PEDIATRICS UNIT 3 Revised August, 2011 Hematologic Disorders

 Revised August, 2011
 Hematologic Disorders
Anemia (Iron Deficiency)
Sickle Cell Anemia
ALL ( Acute Lymphobalstic Leukemia)
 Iron Deficiency Anemia
 Insufficient dietary iron
 Maternal stored depleted at 6 mo.
 Inadequate iron intake
 Clinical Manifestations
 Hgb 6-10
 Irritability, weakness, decreased play activity
 Fatique
 Hgb <5
 Anorexia
 Pale
 tachycardic
 Treatment
 Iron replacement – ferrous sulfate
 Give with straw or syringe
 ^ citrus fruits or juices
 Nursing Interventions
 Dietary instruction
 Teaching of long term complications of anemia
 Dark, tarry stools
 Sickle Cell Anemia
 Inherited
 African-American / Mediteranian
 No cure
 Sickling:
 Clumping of abnormal shaped cells
 Results in obstruction w/ severe tissue hypoxia
 Sickle shaped cell in center of picture
 Severe sickling can lead to sickle cell crisis, an acutely painful period that occurs intermittent
throughout life.
 Factors that precipitate a crisis
 Infection
 Dehydration
 Cold
 Emotional stress
 Nursing Interventions
 Hydration
 Analgesics
 O2
 Warm baths, local heat
 Avoid precipitating factors
 Coagulation Disorder
 Hemophilia
 Inherited – X linked
 Lack clotting factors:
 Factor VIII or Factor IX
 Clinical Manifestations:
 Bleeding, bruising
 Hemarthrosis
 Bone deformities, contractures
 Hematomas
 Diag test: PTT
 Medical Management:
Replace clotting factors
 What are your nrsg interventions?
 What is RICE?
 What are s/s of intracranial bleed?
 Neoplastic Disorder
 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
 Most commom malignancy in children, ^ males
 Increased blast cells
 Decreased rbc’s and platelets
 Internal organs enlarge
 Medical Management:
 Chemo & steroids
 Intrathecal drugs
 Goal is remission
 Clinical Manifestations
 Pallor, fatigue
 Fever, ^ infections
 Bleeding, bone pain
 Limping
 s/s of ICP
 Nursing Interventions:
 Monitor s/s infection & reduce risk
 Oral care
 Enc. Nutrition
 Immune Disorders
 Chronic, usually fatal
 Perinatal infection, 91%
 Blood & bodily fluids
 Sexual abuse
 Adolescents have ^ risk d/t risky behaviors
 Medical Managment
 Keep viral load low
 Prev. infections
 Restore normal G & D
 Improve quality of life
 Box 31-2 drugs
 Nursing Interventions
 Prevent infection
 Nutrition / meds
 Family support
 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Chronic inflammatory autoimmune connective tissue disease
 Destroys cartilage, affects joints & tissues
 Occuring bet. 1-3 & 8-10 yrs old
 Clinical Manifestations
 Stiffness, edema
 Loss of motion
 Warm to touch
 Increase temp
 Macula rash
 Diagnostic Tests
 Clinical findings
 No specific tests
 X-rays
 Medical Management
 Preserve joint function
 Moist heat - PT
 Nursing Interventions
 Manage pain, educate
 Support groups to express fears & concerns
 Balance rest/exercise
 Respiratory Disorders
 Acute respiratory infections are common in infancts & children. They range from minor to life
threatening illnesses.
 Respiratory Distress Syndrome
 Lack surfactant to keep lungs expanded
 Gestational age at birth influences severity
 #1 s/s  respiratory distress
 Treatment
Exogenous Surfactant
O2 therapy
Parenteral therapy
 Pneumonia
 Inflammation of lung tissue
 Common cause RSV
 Viral more common than bacterial
 Clinical Manifestations
See Box 31-3
Dx x-ray
Tx O2, fluids, nebulizers, antx if bacterial cause
 Nursing Interventions
 Resp & CV assessmt
 Infection control
 Hydration, IV fluids
 O2 & antx as ordered
 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
 No cause
 Occurs during sleep
 3rd leading cau of death betw. 2-4 mos.
 Diagnosed on autopsy
 Nursing Inteventions
 Family grief support
 Allay feelings of guilt and blame
 Teach “back to sleep”
 Acute Pharyngitis
 “sore throat”
 80% viral
 20% strep
 H-influenza in children , 3 yrs
 s/s:
 Fever
 Sore throat
 White exudate
 Tonsillitis
 S/S same as pharyngitis
Treatment :
1)Same as pharyngitis
2) Tonsillectomy
 Nursing Care
 Pre-op Notify MD of temp
 Post-op Monitor for bleeding, no straws, analgesics
 Post-op: Semi prone
 Monitor for bleeding
 Analgesics
 No straws
 Croup
 Acute viral disease marked by resonant barking cough, difficult breathing & laryngeal spasm.
 Laryngeotracheobronchitis
 LTB = most common form of Croup
 Follows an URI
 s/s: barking cough, tachypnea
 retractions
 Epiglottitis
 Cause: H influenzae bacteria
 Life threatening airway obstruction
 Signs & Symptoms
High Fever
Resp distress
Muffled voice
Progressive resp. distress
 Nursing Assessment
 Check for the 4 “D’s”
1) Drooling
2) Dyspnea
3) Dysphonia
4) Dysphagia
 Treatment
 Maintain airway
 Cool mist
 NPO – IV fluids
 Epinephrine, Antx
 Nursing Interventions
Assess resp. status
Freq. VS
Trach tray @ bedside
 Bronchitis
 Usually viral
 s/s: same as with URI + cough
 Common during winter months
 Children < 4 y.o.
 Cystic Fibrosis
 Inherited, defective gene
 No cure
 Excessive thick mucus produced
 Obstructs lungs & GI system
 Clinical Manifestations
 steatorrhea
 Barrel chest
 Increased NaCl in sweat & saliva
 Nursing Interventions
 ^ nutrition
 Pancreatic enzymes
 CPT / postural drainage
 Asthma
 Common chronic childhood illness
 Obstructive resp. disorder, familial tendency
 Figure 31-12
 Signs & Symptoms
 Bronchospasm
 Bronchial edema
 s/s: SOB
 Expiratory wheeze
 Medical Management
 Quick relief meds
 Long term meds
 Allergen testing
 Nursing Interventions
 ^HOB
 Meds, hydration
 Rest, breathing exercises
 Avoid triggers
 Teach self-care
 Any alteration in GI function has the potential to affect other bodily systems.
 Cle Cleft lip & Cleft Palate
 Facial malformation during fetal development
 Assoc. w/ folic acid deficiency, ETOH & smoking
 Figure 31-14, B
 Figure 31-14, C
 Figure 31-14, D
 Clinical Manifestations
 Cleft lip little feeding diff.
 Extensive cleft lip & palate dif. Feeding & speech
 Surgical Management
Lip repaired at 1-2 mo.
Palate repaired by 1 yr.
Multidisciplinary hlth care approach
 Nursing Interventions
 Parental support
 Assistive feeding devices
 ESSR feeding techniques
 Freq. burping
 Post Op Care
 Maintain integrity of suture line
 Adv. Diet as tol
 Soft rubber tipped feeder, no breast
 Back or side lying only
 Dehydration
 Intake less then output
 Determined by change in wt.
 Infants and young children more easily effected
 Diarrhea & Gastroenteritis
 Treatment
 Treat cause
 Restore fluids and electrolytes
 Modified BRAT diet, Pedialyte,
 Rehydralyte, Infalyte
 Nursing Interventions
 I&O
 Infection control
 Nutrition, rehydrate
 Daily weights
 Constipation
 Passage of hard infrequent stool
 Structural disorders
 Diet, meds
 Repressed urge to defecate
 Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
 Hypertrophied pyloric muscle obstructs gastric outlet
 Unknown etiology
 Fig. 31-16 pg. 1022
Increased frequency, fluid
content & volume of stools
 Figure 31-16
 Signs & Symptoms
 Projectile vomiting
 Olive shaped mass, R. abd
 Wt loss, poor skin turgor
 dehydration
 Surgical Treatment
 Pyloromyotomy
( Fredet-Ranstedt procedure)
 Intussusception
 One part of intestine telescopes into another
 S/S currant – jelly like stool
 Abd. pain
 Diagnostic Test:
 Barium enema
 Tx: barium enema
 Surgical repair
 Hirschsprung's disease
 Presents as Megacolon
 Hirschsprung's disease is a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems
with passing stool. It's present when a baby is born (congenital) and results from missing nerve
cells in the muscles of a portion of the baby's colon.
 Megacolon
 Figure 31-18
 Two Stage Surgical Treatment
 Temporary colostomy
 Endo-rectal pull through
 Nursing Interventions:
 Pre-Op Care??
 Post-Op Care ??
 Hernia
 Organ protrudes through weakened muscle wall
 Figure 31-19
 Appendicitis
 Inflammation of appendix
 s/s rebound tenderness
 Elevated WBC
 Pain @ McBurneys point
 Gastroesophageal Reflux
 Regurgitation of gastric contents
 Vomiting/spitting up/choking/gagging
 Esophageal ulceration
 Heme. + stool
 Medical Management
 Small frequent thickened feedings
 Pepcid, Zantac, Tagamet
 Surgical repair
 Genitourinary Disorders
Disorders of the GU Syst. alter the delicate balance of fluid & electrolytes in the body and may be life
 Nephrosis or Nephrotic Syndrome
 Proteinuria
 Edema
 Hypoproteinemia
 hyperlipidemia
 Signs & Symptoms
 Peri-orbital edema
 Ascites
 Generalized edema
 Nrsg. Interventions
 I&O
 Skin care
 ^pro. diet
 Acute Glomerulonephritis
 Inflammation of glomerulus
 Strep is most common cause
 s/sproteinuria
 tea colored urine
 HTN ( idiopathic )
 Nursing Interventions
 Bedrest
 Restrict fluids & Na +
 I&O
 Diuretics and antihypertensive
 Wilms Tumor = Nephroblastoma
 Most common malignant tumor of childhood
 Develops from immature kidney cells
 Prognosis greatly improved in recent decades
 Signs & Symptoms
 Large, firm, asymptomatic abd mass
 Do not palpate abd
 Nrsg. Interventions
 Pre/post op care
 Family support
 Surgery Nephrectomy
 Endocrine Disorders
 Disorders are usually from over or under production of hormones. Can affect all aspects of body
function including appearance, G & D and psychologic well being.
 Hypothyroidism = Cretinism
 Lack thyroid hormones
 Tx. Thyroid hormone replacement
 Nrsg. Interventions:
 Teach parents importance of med administration to prevent cognitive & growth impairment
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Type I Diabetes (IDDM)
 Lack of insulin
 TXexogenous insulin, diet & exercise
 Nrsg Interventions
Family teaching is paramount
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