Practice questions for exam II – Skeletal Muscle

Anatomical Kinesiology
Questions to help you prepare for examination II.
1. The flexor carpi radialis and extensor carpi radialis longus will both radial flex at the wrist.
(True / False)
2. The flexor carpi ulnaris will
a. Flex the wrist b. Ulnar flex
c. Both a and b
3. In general, the flexor’s of the wrist have their proximal attachment
a. Medial epicondyle of humerus
b. Lateral epicondyle of humerus
c. Radial tuberosity
4. The triceps brachii complex will
a. Flex at the elbow b. Extend at the elbow c. Forcefully extend the shoulder joint
5. The flexor digitorum superficialis will
a. Flex the wrist b. Extend the wrist
d. a and c
e. a and b
c. Flex the digits
6. The following muscle will flex, adduct and consequently horizontally flex the arm.
a. Pectoralis minor b. Infraspinatus
c. Teres minor d. Pectoralis major
7. The biceps brachii crosses both the elbow joint and the shoulder joint. (True/False)
8. The teres major will
a. Extend the arm b. Medially rotate the arm c. Flex the arm
e. a and d
f. a and b
d. Lateral rotate the arm
9. Complete contraction of the deltoid complex (all three parts) will result in
a. Abduction of the forearm b. Abduction of the arm
c. Adduction of the arm
10. The following muscle has a proximal attachment off the spines of the thoracic vertebrae (2-5) and distal
attachment on the medial border of the scapula.
a. Levator scapulae b. Rhomboid major
c. Deltoid complex
11. A motor unit is
a. a motor neuron
b. a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it innervates
c. a special receptor which detects muscle stretch
12. What is acetylcholine?
13. Just deep to the fascia you will find the
a. Perimysium b. Epimysium c. Sarcolemma d. Endomysium
14. Just deep to the endomysium you will find the
a. Epimysium b. Perimysium
c. Sarcolemma
d. Tendon
15. A myofibril is considered a “super organelle” of the muscle cell and is composed of many myofilaments (the
contractile proteins of the muscle cell) (True/False).
16. Calcium is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (True/False).
17. The sliding filament theory indicates that
a. Calcium binds to the myosin head
b. Calcium binds to the myosin tail
c. Calcium binds to troponin found on myosin
d. Calcium binds to troponin found on actin
18. The sliding filament theory holds that
1. Actin slides past myosin
2. Energy is needed and stored on the myosin head
3. The myosin head, at some time, attaches to an active site located on actin
4. No energy is required
5. Energy is needed and stored on actin
a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 3,4
c. 1,2,5
d. 1,2, 3
19. Energy (ATP energy) is required to “pump” calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum (True/False).
20. ATP is the energy source used for muscular contraction (True/False).
Name the muscle (s) which best fits the description below.
1. Located on the anterior side of the forearm, …….action is to flex the wrist
2. Located on the anterior side of the forearm. Flexes the wrist and tenses the palm
3. A muscle found in the anterior side of the forearm which flexes the wrist and digits 2 - 5.
4. A muscle found on the posterior side of the forearm. Extends digits 2-5 and extends wrist
5. This particular muscle consists of two heads, and opposes the action of the triceps brachii.
6. The following muscle crosses at the elbow joint and “separates” the anterior from the posterior forearm muscles.
7. A muscle consisting of three heads and serves to extend the elbow joint.
8. Name those muscles which extend at the shoulder joint.
9. This muscle is sometimes called the boxers muscle and acts to abduct the scapula.
10. The following muscles act to flex the hip joint.
11. If you cut the tendon to this complex of muscles, you would not be able to extend your knee.
12. Name those muscles which dorsiflex
and plantar flex
at the foot.
Match the following muscles to the best action description below
Biceps brachii
Flexor carpi radialis
Rectus abdominis
Teres major
Latissimus dorsi
g. trapezius
h. rectus femoris
i. iliopsoas
j. sartorius
k. soleus
l. tibialis anterior
1. a primary elbow flexor
2. plantar flexes the foot
3. consists of two muscles working together to hip flex
4. laterally rotates the leg
5. extends at the shoulder and inward rotates
6. dorsiflexes the foot
7. elevates the scapula
8. Draw a schematic of the gross anatomy of muscle. Show connective tissue and muscle components.
9. Draw a schematic of the thick and thin filaments.
10. Describe the role of the motor cortex, cerebellum, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and spinal cord in human
11. Define each of the following sensory feedback systems
a. Vestibular
b. Golgi tendon organs
c. Muscle spindles
d. kinesthetic joint receptors
12. Distinguish, from an energetic and muscle twitch perspective, between slow twitch and fast
twitch muscles fibers.
13. Describe the recruitment of motor units as a function of exercise intensity.
14. Define the three lever systems. And, provide examples of each.
More questions.
1. The following muscle has been referred to as the “fence muscle”,….. on one side of the fence there are muscles
which flex the wrist,…… while on the other side you find muscles which are extensors of the wrist
a. Biceps brachii b. brachioradialis c. flexor digitorum superficialis
2. The following muscle will flex at the elbow in the sagittal plane-around-the frontal axis.
a. brachialis
b. triceps
c. anterior deltoid
3. The following muscle has an attachment on the olecranon process of the ulna.
a. biceps brachii b. triceps c. brachioradialis
Match the following to the best action/description below.
A. Trapezius
E. Supraspinatus
B. Anterior deltoid
F. Infraspinatus
C. Levator Scapula
G. Rhomboid major
D. Latissimus Dorsi
H. Posterior Deltoid
4. A large muscle which covers most of the scapula and elevates the scapula
5. A muscle which covers a good part of the posterior trunk and extends the humerus
6. A muscle which is part of a larger complex around the shoulder joints and extends the humerus
7. A muscle which clearly has an attachment on the posterior side of the scapula,
and abducts and stabilizes the humerus (helps hold the head of humerus in the glenoid cavity)
8. A muscle found between the scapula and vertebrae column and adducts the scapula
9. 10. Which muscle does not play a role at flexing the elbow
a. brachialis b. triceps brachii c. brachioradialis d. biceps brachii
10. The proximal and distal attachment of the biceps brachii muscle is
a. top of glenoid fossa/coracoid process & radial tuberosity, respectively
b. top of glenoid fossa & coranoid process of ulna, respectively
c. anterior surface of humerus & radial tuberosity, respectively
11. Complete concentric action of the deltoid complex will result is
a. Abduction of the forearm b. Abduction of the arm
c. Adduction of the arm
12. In general, the following muscle has a proximal attachment off the spines of the thoracic vertebrae and distal
attachment on the medial border of the scapula.
a. teres major
b. levator scapula
c. rhomboid major
13. The abdominal muscles participate in the following except
a. Flexion of the trunk
b. Rotation of trunk c. Extension of trunk
14. The external intercostals and internal intercostals play a role in
a. Inspiration and expiration, respectively
b. Expiration and inspiration, respectively
c. Inspiration
15. This muscle is called the “boxer’s muscle”
a. latissimus dorsi b. sarratus anterior c. rectus abdominus
16. Which of the three deltoid muscles assists the latissimus dorsi during a rowing exercise in the weight room
a. anterior deltoid b. posterior deltoid c. middle deltoid
17. During an true forearm curl, the following muscles would be called into action except
a. biceps brachii b. Brachioradialis c. anterior deltoid d. brachialis
18. During the last part of the arm stroke in freestyle swimming, the shoulder is being forcefully extended. Which
of the following muscles does not extend the shoulder.
a. Posterior deltoid b. Teres minor
c. Latissimus dorsi
d. Teres major
19. During a pectoralis press which of the following muscles does not contribute to the action.
a. anterior deltoid
b. pectoralis major
c. pectoralis minor
20. The following muscles make up the rotator cuff complex (circle muscles; need to circle all muscles that make up
the complex to earn one point)
a. pectoralis major
d. infraspinatus
g. teres minor
b. subscapularis
e. supraspinatus
h. rhomboid major
c. middle deltoid
f. teres major
21. Distinguish among concentric, eccentric, isometric, isokinetic and isotonic muscular actions.
22. Distinguish among the following muscle functions,
activation (co-contraction.
Agonist, Neutralization, Stabilization, Antagonist and co-
22. Describe the “sliding filament theory” of muscle action , also known as excitation coupling.
23. Under what circumstances does a muscle generate a concentric action and an eccentric action.
24. Describe the steps when conducting an anatomical analysis of a motor skill.
25. Analysis of various motor skills.
A. Name the major flexors and extensors of the hip, knee and ankle joints during an explosive vertical jump (like
you would see in a volleyball match).
B. Name those muscles that are concentrically acting when performing a biceps curl.
C. During leg extension (first phase) there are four muscles which act at the knee concentrically, they are:
During the second phase, the legs are slowly brought back to the staring position, meaning that the resistance is
going with gravity as the legs are undergoing flexion. Which muscles are eccentrically acting during this phase?
D. Name those muscles which are concentrically acting when performing internal rotation of the shoulder joint
against resistance:
26. Relate muscle co-activation to movement efficiency?