Strategic Planning_Wiki-Info-Rev-5-15-13

Reference and User Services Association
Strategic Plan
2012-2015 (revised 5-15-13)
Mission Statement: The Reference and User Services Association is responsible for stimulating and supporting excellence in the
delivery of general library services and materials, and the provision of reference and information services, collection development,
readers’ advisory, and resource sharing for all ages, in every type of library.
Vision: RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and
the information sources, services, and collection materials they need.
A. We believe in universal access to information.
B. We believe that reading is fundamental to quality of life and value all activities that promote it.
C. We value collections and information sources of the highest possible quality.
D. We value the provision of innovative services and programs that meet the changing information needs of diverse populations.
E. We value continuous evaluation and improvement in the management and delivery of materials and services to users.
F. We value the professional growth and development of librarians and library staff.
G. We value the role of librarians and library staff as educators in creating lifelong learners and critical thinkers.
H. We value the unique contributions that librarians and library staff bring to the process of connecting users with the information they
I. We value the diversity of our members' ideas, experiences and backgrounds.
Rev. May 9, 2012
Approved by RUSA Board, May 24, 2012
Objectives and Strategies:
Objective 1: Facilitate Member Engagement
Objective 2: Attract New Members
Objective 3: Provide Leadership and Opportunities for Professional Development
Objective 4: Improve Organizational Efficiencies
Objective 5: Develop Effective Marketing and Outreach Strategies
Objective 1: Facilitate Member Engagement
1a) Implement recommendations of the RUSA Structure Taskforce and the RUSA Web Conferencing Task Force
No actions
1b)Continue to support the transition from in-person to virtual meetings and provide resources to members to conduct
business virtually
ACTION: Executive Committee/RUSA Office/Liane Taylor, Summer 2012-May 2013, develop and provide training to RUSA
committee chairs and webinar producers for BlackBoard Collaborate, MPP
ACTION: BRASS: Has made midwinter optional and moved to online committee meetings for all midwinter meetings. An all
member meeting at midwinter serves to inform and provide a discussion topic for attendees. All committee chairs are trained
in using Collaborate and are conducting virtual meetings during the year. The BRASS Exec met as a Fall Kickoff virtually to
learn how to use Collaborate. Scheduler is providing practice training in spring 2013 for all committee chairs. AF
ACTION: History Section: Shifting to no longer requiring committee’s to meet at midWinter, starting with MidWinter 2014
(1b, 2a), SM
ACTION: History Section: Require each committee to have a virtual board meeting in replacement of Midwinter (1b) SM
ACTION: History Section: Trying to modify committee assignments/purposes so as to allow for virtual participation and/or
create committees that can achieve all goals virtually (1b, 1i, 2a), SM
ACTION: History Section: Recently established a communications committee with hopes of better engagement with members,
ACTION: STARS: Promoted virtual committee meetings as alternative to midwinter & annual onsite committee and board meetings. All
subsequent committee meetings held in Blackboard Collaborate. DA
ACTION: MARS: In response to concerns expressed by members about the increasing burden of unfunded travel to
conferences twice/year, MARS also made MidWinter inperson committee meetings optional except for EXCOMM and
discussion forum planners. We also have had goals within the section for the past two years to expand virtual activities -- both
professional development offerings and volunteer opportunities. I will note that members have also reported challenges even
with virtual work as an increasing number are being asked to cover more responsibilities with declining staff. We are
currently reviewing our committee structure to further streamline and focus the work of our members who can still volunteer
time to maximize the value of what they contribute without burning them out DB
ACTION: CODES: Beginning with Midwinter 2013, CODES Board will have a virtual Midwinter meeting in replacement of
an on-site, in-person meeting. This is two-year pilot which will be evaluated after the virtual Midwinter 2014 Board meeting.
1c) Offer collaborative technologies and presentation tools with appropriate training for virtual participation, and
encourage virtual participation throughout the year
ACTION: Executive Committee/RUSA Office, Transition to new ALA Adobe Connect software. Appoint 2 trainers for 20132014. MPP
ACTION: RSS, Assist RUSA with developing an online resource (perhaps a Libguide if RUSA has a libguide subscription) to
highlight several free technologies for conducting online meetings, e.g., Google + Hangouts, Uberconference, Skype. SJH
ACTION: MARS: MARS membership is strong, but many of our members cannot regularly attend conference. Virtual
meeting technologies, supported by RUSA, enable us to get more work done outside of the MidWinter and Annual face-toface Conference meetings. In the coming year, the Executive Committee will work with each committee to identify ways to
identify more useful virtual projects and to recruit virtual members to contribute to the committee projects and goals. DB
1d) Build and maintain a RUSA support page linking RUSA website and ALA Connect
No actions
1e) Continue virtual town hall meetings and conduct another member survey to gather information on member needs and
wants, with a special focus on continuing education and publications. Better meet member needs and interests through
these and other regular feedback processes and through implementation of member suggestions
ACTION: Executive Committee/RUSA Board, Ongoing. Continue to support virtual Town Hall Meeting at Midwinter. In
2013, led to a new set of possible tasks for strategic plan. MPP
ACTION: RSS, 1/13, Board members reached out to other RSS members in their states. Sent an email telling about RSS
events at Midwinter but also asked if they had any questions about RSS and how to get involved. SJH
1f) Offer and support series of online chats on hot topics led by all RUSA sections
ACTION: CODES: Created CODES Conversations, free, moderated discussions that are open to all. “CODES Conversations
are focused electronic conversations on current issues facing collection development and readers’ advisory librarians—or
anyone interested in those areas. The conversations are open to all who wish to participate (or lurk)!” MP
1g) Explore more no or low cost programming for members and options to offer webinars at a later date to members free
of charge
ACTION: RSS, 1/13, In conjunction with MARS will provide free workshop in Seattle, WA on Friday of Midwinter Meeting
ACTION: STARS: Provide free ILL 101 workshops as professional service and RUSA/STARS outreach. Open to librarians
and staff in midwinter host cities and surround areas, collecting assessment data in '11 and '13. '13 program attend by 29, 24
of whom were not STARS members. 97% of attendees rated program satisfactory or higher.
ACTION: STARS: Expanded ILL 101 into fee-based webinar (held Fall '12 and Spring '13).. DA
ACTION: MARS: MARS held a free open meeting on Learning Spaces, hosted by our Local Systems and Services Committee
in April. DB
1h) Explore “unconference” session at the conference where members can decide on the session topic
No actions
1i) Expand and promote virtual membership opportunities via increased numbers on committees
ACTION: History Section, Trying to modify committee assignments/purposes so as to allow for virtual participation and/or
create committees that can achieve all goals virtually (1b, 1i, 2a), SM
1j) Develop a plan for a focused program of continuing education and useful publications for members that encompasses
RUSQ journal articles, web content, and webinars, in addition to conference activities.
ACTION: Executive Committee, Approved a new task force that will get started before Annual Conference in 2013, Learning
Opportunities and Knowledge Coordination Task Force, MPP
Objective 2: Attract New Members
2a) Increase membership, particularly by attracting more public, special and school librarians to RUSA
ACTION: RSS Section, ongoing, RSS will continue to develop joint-committees with YALSA and perhaps with PLA, and
AASL as deemed appropriate and relevant. SJH
ACTION: RSS Section, ongoing, RSS will attempt to have at least one virtual public librarian member on pertinent
committees SJH
ACTION: History Section, Trying to modify committee assignments/purposes so as to allow for virtual participation and/or
create committees that can achieve all goals virtually (1b, 1i, 2a), SM
ACTION: History Section, Trying to create more committee options to appeal to a variety of librarians, SM
ACTION: Launched the Gale Cengage History Research and Innovation Award in 2012, SM
ACTION: MARS: Agreed to try to recruit public librarians for several different committees. We had previously had one
Public Libraries Committee, but this seemed to segregate public librarians and this new approach was received favorably by
the public librarians we contacted. DB
ACTION: CODES: Welcomed new committee, University Press Books for Public and School Libraries; future members will
be CODES members MP
2b) Survey non-academic librarians and use target marketing techniques to identify and address barriers to membership
ACTION: STARS. Use training and program events as opportunity to engage non-academic librarians. Feedback from free
ILL workshop attendees demonstrates the need to create specific content and programming valued by public librarians. DA
2c) Publicize new member presentation along with suggestions for group use (with state chapters, for example)
No actions
2d) Develop and market a value-proposition statement and “elevator talks” – short statements that members can use to
market RUSA on an interpersonal basis
No actions
2e) Develop program of RUSA ambassadors to provide outreach to library schools, local and regional libraries and
associations, and other groups
No actions
2f) Target marketing to regions where conferences will be held
ACTION: RSS Section, 1/13, RSS will contact all members in WA about RSS activities at midwinter. Furthermore, RSS Board
will all nearby state and province members SJH
ACTION: RSS Section, 6/13, RSS will contact all members in IL about RSS activities at annual. SJH
2g) Explore and offer incentives for dual-division memberships
No actions
2h) Explore options to offer more free content/events to RUSA members as a benefit of membership
ACTION: RUSA Board, Agreed to present 7 free webinars during 2013, one from each section plus the JUST Ask Team. MPP
ACTION: AIC, 6/2013, Committee members will develop a wiki on access and intellectual freedom issues for member
information and comment. MNO/RC
Objective 3: Provide Leadership and Opportunities for Professional Development
3a) Create an ad hoc RUSA committee to identify needs and develop a curriculum for leadership development
ACTION: RUSA Executive Committee: Offered discount to current and newly elected/appointed leaders in RUSA to attend
ASCLA Servant Leadership Conference at ALA Annual in Chicago. Will use that group to advise on development of RUSA
process, KK
3b) Continue emphasis on webinars and virtual CE courses
ACTION: RUSA Executive Committee/Office/Liane Taylor – Development of training process for Blackboard Collaborate –
Summer 2012-May 2013 MP
ACTION: STARS: Offered new ILL 101 online workshop Fall '12 and Spring '13. Evaluate section programs and two free
webinar proposals as possible future Online Learning offerings. DA
ACTION: STARS: Create sustainable program evaluation system for all section programs, including online webinars.
Performed test program assessments during '13 midwinter. Develop and implement '13 annual assessment plan for three
section programs and two discussion groups. Provide STARS with recommendations for regular program assessments. DA
ACTION: MARS expects to offer a webinar on Reference Statistics in the summer, as a follow-up to a discussion section being
held at Annual. DB
ACTION: MARS We are currently working with RSS to see if we can repeat the well-received free MidWinter workshop,
possibly in conjunction with the Drexel iSchool. DB
3c) Explore options to offer webinar content free to members at later dates (i.e. after six months)
CLAIM: BRASS is interested in exploring with RUSA pricing option of section discounts and branding of webinars with the
section name. BRASS is interested in offering free mini webinar in as a member benefit as a recruiting tool for membership.
BRASS currently offers video productions of conference programs free after 3 months. AF
ACTION: MARS expects to offer a webinar on Reference Statistics in the summer, as a follow-up to a discussion section being
held at Annual. DB
ACTION: MARS We are currently working with RSS to see if we can repeat the well-received free MidWinter workshop,
possibly in conjunction with the Drexel iSchool. DB
3d) Continue work on creating and promoting clearinghouse on member expertise within RUSA
No actions
3e) Monitor and align RUSA’s leadership opportunity efforts with broader ALA programs and goals
No actions
Objective 4: Improve Organizational Efficiencies
4a) Continue to improve content and currency of Web pages and improve the ability to find information and content.
RUSA staff will work closely with sections to ensure that the Web site is current and that information is easy to find
ACTION: Executive Committee, Approved a new task force that will get started before Annual Conference in 2013, Learning
Opportunities and Knowledge Coordination Task Force, MPP
ACTION: History Section: Recently established a communications committee with hopes of better engagement with members,
ACTION: MARS: Publications Committee is working with our Webmaster to update the website. DB
4b) Explore and implement calendar applications/software
No actions
4c) Provide options to export/download events from Web page
No actions
4d) Charge and evaluate Resource Development Committee; identify annual list of fundraising prioritities and needs.
ACTION: Resource Development Committee - 2013'' -- Resource Development Committee currently working to identify annual list
of fundraising priorities and needs GW
4e) Maintain fiscal stability, seek new revenue streams, and use reserves for the benefit of members
No actions
4f) Reform committee structure to reduce redundancy and to streamline the organization (re: RUSA Structure Taskforce
recommendation) while providing avenues for wide participation.
ACTION: History Section, We are currently reviewing our committees and their charges. Trying to adapt them to better
reflect the changing nature of history librarianship, SM
ACTION: History Section Through representation on RUSA level committees, coordinate ideas and create new synergies to
help RUSA and the Emerging Technologies in Reference Section most effectively reach current members, providing them with
opportunities for meaningful service and professional development, and most effectively recruit and retain new members. "
ACTION: MARS: Planning Committees is revising and updating the MARS Handbook to optimize format and information
for web presentation. DB
ACTION: MARS: All MARS Committees will contribute to the 2013/2014 MARS Section Review. DB
ACTION: CODES: Have opened discussion on merging communication and membership efforts into a single committee –
where is there overlap in purpose, how can we best reach and serve members. DB
4g) Collaborate with other ALA Divisions to explore joint programming and joint interest groups
ACTION: BRASS is collaborating with other organization-- SLA College and University and Business Librarians on joint
committee. AF
ACTION: History Section, We have actively sought program sponsorship from other sections/divisions and hope to come up
with ways to partner in the future (examples: RBMS, WESS). SM
ACTION: STARS: Initiating program collaboration with LITA centering on trends in resource sharing technology. Establish
target program topics and dates June '13. DA
4h) Eliminate duplication across Divisions through emerging leaders project or ad hoc task force
No actions
4i) Continue virtual RUSA Board and RUSA Executive Committee meetings outside of conferences and consolidate inperson meetings
ACTION: RUSA Office and RUSA President: Scheduled multiple meetings outside of conferences and publicized them to all
members. SH/MPP
4j) Encourage sections to create and maintain strategic plans that are in alignment with RUSA and ALA strategic plans
No actions
Objective 5: Develop Effective Marketing and Outreach Strategies
5a) Charge and evaluate Just Ask Campaign
ACTION: BRASS is collaborating with other organization-- SLA College and University and Business Librarians on joint
committee. AF
ACTION: Just Ask Team has been revitalized, had a discussion forum at Midwinter, 2013 and is working on several
activities. MPP
5b) Market and promote Andrew Carnegie Awards for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction
No actions
5c) Continue successful marketing of high profile events including Book and Media Awards, Carnegie, Annual RUSA
awards, SmartInvesting@yourlibrary, and Literary Tastes
ACTION: History Section. Begin an all-committee meeting at Annual, staring at Annual 2013 to bring entire section
together, SM
5d) Engage in early publicizing of RUSA events
No actions
5e) Explore new marketing strategies identified in 2012 SWOT exercises (i.e. free passes to exhibits; sponsoring a library
school student to attend a conference)
ACTION: History Section: Recently established a communications committee with hopes of better engagement with members,
5f) Continue RUSA blog/emerging leaders project and seek ways to publicize, promote and encourage broad participation
ACTION: Publications and Communications Committee, Applied for Emerging Leaders group to continue the project.
Application not approved. Previous group is staying on to help, MPP
5g) Continue to market and promote Reference & User Services Quarterly (RUSQ) now that it has made the successful
transition to digital format; emphasize value of journal to members and use as marketing tool for new members
No actions
5h) Take the first steps to identify a RUSA “brand” and publicize it widely.
No actions
5i) Develop a major program at the Chicago conference as a way to promote the RUSA “brand” and make the contents
available to members who cannot attend the conference.
ACTION: RUSA President’s Program Committee, Will present a President’s Program at Chicago featuring Lee Rainie of the
Pew Internet & American Life Project, followed the next day by a discussion forum featuring: 4 well-known librarians
interacting with Mr. Rainie. Rainie program will be recorded and the group is investigating live streaming. MPP
CLAIM: The RUSA Nominating Committee has a special responsibility for finding candidates to lead RUSA into the future,
with the expectation that those selected for office will work to support members in their RUSA work and in their professional
development. ljd