Managing the Risks from Fire Effective from 20 February 2014 Version Number: 2.1 Author: Claire Whittaker Health, Safety & Wellbeing te University of Salford Managing the Risks from Fire policy V2.1 Document Control Information Status and reason for development Status: Revised to replace previous version 2.0 Revision History Date Author Claire Whittaker September 2010 Claire Whittaker Summary of changes Amended to reflect the role of the Senior Building Client and general organisation changes General update and terminology change March 2007 Claire Whittaker Document developed December 2013 Version No. V2.1 V1.0 V2.0 Policy Management and Responsibilities Owner: Others with responsibilities (please specify): The Associate Director of Health, Safety & Wellbeing is the document owner and has delegated responsibility for writing and amending this policy to the Safety/Fire Safety Officer All Students, Staff, Contractors and Visitors are responsible for engaging with and adhering to this policy. Assessment Cross relevant assessments Equality Analysis Legal Information Governance Academic Governance X Cross if not applicable X X X Consultation Cross relevant consultations Staff Trades Unions via H&S Committee Students via USSU Any relevant external bodies (please specify) ………………………………….. Consultation of the original policy took place through the Health and Safety Advisory Group. This is an amendment to a role title. Authorised by: The Executive Date authorised: Effective from: Review due: Document location: 2 years from date authorised Document dissemination and communications plan The Safety/Fire Safety Officer will circulate to the Health and Safety Coordinators for the Colleges and Professional Services to enable promotion throughout their area of responsibility. Page 2 of 6 University of Salford 1.0 Managing the Risks from Fire policy V2.1 Purpose To specify the University’s commitment to managing fire safety, and to identify the organisation and arrangements for implementing the policy. This policy will enable the University to; Provide a safe and healthy working environment for all staff Provide an environment which is safe for students, contractors and visitors Minimise the risks to the Fire Authority from fire and false activation of fire alarms Manage fire risks in accordance with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety) 2005 Comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs 1999. 2.0 Scope This policy applies to all staff, students and visitors to the University It details the responsibilities for: Providing safe premises Communication and cooperation between building occupants Assessing the risks to building users Appointing a Building Controller Managing an emergency evacuation 2.1 Key Definitions The Senior Building Client is the person responsible for overseeing key decisions within the building. A link to the list of responsible individuals can be found in the related documents section. This role used to be referred to in the Code of Practice for Appointment of Building Controllers as the Head/Director of the Lead School/Division. Host – this is the person that a visitor from outside the University has come to see. Building Controller – the role responsible for evacuation in the event of fire and other emergencies. Building Manager – the Estates & Property Services role responsible for the day to day management of the building. 3.0 Policy Statements The University is committed to providing a working environment which is safe and without risks to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, students, contractors and visitors. Employees of the University must work with the employer to safeguard their own health, safety and welfare and bring to the employer’s attention any situation they are aware of which could pose a risk to their health, safety or welfare or that of their colleagues. 3.1 The University Registrar: Provide premises which are safe and without risk to building users; Appoint competent staff to undertake specific roles and responsibilities; Page 3 of 6 University of Salford Managing the Risks from Fire policy V2.1 Ensure adequate arrangements exist to manage the risks from fire. 3.2 Associate Director of Health, Safety & Wellbeing Provide advice in respect of fire standards and strategy in accordance with Building Regulations, current Health and Safety legislation and British Standards; Inspect, monitor, audit and review compliance with fire safety legislation; Ensure the availability of a competent Safety/Fire Safety Officer. 3.3 Safety/Fire Safety Officer Undertake building fire risk assessments; Provide advice in respect of fire standards and strategy in accordance with Building Regulations, current Health and Safety legislation and British Standards; Write and review policy to enable compliance with fire safety legislation Monitor and inspect compliance with fire safety legislation; Facilitate fire emergency evacuation drills; Provide training in respect of fire safety as required. 3.4 Director of Estates and Property Services Ensure provision and maintenance of buildings, which comply with Building Regulations, current Health and Safety legislation and relevant British Standards in respect of fire safety; Ensure application of Building Regulations and relevant British Standards in respect of fire safety when alteration to buildings is planned or takes place; Ensure all new infrastructure/buildings are designed and built in accordance with Building Regulations, current Health and Safety legislation and relevant British Standards in respect of fire safety; Ensure the management, maintenance and testing of fire detection systems and fire-fighting equipment in accordance with relevant British Standards; Ensure all Contractors appointed by Estates & Property Services comply with the Control of Contractors Policy Consider and prioritise bids for improvement from maintenance budgets and identify possible other budget sources and, if not available, report at the appropriate level; Ensure provision of technical expertise on fire detection and fire-fighting equipment; Maintain and manage the function of Maxwell Control; Ensure, by means of monitoring through the Head of Facilities and the Building Managers, that buildings are kept clear of rubbish build up, particularly fire escape routes and exits. Ensure a documented fire management system is implemented and managed for accommodation buildings. 3.5 Senior Building Client Appoint the Building Controller in consultation with College Registrar/Head of School/Director of Units for the other Units in the building; Upon appointment, inform the Associate Director of Health, Safety & Wellbeing; Ensure that all schools and professional services are aware of the need to manage their own visitors in a way that ensures their health and safety. Page 4 of 6 University of Salford 3.6 Managing the Risks from Fire policy V2.1 Heads of School/Directors of Professional Services Ensure good standards of housekeeping are maintained within their area of control; Ensure staff are properly inducted in the fire emergency procedures; Ensure all staff , students and visitors within their area of responsibility participate in emergency evacuations; Ensure their contractors comply with the Control of Contractors Policy. 3.7 Academic Staff Ensure the safe evacuation of students under their control in a lecture or teaching session; Ensure Visiting Lecturers, which they have invited in, are made aware of the evacuation procedures and assume the same responsibilities for the safe evacuation of students 3.8 Building Controllers 3.9 Prepare a written Emergency Evacuation Plan for the building; Assist in the preparation of Personal Evacuation Plans for disabled persons; Maintain an emergency team of Deputy Building Controllers; Co-opt a sufficient number of staff to safely evacuate all persons from the building; Control and monitor the evacuation of the building during an emergency evacuation; Operate as an information centre and liaise with external emergency services or incident controllers. Members of Staff Complete the induction process to ensure awareness of fire safety procedures; Co-operate with the University and participate in fire emergency evacuations; Ensure that any visitors under their control participate in fire emergency evacuations; Do not interfere with equipment provided for fire safety; Report any defects to the Estates’ Helpdesk 54444. 4.0 What happens when the policy is not followed Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy could result in an inability to adequately demonstrate compliance with the Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety) 2005. This could result in an enforcement notice or prosecution. 5.0 Related Documentation Further detailed arrangements in support of implementing this policy can be found in: Managing Emergency Evacuation Code of Practice Personal Emergency Evacuation plans Code of Practice Generic Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans leaflet Fire Strategy Code of Practice The 4 documents above are available at: Page 5 of 6 University of Salford Managing the Risks from Fire policy V2.1 Senior Building Client list - Page 6 of 6