Newsletter January 25, 2016 - Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide

Archbishop’s Office
39 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000
P: 08 8210 8108 | F: 08 8223 2307
January 25, 2016
1. Human Rights: Day of prayer against human trafficking
Australian bishops and Religious have called for a day of prayer,
reflection and action against human trafficking next month.
Dates to remember:
2. Australian Christian Meditation Community
On Saturday, February 20 the Australian Christian Meditation
Community SA will be holding a Community Day at St Francis
Xavier’s Cathedral Hall, Wakefield St, City from 11am to 3pm. Our
guest speaker will be Roz Park (Spiritual Director, Roy's Retreats)
and she will be speaking on "Journeying into the Unknown".
Please bring lunch for sharing. Suggested donation $15.
February 6
- Ordination to the Priesthood of
Deacon Long Hai
3. Ash Wednesday Mass & Launch of Project Compassion 2016
The Ash Wednesday Mass and Launch of Project Compassion 2016
will be celebrated in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on February 10,
2016 at 12:10pm. Caritas Australia invites you to attend the launch
and join them after Mass to enjoy fish burgers in Mary MacKillop
Plaza, click here for more details.
4. Sisters of St Joseph Sesquicentenary
The Sisters of St Joseph invite you to join them in Penola, March 19,
2016 (the Feast of St Joseph) to celebrate the Sesquicentenary of the
Congregation co-founded by Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison
Woods in Penola, March 19, 1866. For further details: or contact
Newsletter January 25, 2016
February 2
- Closing of the Year of
Consecrated Life
February 10
- Project Compassion appeal
begins & Ash Wednesday Mass
February 12
- Applications close for WYD
February 14
- African Mass to celebrate the
Feast of St Bakhita in SFX
- Justice for Refugees Movie night
February 20
- Easter Triduum Workshop
5. World Youth Day Krakow 2016 – Pilgrimage groups and
The Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Diocese of Port Pirie are
organising a pilgrimage group of young adults to attend World
Youth Day Krakow. The pilgrimage includes pre-touring, Days in
the Diocese in Sosnowiec, the WYD week and a post WYD retreat
in Prague. If you are interested in joining this group, now is the
time to register for World Youth Day Krakow 2016.
Please note that the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults
are offering 5 x $1,000 scholarships.
If you would like to apply for one of these scholarships, please click
here for form to fill out and return to Sarah Moffatt: before February 12, 2016.
Summary of attachments:
6. Pipes are Calling campaign
The Archdiocesan Cathedral Restoration fundraising committee
would greatly appreciate it if you would include the following
item in your parish bulletins:
Item 13. Schools Ministry Group
position description
Following the installation of a restored Canadian pipe organ in St
Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, anyone wishing to ‘purchase’ a pipe
and dedicate it to a loved one or have it named after a school or
parish should contact Jane Juniper on 8210 8223 or email Donors are recognised on the new
touchscreen kiosk in the foyer of the Cathedral.
Item 3. Ash Wednesday & Project
Compassion Launch Poster
Item 5. WYD Scholarship
Application form
Item 9. ACBC St Valentine’s Day
Item 10. Divine Renovation
Item 11. Movie night flyer
Item 12. 40 Days for Life flyers
Item 14. Easter Triduum
workshop flyer
Item 15. Liturgical Calendar 2016
7. Cathedral Parish Scripture Study Program – Lent and Easter
The program for 2016 begins with a study of the “Passion &
Resurrection Narratives“. Continuing over 7 sessions (Feb 1, 15,
22, 29, Mar 7, Apr 4, 11) through Lent until after Easter, the module
focuses on the special insights preserved in each of the Gospels.
The sessions are between 7.30pm and 9.30pm on Mondays in the
Cathedral Hall. We invite you to make any donation that is
possible to support this Adult Faith Formation program. To help
you discern your contribution, we offer you two levels of payment
to consider; full cost $25, subsidised cost $15. Bookings are
essential (even for on-going participants) and must be made by
calling the parish office on 8232 8688. Participants should bring a
Bible. For information (not bookings) please contact Br Martyn P:
0426 884 800 or E:
8. Eucharistic Ministers needed – Calvary Hospitals
Calvary Wakefield Hospital and Calvary North Adelaide Hospital
are seeking Volunteer Eucharistic Ministers to take Holy
Communion to our Catholic patients. We require volunteers on
Mondays and Wednesdays. The commitment would be roughly
one hour on the specified days, which we can negotiate according
to your availability. A current police check and a letter of
authorisation from your parish priest is required. Contact Ruth
Edwards, Calvary Health Care Adelaide Volunteer Manager, E: or Ph: 8239 9528 for more
Newsletter January 25, 2016
9. ACBC St Valentine’s Day initiative
The Australian Catholic Marriage & Family Council is pleased to
offer you the 2016 edition of the St Valentine’s Day initiative please click here to access it. This initiative is part of the Council’s
ongoing desire to use the innate joyfulness of the feast of St
Valentine to promote and affirm marriage and life-long romantic
In a culture that is increasingly intolerant of Christian values and
beliefs, feasts that have captured the imagination of the secular
community, like St Valentine’s Day, represent a unique
opportunity for the Church. It is an opportunity for joyful support
for deeply held life-giving values that are shared by many in the
wider community. In doing so, we highlight the positive good that
such values have and reinforce the need to protect them for the
benefit of the whole community.
10. Divine Renovation Conference
Since its publication, Fr James Mallon's best-selling book, "Divine
Renovation” has ignited a flame in the hearts of many church
leaders throughout the world who have a desire to see their church
renewed and transformed. Now, Catholics and non-Catholics
alike, can attend the first ever Divine Renovation Conference in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and experience this first hand. On
June 13 & 14, 2016, Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax welcomes the
world to an enriching two days filled with opportunity to be
inspired, informed, equipped and empowered to bring
transformation to their own faith community. Click here for flyer.
11. Justice For Refugees movie night
Justice for Refugees, which advocates for justice and compassion in
the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, is holding a film
night on Sunday, February 14, 2016 to raise funds to assist
volunteers in running the organisation. The evening will begin
with 5.30pm High Tea, 6.30pm Movie: Brooklyn (CTC), Regal
Theatre, Kensington. $25. Click here for details. Bookings through:
or call: Greg Strutt 0447 728 707
12. 40 Days for Life
Join the worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies. The
40 Days for Life Lenten Campaign for 2016 runs from Ash
Wednesday February 10 to Palm Sunday March 20, 2016. Click here
for flyer and click here for poster.
13. Schools Ministry Group position - Part time Payroll &
Finance Support Officer
Click here for information regarding this position at SMG and
please advertise this throughout you Parish.
Newsletter January 25, 2016
14. Easter Triduum Workshop
An Easter Triduum workshop for the Archdiocese will be
presented by Sr Ilsa Neicinieks and Jenny O’Brien from the Office
for Worship on Saturday February 20, 2016 from 9.30am - 3.30pm.
To enrol contact Lyn on 8152 7806 or before Tuesday February 16.
Cost $25/$20 Concession. Click here to see flyer for more info.
15. Liturgical Calendar 2016
The SA-produced Liturgical Calendar is again available for 2016.
This is a full-colour, poster-size calendar and is especially designed
for South Australia. Contact Lyn on 8152 7806 or to order. Click here to see flyer
Newsletter January 25, 2016