Waterloo High School Supply List 2015-2016 School Year Breithaupt, L. Biology - Three-ring binder, One Pack of Loose Leaf Notebook Paper, Composition Notebook, Pencils/Pens, non – black or blue pens (Pink, red, purple, etc.), one box of kleenex Advanced Biology- Three ring binder, Pencils/Pens, non – black or blue pens (Pink, red, purple, etc.), colored pencils, 2 packs of notecards – loose or spiral bound, one box of Kleenex Brown, C.; Jones, E.; & Koeneman, R. All Spanish Classes: 2" hardcover binder, Pencils, Blue or black pens, Highlighter, Ear buds (to keep in Spanish binder), Loose leaf paper, 7 dividing tabs, Pens or Colored pencils (options: orange, pink, purple, red, green) – no markers, 2 THIN Dry Erase Markers Spanish I and IV – 1 bag of individually wrapped candy for class games/prizes that are nut free such as Skittles, Starburst, Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Rolls, Twizzlers Spanish II and III – 1 box of tissues Brueggeman, J., Skaer, L. Algebra 2: TI-83 (or TI-84) graphing calculator, 1 inch-2 inch 3 ring binder, 2 pack loose leaf paper and graph paper, pencil pouch with pencils – mechanical disposable preferred – and erasers, pack (4) Expo dry erase markers, ear buds or head phones. Crawford, A. - Three ring binder or 3 prong folder with middle insert capable of holding notebook paper, notebook paper, and folder. Optional $19 for American Red Cross CPR Certification (later in the semester) and $1.00 fee for all students to cover cost for the practice and skills test breathing barrier. Crockett, C. English II Honors – glue sticks, college ruled composition notebook, highlighters, binder with dividers, loose leaf paper, black & blue pens, No. 2 pencils, Kleenex English II Core – glue sticks, college ruled composition notebook, highlighters, binder with dividers, loose leaf paper, black & blue pens, No. 2 pencils, Kleenex English IV – college ruled composition notebook, highlighters, binder with dividers, loose leaf paper, black & blue pens, No. 2 pencils, Kleenex Durako, J. Bio/Bio Honors- Required: Pencils/Pens, Notebook with lined paper, 3 ring Binder, Composition Notebook – Optional/helpful: Red Pen, Calculator, Highlighters, Colored pencils, Tissues, hand sanitizer Gerontes, E. English I (all sections) - 3-ring binder, Divider tabs (5 tabs needed) Grubb, L. Accounting: folder, calculator, pencils- lots of pencils, eraser Business Concepts/ Resource Management/ Sports Marketing: folder, calculator, ear buds, pencil/pen Business Law/ Computer Concepts – folder, pencil, pen paper Guehne, T. English III Honors, English III Core, Early World Literature, Modern World Literature - Dedicated Folder or Binder for the Class, Black/Blue Ink Pens - students are required to write with ink, 1 3x5 pack of note cards. In addition to the above mandatory supplies, students should also bring in ONE of the following - according to their hour: 1st Hour * One pack of ruled notebook filler paper 2nd Hour * One regular box of Kleenex 3rd Hour * One pack of black pens 4th Hour * One regular sized box of Kleenex 5th Hour * One pack of black pens Hamann, L. Consumer Math – 3 ring binder, calculator, pencils (box), loose leaf paper, Kleenex Herring, M. Orientation to FCS – 1 yard of cotton fabric, 1 spool of thread, folder with prongs, Adult Living – folder with prongs Food & Nutrition – folder with prongs Food Service Occupations: 1 ½ inch binder Hopkins, K. English 9 & 12 – 1 3 ring binder – this will be used exclusively for English class, loose leaf paper, 8 divider tabs, box of tissues, pencils, color pen (any color besides black), 3” square post-its, 3x5 index cards, highlighters, headphones Huebner, J. Art I – sketch book Huffman, L., Nold, J., Stewart, C. Algebra 1 (all classes) - TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator, 3 ring binder, pencil pouch with pencils (mechanical) and erasers, one pack of loose leaf paper, pack of (4) Expo dry erase markers, ear buds or headphones Waterloo High School Supply List 2015-2016 School Year Kline, M. – one package of blue/black pens, one package of pencils, one box of Kleenex, one notebook (used only for Eng III) Koester, C. Biotech - Pens, pencils, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder - 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch, binder divider tabs BSAA - Pens, pencils, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder - 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch PSAA- Pens, pencils, calculator, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder - 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch Horticulture- Pens, pencils, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder - 1 inch, old shoes for the greenhouse. Krallitsch, M. - Pens and pencils (except for red), Loose leaf paper, Notebook, Set of dry erase markers, Box of facial tissues, Pack of 100 3x5 note cards, 1" binder with divider tabs, German/English dictionary (optional) Livengood, S., Schmitz, K., & Huffman, L Geometry (all classes) – TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator, pencils with erasers, binder, paper, dividers, 2 Expo Markers (any basic color), graph paper, Compass & Protractor (Recommended), Red Pens (Honors Geometry only) Lucash, M. - American History III – 2 pocket portfolio with fasteners, 1 box of tissue Major, E. - 1 - 3 ring binder (1-2 inch), black/blue pens only or pencils, loose leaf paper, highlighter, notecards 3x5 Mattis, J. & McDermott, R. Chemistry/ Physics- scientific calculator (non-graphing is fine), 3 ring binder, loose leaf paper or small notebook, pens/pencils Mason, M.; Mitchel, K PE - kids will need to purchase the WHS PE shirt, shorts, heart rate monitor strap and a lock. Weights will not need the heart rate monitor strap. McDermott, T. POE - 3 ring binder - 1 1/2 inch or larger, calculator, pencils, paper Ag Mech - Pens, pencils, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder - 1 inch, shop appropriate clothing. Ag Business - Pens, pencils, calculator, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder - 1 inch to 1 ½ inch. Into to Ag – Pens, pencils, loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder – 1 inch to 1 ½ inch. Moehrs, C. World History – notebook, folder, & pencils Morgan, A. Lab Science- loose leaf paper, 1 inch 3-ring binder with dividers, pencils/blue or black pens, and a box of Kleenex (not mandatory). IPC students- loose leaf paper, 1 inch 3-ring binder with dividers, pencils/blue or black pens, a basic calculator (less than $10), and box of Kleenex (not mandatory) Chemistry - 1 inch 3 ring binder with dividers, pencils/blue or black pens, loose leaf paper, calculator that can do scientific notation (EE button or Exp button), box of Kleenex (not mandatory) Nold, J.; Skaer, L.; Brueggeman, J. Algebra II- 1” – 2” 3-ring binder, 2 packs Loose-Leaf paper & graph paper, Pencil Pouch with Pencils – mechanical disposable preferred – and erasers, Pack (4) Expo dry erase markers, Ear buds or head phones, TI-83 (or TI-84) graphing calculator Nold, J. Algebra I Seminar – pencil pouch with pencils (mechanical) and erasers, pack (4) Expo dry erase markers, earbuds or headphones Nitcher, J. Practical Biology – 1 ½ inch binder, wide ruled lined paper, 10 pencils or pens to keep in the classroom Practical Math – 1 ½ inch binder, wide ruled lined paper, 10 pencils to keep in the classroom, 4 dry erase markers, TI-30 Calculator Rushing, K. English IV – college rule composition notebook, black or blue pens, college rule loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder, dividers (for binder) English IV Core – college rule composition notebook, black or blue pens, college rule loose leaf paper, 3 ring binder, dividers (for binder) Skaer, L. Advanced Algebra w/Trigonometry – TI-83 (or TI-84) graphing calculator, 1”-2” 3 ring binder, 2 pack loose leaf paper & graph paper, Pencil Pouch with pencils – mechanical disposable preferred – and erasers, pack (4) Expo dry erase markers, Ear buds or head phones Walter, D. Driver's Ed- Binder or a Pocket Folder, pen/pencils, $20 for Driving Permit (paid during classroom portion), $200 Behind the Wheel Board Adopted Fee (paid during the driving portion of Driver’s Ed) Woodsmall, S. - Notebook, Folder, Pens/Pencils, Tissues Yearian, D. - spiral notebook, pocket folder, composition notebook Zeisset, S. American History – Notebook & folder or 1 ½ in. binder with loose leaf paper