Class 3 - Summer term 1 2005 - Kildwick C of E Primary School

10th September 2015
Dear Parents
Welcome back after the summer holidays. We hope that you’ve all had a fantastic
break and have enjoyed the rest.
Detailed below are the topics we will be covering during the autumn term.
Science – Rocks – We will identify the structure of the earth and learn the names of
different types of rock. Following on, we will walk around the school and the locality,
noting the different types of rocks that can be found and comparing their physical
features and properties. We will take part in investigative work, studying a selection
of rocks and identifying which is the hardest, whilst ensuring that our test is fair.
There will also be a focus on fossils as we study locally found examples, learning how
and when they were formed. A trip to Cliffe Castle Museum in Keighley will help to
support our knowledge and learning. Details of the trip can be found on a separate
letter. We will also be learning that soils are made from rocks and organic matter
and will investigate different types of soil and their suitability for different
History – The Stone Age – We will learn about the first people in Britain, studying how
they survived and where they lived, introducing the term ‘Hunter-Gatherers’. Time will
be spent investigating what has been unearthed by archaeologists and how this informs
us of the lives of our ancestors. There will be a study on the homes from Palaeolithic,
Mesolithic and Neolithic times, and we will learn about the different skills that
developed through the ages. Particular focus will be paid to Skara Brae, with a focus
on how, when and why it was discovered. We will learn how old it is, how long it was
inhabited, who lived there and if they made or had any precious objects. Stonehenge
will be investigated as we ask whether the Stone-Age people believed in God. We will
travel through history, studying the changes that occurred as we moved into the
Bronze-Age, comparing and contrasting their lives with those of the Stone-Age man.
We have been very lucky to be able to secure a Stone-Age trip in the autumn term.
Please see separate letter for details.
RE – Does a beautiful World mean there is a wonderful God? – We will discuss what
Jews and Christians believe happened “in the beginning” and ask “Is the world
beautiful?” Children will consider whether a beautiful world means there is a wonderful
God, and will think of questions they would like to ask ‘God’ about how the world was
created. We will study the second creation story in the Bible, establishing what it says
and what it means. Focus will be given to the message that Jews and Christians believe
God has given us about how we should look after our world, and what people should do
to care for the beautiful earth. We will consider what Jews say about the creation
story, and why it is important to have times of rest. Consideration will be given to what
makes a rest day a holy day for Jews, and how Jews celebrate God’s creation of the
ICT - Esafety – This unit helps us to understand the different ways in which we can
communicate and the advantages and disadvantages associated with these modes of
communication. We will learn that the Internet is used for a very wide range of
purposes and that not all websites provide true or accurate information. The concept
of personal investigation will be examined and we will learn when it is safe and unsafe
to provide personal information.
PE – Invasion games – Children will be learning hockey skills.
PSHCE – Who likes chocolate? – Children will be learning about fair trade and
Art – (related to The Stone Age) – Children will improve their mastery of art and
design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials
(for example, pencil, charcoal, paint and clay).
Children will continue to bring home a list of spellings to learn for a test the following
week. They will also be set a piece of written work for homework. Spelling lists will be
stuck in English homework books and reading records. Homework books will be
collected in on Monday and the spellings tested on Wednesday. Some written work will
be sent home which may be English or topic based.
Homework will also be reading to an adult at home each day. Please encourage your
child to talk about the story, noting in the reading record any new vocabulary that has
been discussed.
Maths homework will continue to focus on Key Instant Recall Fact (KIRF) targets and
occasionally the consolidation of learning that has taken place in the classroom.
I think that covers most things, but please be in touch if there is anything else you
wish to discuss.
Kind regards
Tracey Beaven