Faculty of Medicine CLINICIAN INVESTIGATOR PROGRAM (CIP) Goals and Objectives Specific CIP Goals and Objectives (CanMEDS Format) Medical Expert Acquire expert knowledge of the chosen area of research along with a good working knowledge of any additional related areas Seek appropriate consultation from others as required, recognizing the limits of their own clinical research expertise Function effectively as a Clinician Investigator, integrating all of the CanMEDS roles to function as a clinician and to conduct ethical research Communicator Develop rapport, trust and ethical relationships to communicate effectively with research participants, peers, and other professionals at all stages of a research project from study inception to the provision of the final study results Design and deliver appropriate presentations for lab meetings, research seminars, thesis advisory committee meetings, scientific meetings, academic conferences, and members of the media; discussing, defending, and presenting research in an articulate and polished manner Effectively write research proposals, reports, grant proposals and manuscripts Collaborator Recognize the value of, and function effectively within, collaborative interdisciplinary research teams by endeavouring to form collaborative relationships within the public and scientific communities Demonstrate the communication skills necessary to participate in such collaborations and teams by communicating effectively with physicians who provide clinical care for human participants or with basic scientists involved in animal, cellular, or molecular research Manager Develop an approach to research-career self-management, including balancing multiple roles and multiple projects within the researcher portfolio Demonstrate an ability to manage research projects from initiation to conclusion including successful team leadership; effective protocol development; appropriate ethical and regulatory considerations; appropriate systems for protocol execution, communications, budgetary tracking; and ultimately, publication or other knowledge translation work as indicated Postdoctoral Fellows will serve in administration and leadership roles, as appropriate to their research career Advocate Demonstrate an understanding of the societal and economic factors impacting health research Demonstrate advocacy for subjects, patients, populations, and communities Discuss the value of research to society, future populations, and current research participants Prevent discrimination by reducing barriers to participation in research studies Scholar Demonstrate an ability to assess potential research questions for importance and feasibility Elicit and synthesize current and historical information gathered from literature reviews, clinical experiences, and other primary and secondary documentation to critically evaluate the available evidence-base to support a research study Establish and maintain knowledge and understanding of the specialized topics in the specific area of research Achieve overall competence in methodologies relating to research design, data collection and management, analysis, and result interpretation Demonstrate the ability to communicate scholarly findings at scientific meetings and prepare original manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals Postdoctoral Fellows will demonstrate the ability to prepare a fundable research grant application Postdoctoral Fellows will train research students who come from various disciplines and who are at various stages in research training Professional Demonstrate scientific and ethical integrity in the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of research Demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues and regulations relevant to the conduct of research in animal models or human populations, depending on the chosen area of research Appropriately seek and utilize feedback and mentoring