53 Technology Lane, Suite 116, Conway, NH 03818 Tel: 603-733-4748 Fax: 603-447-9947 Email: janine@whitemountainboard.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER Dear White Mountain Board of REALTORS® I acknowledge that I have read, and I agree to uphold the Bylaws of the White Mountain Board of REALTORS®, and the NAR Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. I have familiarized myself with the annual General Membership Schedule Meeting schedule and pledge to attend these meetings on a regular basis. In particular, I understand that all new REALTOR® Members are required to attend a Code of Ethics training class, mandated by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), within 3 months of my application date. The NAR requirement can be fulfilled by attending a state Orientation Course in Concord at the New Hampshire Association of REALTORS® or by taking an online course on the NAR website (www.realtor.org). In addition, I understand that the Bylaws of the WMBR mandate that I attend a local WMBR Orientation Course at the first course held after my application approval. I will contact the Executive Officer for information and to sign up for both mandatory orientation courses. I further acknowledge that, according to the Bylaws, all WMBR REALTORS® must attend a minimum of three (3) membership meetings per calendar year. Penalties will be levied if the minimum is not met. Penalty amounts are listed in Article XII of the Bylaws. In addition, the Board of Directors retains the right to remove voting rights and to remove a member’s REALTOR® status. I understand that for newly approved members the attendance requirement is prorated, based on the quarter in which my application date falls. I understand that the WMBR’s primary form of communication is by E-mail. I accept my responsibility to provide any changes of my address, changes of my E-mail address, or a change of Realty Office to the Executive Officer without delay. Applicant’s Name (printed) Date Applicant’s Signature E-Mail Address REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics