*Responses must be neatly written or typed using this document. Students must
write in complete sentences for full credit. There is a 50% off policy for late
work, so be sure to turn all work in ON TIME.
CHAPTERS 1-2 (pp. 1-15)
Vocabulary- List the part of speech and the definition for the word within the context of the
Prediction (page 2)- (noun) a forecast of the future; the act of predicting or guessing an outcome
Vengeance (7)-(_________)_______________________________________________
Convict (13)-(___________)______________________________________________
Comprehension Questions- Highlight 2 compound sentences in your written response
Each chapter begins with a secretive discussion between two men, both of whom are involved in
Ender’s training. What does this brief discussion reveal about Ender’s brother, sister, and future?
2. How does the author indicate to the reader the shift between the discussion between the observers
and the narration of what’s happening with Ender in the novel? Include two ways and number
them. (Look at the actual structure/design of the text.)
3. Ender kicks Stilson even though he knows it’s wrong to strike someone who’s already on the
ground. Why does Ender do this? What do Ender’s actions reveal about his personality? (7)
4. Based on the text, briefly describe the relationship between Ender and his brother, Peter. (12-14)
5. What has the reader learned so far about where and when the story takes place? List specific
details from the text.
6. Think about the information the author provides about the government, technology, school, and
Ender’s family. What has the reader learned so far about this society? Include at least three ideas
and number them.
CHAPTERS 3-4 (pp. 16-36)
Vocabulary-List the part of speech and the definition for the word within the context of the sentence
Taunted (18)-(________)_________________________________________________
Ambiguous (22)-(_________)_____________________________________________
Comprehension Questions-*Highlight 2 complex sentences in your written responses
7. Graff shares that it isn’t the fight that earned Ender an invitation to Battle School, it was
the reason he fought as he did (19-20). Why might the reason be so important to Graff?
8. What might the author be saying about what the military/government in this society are
looking for in young recruits? Refer to the text to support your idea(s).
The author reveals that in this society, families are limited to two children and that
Ender’s parents were given special permission from the government to have a “third.”
Considering his parents’ pasts or family backgrounds growing up, what internal conflict do
his father and mother have regarding his presence in the house? Why might Graff share
this information with Ender? (21-23)
10. Graff singles Ender out on the shuttle, and it causes the other boys to dislike Ender (2728, 32, 35). What is the purpose for Graff’s actions in this part of the text?
11. Explain the conflict Ender faces when he learns the boy was hurt by his actions. What
does it reveal about his personality? (33)
12. Graff tells Anderson, “The kid is wrong. I am his friend” (36). What might Graff mean by
this? Infer.
CHAPTERS 5-6 (pp. 37-65)
Vocabulary-List the part of speech and the definition for the word within the context of the sentence.
Martyr (48) -(________)________________________________________________
Inadequate (48) -(________)_____________________________________________
Contempt (49) -(________)______________________________________________
Sullen (51) -(________)_________________________________________________
Comprehension Questions-*Highlight two direct quotations in your responses
13. A homesick Ender thinks of Peter (43-45). What two words could a reader use to describe Ender’s
brother, Peter? What “lesson” has Peter taught Ender that will help him in the future?
14. After the incident on the shuttle, Ender becomes the “enemy” of Bernard and some of the other
boys. What do they do to taunt Ender? Include at least three examples in your response.
15. Having begun classes at the Battleschool, Ender quickly makes a name for himself or stands out.
Explain two examples that demonstrate this in chapter 5.
16. When Ender and his fellow launchies first enter the battleroom, what does Ender immediately
begin doing? (58-61). As a result of what happens there, how have the dynamics of the group of
launchies changed? Be sure to include the characters Ender, Alai, Bernard, and Shen in your
17. Based on the text, briefly describe/explain the following terms and how they relate to Ender’s new
life at Battle School:
a. Pinual (page ____)-a minor character who killed himself at battle school; his mindset
was revealed by the mind game; mentioned in the start of chapter 6 by Graff and
another observer.
b. “ices out” __________________________________________________________
c. Launchies__________________________________________________________
d. The gameroom______________________________________________________
e. Battleroom_________________________________________________________
Part 1 –Chapters 1 to 6
Chapters 1 & 2
-2 Vocabulary words (1 point)
-6 Comprehension Questions (11 points)
-2 Compound sentences (2 points)
Chapters 3 & 4
-2 Vocabulary words (1 point)
-6 Comprehension Questions (8 points)
-2 Complex sentences (2 points)
-Conventions count
Chapters 5 & 6
-4 Vocabulary words (2 points)
-5 Comprehension Questions (11 points)
-2 Direct quotations (2 points)
-Conventions count
_________/14 points
_________/11 points
_________/15 points
__________/ 40 points