LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY CVPT43/44 2011/12 Regulations for the Postgraduate Degree Programme in Low Carbon Building Design and Modelling (Full-time and Part-time) These Programme Regulations apply to the conduct of the Programme in the 2011-12 session and should be read in conjunction with University Regulation XXI and the relevant Module Specifications. These Programme Regulations may be subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given by the School responsible for the programme. 1. Structure 1.1 The programme is the responsibility of the Department of Civil and Building Engineering and leads to the award of MSc, a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip), or a Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Low Carbon Building Design and Modelling. 1.2 The programme may be taken on a full-time or part time basis, with the majority of modules delivered on a modular one week block basis. 1.3 The Programme registration is for a minimum of 1 year (full-time) and 2 years (part-time) and a maximum of 3 years (full-time) and 5 years (part-time). 2. Content 2.1 Modules and Assessment Weighting For full-time students the modules will normally be taken as 60 credits per semester. All modules are compulsory and are taught in one-week blocks except the research project module (CVP313). Code Semester One CVP303 CVP310 CVP304 CVP312 Title Building Energy Consumption Advanced Thermal Modelling Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Technologies Advanced Lighting Modelling 15 15 15 15 Semester Two CVP311 CVP309 CVP307 CVP308 Advanced Airflow Modelling Low Carbon Building Design Building Control and Commissioning Concept Design 15 15 15 15 Semester One & Two CVP313 Research Project Weight 60 3. Assessment 3.1 Each module will be assessed and credit awarded in accordance with the levels of achievement specified in Regulation XXI. 3.2 Provision will be made in accordance with Regulation XXI for candidates who have the right of re-examination to be reassessed in the University's Special Assessment Period. 2 18.5.10 3