WebQuests: Infectious and Non-infectious Disease Disease Causative Organism Symptoms Treatment Common Cold primarily caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses symptoms Take aspirin, often rest, take include decongestants runny nose, cough, sore throat and fever Influenza (Flu) Submicroscopic infectious organisms. Fever, headache, cough, weakness, aches and pains, sore throat Strep Throat Prevention Someone comes in contact with you who has a cold Wash hands, stay away from sick people Take the Bodily contact, proper being around medication and someone with get rest the flu Get vaccinated, wash your hands, stay away from sick people streptococcus Sore throat, Take antibiotics When you fever, mild and rest come in bacteria contact with headache someone who has it Wash hands, stay away from people who have it ChickenpoxVaricella Zoster Virus Mumps Mode of Transmission Rubulavirus Unique Things About Currently, Disease there is no vaccine. Antibiotics are not given for colds since bacteria do not cause them. Each year the vaccine has to be changed since the strain of virus changes. Can cause heart problems if left untreated. Can cause severe birth defects within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Shingles can be a later reaction to chickenpox. Once Fever, Since it is a Being coughed Wash weakness, virus no or sneezed on hands, don’t contracted, a tiredness, antibiotics by someone share eating lifelong immunity is swollen work, so you who is utensils, acquired most glands on have to let the contagious clean of the time. If an adolescent sides of the mumps run its frequently face course used surfces contracts mumps, the testicles or © KC Distance Learning ovaries can Fever, headache, sore throat, rash To ease the Being around Wash symptoms you someone who hands, get can take has it vaccinated Tylenol, and drink plenty of water swell and become inflamed resulting in sterility. Rubella (Measles) If a woman contracts rubella during pregnancy, the following conditions can occur in the baby: growth retardation, mental retardation, malformations of the heart, deafness, as well as liver and spleen damage. Mononucleosis Epstein- Sore throat, Tiredness, Spread Don’t share Aspirin should Barr virus fever, severe fever, aches, through drinks with not be used to fatigue, direct people, be treat symptoms. (EBV) sore throat Aspirin can cause general contact aware of condition known discomfort with saliva those who as Reyes have syndrome and mono, can lead to liver wash your failure and death. Polio Polio has been Coxsackie Progressive Flu like Through hands Get the often (abortive) eliminated in the A virus muscle and symptoms but contact polio Paralytic U.S. and is on its with feces vaccine ancestor joint weakness often no type of polio way to being symptoms but or through and pain Noneliminated can eventually droplets of paralytic worldwide. become saliva type of paralyzed polio Blotchy rash, Rubivirus Rash that starts on the fever, cough face, low running nose, fever, conjunctivitis headache, inflamed eyes, swollen tender glands on the back of the neck If you are around someone who has it and not immune then you will most likely get it © KC Distance Learning Being around someone who is infected and when they sneeze or cough Common Infectious Diseases Disease Athlete’s Foot Ringworm Causative Organism Symptoms Mode of Prevention Transmission Treatment Trichophyton Itchy rash Use of Coming in mentagrophytes; between toes antifungal contact with Trichophyton medications the fungus rubrum Fungus Itchy rash often in the shape of a ring Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Bad cough, chest pain, tuberculosis weight loss chills, fever Rabies Rabdovirus Smallpox Variola virus Wash feet, socks, shoes Unique Things About With Disease athlete's foot, you literally have a plant living on your skin. Infection is not actually a worm, but has the appearance of one, which gave it its name. Prescription Skin to skin contact with creams someone/or animal who has it Keep skin clean Getting certain shots Once medication was discovered for TB, the control efforts were neglected and TB outbreaks increased. The U.S. is Stay Once seeing a away from symptoms decline in show up, wild TB cases. rabies is animals or almost 100% other fatal. Death is slow and animals who might painful. carry it In recent Get the years, smallpox smallpox vaccine has become before you associated catch it with possible terrorist attacks because the population is no longer given vaccinations for Anxiety, Wash confusion, wound with hallucinations, soap and insomnia, water and excessive get on a saliva strict schedule of production rabies Fever, Smallpox vaccines discomfort, vaccines; fatigue, antibiotics vomiting, diarrhea Being around stay away someone with from those who might TB have it Bite from an animal or person who has it Via saliva droplets © KC Distance Learning smallpox. Bird Flu H5N1 High fever, Use of Around birds headache, antiviral who carry the diarrhea, medication disease sore throat, insomnia Lyme Disease Borrelia bacteria Distinctive With circular rash antibiotics Malaria one-celled parasite called plasmodium Flu like symptoms, headache, fatigue, nausea West Nile Virus singleRare stranded symptoms RNA virus of such as the family headache, Flaviviridae body aches and pains Clean surfaces, stay away from certain birds, get the flu shot From ticks who Protection carry the from tick bites, if tick disease bite occurs wash bite with soap and water Taking From an medications infected that can mosquito bite cure the illness No From treatments mosquitoes are who carry it available, but over the counter pain relievers are © KC Distance Learning Take medication before and after visiting anywhere where malaria is present Use bug spray and stay in netted areas when possible Experts believe that if human transmission becomes possible, massive fatalities could occur. Disease has spread since it was first diagnosed from the East coast to the West Coast. Malaria causes more deaths then any other disease in the world one million people die each year. First case in U.S. was 1999. More common in states in the Midwest with high humidity and mosquito population. The virus has been reported in 46 states.