44 kB 7th Dec 2015 Scholarship Committee Minutes 12-03-15

University of Central Florida Student Government Association
Scholarship Committee
Student Government Association
December 3, 2015
3:00 PM
Black and Gold Conference Room (SGA)
Call to Order- 3:11PM
Roll Call & Verification of QuorumPRESENT
Chair Devkota
Vice Chair Graves (3:27PM)
Justice Sznapstajler
ILA Njeru
LJR Chair Ervin
LJR Chair Ervin
CRT Chair Bayes
ORC Chair Bedgood
OSFA Representative Baptiste
SSAO Representative Phillips
SDES Representative Ortiz
SDES Representative Ortiz
III. Approval of the Minutes- approval by general consent
IV. Approval of the Agenda- approval by general consent
V. Announcements from the Chaira. Scholarships were due Monday, November 30th
i. Chair Devkota read out loud the number of applications that were submitted for each of
the fall scholarships that were due on Monday.
ii. Chair Devkota: There was some talks to extending the deadline for these scholarships but
due to time constraints we weren’t about to do so.
iii. OSFA Representative Baptiste: What if we extended the deadlines for those scholarships
that didn’t receive as much applications?
iv. Chair Devkota: I do no think it would be fair because some students turned their stuff on
v. ILA Njeru: I do no think it would be a problem because each scholarship is catered to a
different demographic.
vi. ORC Chair Bedgood: I also do not think it is very fair.
vii. Chair Devkota: How about we take a vote on whether or not we want to extend the
viii. Chair Devkota: All those in favor of extending the deadline for SGA Rosen, Second
Chance & Single Parent? With a vote count of 6-0-0 the deadline for these three
scholarships have been extended to Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 5PM.
VI. Announcements from Committee Members- none
VII. Announcements from Non-Committee Members- none
VIII. Old Business- none
IX. New Businessa. Scholarship Presentations
This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.
Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association.
Chair Devkota
University of Central Florida Student Government Association
Scholarship Committee
Student Government Association
Chair Devkota: Vice Chair Graves is recognized.
Mr. & Miss UCF Scholarship – Maddie Hammond
Chair Devkota welcomed Maddie Hammond and explained the presentation procedures.
Maddie Hammond explained that the Mr. and Miss UCF Pageant is an annual pageant
that allows students to represent UCF and recognizes their excellence in leadership and
service. We have made one change regarding a requirement, that being this year’s
contestants no longer have to be full time students, but half time.
v. Chair Devkota: Does anyone have any questions? Seeing none, we appreciate your time,
Maddie. Thank you for coming in.
vi. ILA Njeru: I moved to vote.
vii. Chair Devkota: With a vote count of 7-0-0, the Mr. and Miss UCF Scholarship of
$10,500 passes.
b. SGA Spring Scholarships
i. Justice Sznapstajler: I move to go to informal.
ii. Chair Devkota: With the vote count of 7-0-0 we are now in informal procedure.
iii. Justice Sznapstajler: I move to go back to formal.
X. Member Discussion- none
XI. Miscellaneous Business- none
XII. Final Roll Call- Vice Chair Graves joined at 3:27PM; otherwise same as initial.
XIII. Adjournment- 4:01PM
This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.
Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association.
Chair Devkota