Dear Sub - Master Barrett

Dear Substitute
Date: 11/19/2015
Thank you for coming. Today you will be subbing during A, B, C, and D blocks and during advisory. I have
my prep period at the end of the day during E block.
When class begins, please do the following:
1. Take role in each class.
2. Ask the class Tutor to totally run the class. All my classes (except advisory) are participating in
ongoing project-based learning. They already have work to do, and no one is near-finished yet.
The class will therefore run itself, but you may need to remind students to focus hard now and
3. Read the sub plans aloud at the beginning of class.
My expectations for students’ technology use, behavior, and work assignments are detailed on page
two. Though students are allowed to use cell phones and the classroom laptops, please observe that
they remain on task. If a student is off task, they immediately lose their privilege and must place their cell
phone in their backpack or put away the laptop and continue working without the aid of technology.
There is no warning when I have a substitute. I have placed immense trust in my students, so I’m sure you
will not have to ask any of them to do this.
In case of fire drill or emergency, please take this red sub folder with you. This is located right next to the
front door. In it is a list of students for each period. The Emergency tab also has information on the
Lockdown/Lockout phone tree and several cards to indicate students present during evacuations.
If you have any questions at all, please call my cell, which is housed in the front office.
Thank you!
A and B = AP Lit and Comp, 12th
C and D = British/World Lit, 12th
Advisory = 9th grade advisory
E = Prep Period
Dear Sub,
I have check marked the options that will apply for today. Please ensure the students are aware of my
expectations. If you notice students have difficulty following these instructions, please leave me a note at
the bottom of this page.
Thank you!
Permissible Sound Level
Noise. I need everyone to collaborate!
 Normal. Small groups can work together, but
no else needs to hear them.
 Almost silent. Students should be working
individually, but they might ask the occasional
question of their peers.
 Silent! Today is not a day for talking.
Permissible Working Styles
 Individually
 With a partner they choose
 With a partner I have chosen
 In small groups
 In large groups
 As a class
Permissible Technology
Cell phones
 Students may use their cell
phones to help with the lesson
only. If the student misuses the
device, the student forfeits the
right to use it for the rest of this
 Students may not use their cell
 Laptops are
 Laptops are not
 Students may listen to
music! Be courteous to
others; we don’t want to
hear it.
 Today is not a day for
music. Please put it
phone today.
Sub Notes Here
Lesson Plan for A, B, C, and D Blocks
What You Must Do
The Day’s Goal: Make substantial progress on our project-based learning unit!
1. First, take out your inquiry and stare deeply at it!
2. Continue to gather as much textual evidence as possible related to your inquiry.
3. Begin composing an answer to the inquiry using your textual evidence. (This will help you show that
you can read for theme.)
Start drafting your actual project. You should be ready to launch the project on Monday!
Continue to develop the content for your actual project so that we can build it on Monday and gather
feedback from each other on Tuesday
Due Date: Monday 11/23.
What You May Do
If you complete tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, early, you may select from the following activities.
1. Seek out OTHER groups or individuals to get feedback from. This is the SHARE SQUARE activity for
No matter what, you may not sleep, bother others, or work
on non-class related homework. If you’re truly bored, then
your imagination is broken, and you should probably revise
your inquiry to reinvigorate yourself.
Lesson Plan for Advisory
The Day’s Goal: Participate effectively in the tutorial process.
Dear Sub,
You should have four junior students show up to this class on Friday. They are here to lead small groups of
students in the AVID tutorial process. All you need to do is help the students get ready for their tutorials. Then
please ask Rielly to lead the tutors and the students in separating into four groups and beginning their
tutorials. The junior students will take care of the rest.
If you notice students are not participating in their tutorials, please give them a reminder of my expectations.
Step 1: Ask a student to hand back the tutorial sheets in the “get back” box.
Step 2: Ask all ninth grade students to write down two tutorial questions on their tutorial forms. The
junior advisors should be walking around and giving feedback on these questions.
Step 3: The junior tutors should lead the class into the rest of the activity.
IF (for some reason) THE TUTORS DO NOT SHOW UP….
The Day’s Goal: Be able to explain in detail the metacognitive process.
2. Use my credentials to sign in:
Log in: sbarrett
Password (case sensitive): CrepeStow
3. Click the My Courses tab. Then click School-Year Academic Youth Development
4. In the left hand column, scroll to section 5. Thinking about Thinking
5. Click the + next to Exploring.
6. Click on Metacognitive Strategies.
7. Ask a student volunteer to lead the class through each slide. Remind them that they are FAKE MRS.
BARRETT and must have some enthusiasm for the topic, just like Mrs. Barrett would.
Apply the “metacognitive strategies” at home this weekend. Mrs. Barrett will ask for a written reflection of
the success this process on Monday.
Due Date: Monday 11/20/15
What You May Do
If you complete tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, early, you may select from the following activities.
The Day’s Goal: Be able to explain in detail the metacognitive process.If for some reason the class
finishes early, you may write an ode to Mrs. Barrett OR work quietly and independently on homework.