Last reviewed: 4/1/15 Teach-in-CORES ESL Program ARTICLE 1

Last reviewed: 4/1/15
Teach-in-CORES ESL Program
Section 1: The name of the organization shall be Teach-in-CORES.
Section 2: Teach-in-CORES strives to enable immigrants in the greater Boston area to
speak and communicate in English by providing English as a Second Language (ESL)
classes as well as citizenship classes at the Committee on Refugees from El Salvador
(CORES) center located in Somerville. It concurrently serves as a bridge between the
Tufts and local communities; ESL students have the opportunity to learn about Tufts
students, while volunteers from the university have the chance to venture into regions of
Somerville unlike those surrounding campus and learn about the cultures and lives of
their students.
Section 3: Teach-in-CORES works in conjunction with the Committee on Refugees from
El Salvador, located on 343 Medford St., Somerville MA.
Section 1: All undergraduate students at Tufts University are eligible to become Teachin-CORES volunteers.
Section 2: Teach-in-CORES volunteers are entitled to all Teach-in-CORES ESL
materials available online as well as transportation to the site in either a carpool or aboard
public transportation (for which all students will be reimbursed).
Section 3: During the latter part of the spring semester, all volunteers have the
opportunity to apply to the executive board, responsible for maintaining contacts at the
CORES center, organizing volunteers, and otherwise managing the program during the
following academic year.
Section 4: Teach-in-CORES does not have any advisers nor ex-oficio members.
Section 5: Teach-in-CORES does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender,
nationality, handicap, sexual orientation, age, etc.
Section 1: Teach-in-CORES is managed by an executive board consisting of not more
than five volunteers elected via the processes highlighted in Article 5.
Section 2: All members of the Teach-in-CORES executive board must volunteer as a
teacher for a minimum of one semester prior to assuming the leadership role.
Furthermore, they must be on the Tufts University campus for at least one semester while
serving on the board.
Section 3: Due to the nature of Teach-in-CORES membership, general elections for
executive officers will not be held. Officers will instead be selected by a vote among the
current executive board following an application process.
Last reviewed: 4/1/15
Section 1: At the beginning of April, both current and former Teach-in-CORES
volunteers will have the opportunity to apply for a position on the executive board. The
current leadership team will then assess the applications and make their final selections
based on the applicant's proven commitment to the program, innovative ideas, and
leadership qualifications. The incoming executive board will be formerly notified before
the end of the month and assume control following the Teach-in-CORES graduation
Section 2: Teach-in-CORES volunteers cannot campaign for a position. They simply
must fill out an application to the best of their ability.
Section 3: If a member of the executive board is not adequately performing their
aforementioned duties, they can be removed through 2 procedures. Either the remaining
members of the executive board can unanimously vote to strip them of their title or 32 of
the 40 Teach-in-CORES volunteers can vote to remove them from office.
Section 1: Teach-in-CORES participants will attend a semesterly orientation program at
the beginning of each semester, their weekly class held at the CORES center, a bi-annual
graduation ceremony held at the end of each semester, and any other Teach-in-CORES
events deemed necessary by the Teach-in-CORES executive board.
Section 2: Special meetings will be held in cases of unexpected events, such as the
abdication of a board member or other unexpected and emergency events.
Section 3: Participants are required to attend all aforementioned events. If they are unable
to attend the orientation, program leaders will create an alternative date in order to give
the volunteers all relevant information. If a volunteer needs to miss a class, the must
notify both their co-teacher and the executive board via email as early as possible. If
absences become too frequent (2+ absences per semester), the executive board reserves
the right to remove the teacher and replace with a more reliable volunteer.
Section 4: Teach-in-CORES will select 24 volunteers each semester; thus, quorum is set
at 16 volunteers or 2/3 of the total participants in the program. It is necessary for any
votes regarding the content of the Teach-in-CORES Constitution.
Section 5: A vote of ⅔ among current volunteers and the executive board is required to
make any policy change.
Section 1: Due to the nature of Teach-in-CORES general membership, committee
membership will be limited to semester-long positions. Committee membership is not
required for all teachers and will be considered on a volunteer basis. However, when a
teacher has volunteered to be part of a committee, she must dedicate herself to that
position and serve her role to the best of her ability.
Quality Committee: Responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of current policies and
suggesting further improvements for program legitimacy and quality. Members will meet
Last reviewed: 4/1/15
at least twice a semester (during the semester and at the end), to discuss.
Funding Committee: Responsible for maintaining and delegating funding resources.
Members will meet at least twice a semester.
All decisions will be discussed with executive board members who will ultimately vote to
enact changes.
Section 1: Any individual currently volunteering with Teach-in-CORES is permitted to
propose amendments to this Constitution.
Section 2: Amendments to this Constitution should be submitted to the Teach-in-CORES
executive board in writing and via email, who will then convene a meeting of all
volunteers to discuss the proposed changes.
Section 3: Any formal discussions and votes regarding proposed amendments require a
quorum of 16 volunteers. To ratify the amendment, 2/3 of all individuals present at the
vote must approve it.
Section 4: All individuals currently volunteering with Teach-in-CORES are permitted to
propose necessary by-laws. By-laws should be submitted to the executive board via
email, who will subsequently convene a Teach-in-CORES meeting at which the by-law
will be formally introduced. If a simple majority of all volunteers at the meeting approves
the measure, it is formally added to the Constitution.
Section 5: Any and all amendments to this Constitution must be approved by the TCUJ
before taking effect.
Section 1: Teach-in-CORES will adhere to all Tufts University rules, regulations, and
Section 2: Teach-in-CORES will adhere to all local, state, and federal laws.