme Leadership scholarships, as it has a significantly
high number of applicants. I would also delete the seventh
bullet and just add to the sixth requesting contact
information of at least two references and the dates
pertaining to the involvement.
7. OSFA Representative Baptiste: I propose we alter the
number of credit hours for the Transfer Involvement
scholarship as well as add an essay portion.
8. Chair Devkota: We will vote on these at our next meeting.
Member Discussion- none
Miscellaneous Business- none
Final Roll Call- same as initial
Adjournment-10:00 AM
This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.
Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association.
Chair Devkota