- Holy Trinity Jubilee Park

Issue #6
Fall/Winter 2015
Upcoming Events 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
T.E.A.M. Retreat
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
With the help of Tony and Lita, our new
volunteers,we will have our first Luau
Benefit at the land. We anticipate also
two groups interested in team building.
We will wait till they give us the dates.
We will once again do the Priest's
Appreciation Picnic and the Confirmation
Retreat in the Fall (September).
4407 Aldie Rd., Catharpin, VA 20143
HTJP Officers
Ref. Francis Peffley, Spiritual Director
Rev. James Puigbo, Chaplain
Segunda Acosta, President
Sandy Witter,Vice President
Jill Rinke, Secretary
Trinidad Tonolete, Treasurer
HTJP Board of Directors
Lilia Davis, Erlinda De la Pena, Lucy De Villa,
Nancy Grenier, Steve and Marylou Konsin,
Lisa Lombardy, Evelyn Moya-Weitemier,
HTJP Members
Leo Acosta, George Bonina,Peggy & Vince
Concannon, Robert Hawkins, Mark Hoffman, Carl
& Christine Krebs, Tyler Newton,
Nora McCormick, Jim Pogue, Liselotte & Pascual
Puigbo and Austin Schmitt
2015 Valentine Dinner Dance
Our last Valentine Dinner Dance was held on February 14, 2015 at the Piedmont Country
Club. Again the weather was a problem, limiting the number of people who attended. The
people who did come had a wonderful time and enjoyed a gourmet dinner. Rafael again
provided the recorded music from the 50's, 60's and the 70's.
The excellent food, music and dancing in such a lovely venue and meeting new people made
the evening a really special, romantic Valentine's Day for all who were present. The snow on
the balcony really looked pretty from the inside!
Linda Komp was honored with the 2015 Patron of the Park award for her ongoing
contribution of exquisite mosaics for the decades of the Rosary. Fr. Peffley presented the prize
for the most years married to Terri and Matt Carr, (47) after they enjoyed dancing together,
Watch Dinner Video
2015 T.E.A.M. Retreat
2015 T.E.A.M. Retreat
Presiding were Rev. Joseph Bergida, Rev. Richard Guest, Rev. James Hinkle, and Rev.
Francis Peffley
We had close to 50 teens for the Retreat, and they all gave nines and tens for the Retreat on their
evaluations! The weather was beautiful, thank God, and also thanks to all of the volunteers who
led the games, organized the Mass and Procession, and kept everything running smoothly. Fr.
Bergida actually did the ropes and obsticles, and Fr. Peffley entertained with his juggling. Seggy
Acosta and Kevin Degnan worked together on the programs.
Watch Retreat Video
2015 Priest's Appreciation Picnic
2015 Priest's Appreciation Picnic
Thanks be to God we had a successful Priest's Appreciation Picnic with 68 people in
attendance and 6 priests. The weather turned out beautiful, cool enough for a roaring
bonfire! Fr.Peffley did his entertaining juggling with a fire torch, and there was so much
wonderful, delicious food. It was amazing!
Watch Picnic Video
2015 Confirmation Retreat
2015 Confirmation Retreat
Proclaim the Holy Spirit
Our first Confirmation Retreat was held on Saturday, September 26, and there were eighteen
youngsters present. Rev. Richard Guest said Mass, heard Confessions, Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament and led the candlelight procession. Delores Nelson and Rev. Guest both
gave inspiring, insightful talks. Seggy Acosta and Kevin Degnan ran the Retreat. The teens
each told something about the saint whose name they picked for their Confirmation name
around a bonfire. Hot dogs for lunch and burgers for dinner were cooked on the grill. The
rain held off until just before the end of the Retreat, thank God and thanks to the volunteers
who helped.
Watch Retreat Video
We wish to thank Leo Acosta, Tony Lupetaliaami and Polo Leyendecker for building,
repairing and maintaining the games and land, and Ray Rinke for mowing before events. We
are blessed to have them. We also extend our thanks to everyone for their contribution,
support and prayers.