MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Brad Rugg, Superintendent, 612-624-8443 Sarah Schmidt, Planning Committee Member 320-583-4126 4-H DAIRY SHOWCASE RECOGNIZES OUTSTANDING YOUTH – The top 25 4-H dairy project members from across Minnesota were recognized for their dedication to their cows, clubs and communities. More than $45,000 was contributed by donors and awarded to youth at the 7th Annual Minnesota 4-H Dairy Showcase held Sunday, August 30th, at the Minnesota State Fair. Donors who contributed at the Tanker level ($3,000 and up) included Gopher Dairy Club of the University Of Minnesota, AgStar Financial Services, and Grain Millers Dairy Products. Milk Can donors ($1,000 to $2,499) included Foremost Farms USA, Johnan Holsteins, John & Nancy Bierbaum, Midwest Dairy Association, Nick & Nancy Kunkel and American Farm Bureau Federation IDEAg. The top 25 dairy project members are (in order 1 – 25): August 30, 2015 St. Paul, Minn. Name & Award County Parent Sponsor 1st 2nd Kayla Leiding - $3500 Gabriella Sorg - $3200 Fillmore Dakota Gopher Dairy Club, University of Minnesota AgStar Financial Services 3rd Lauren Hendel - $3000 Houston Todd & Stacey William & Juanita Matt & Pam 4th Emily Benrud - $2500 Goodhue 5th Haely Leiding - $2000 Fillmore Roger & Michelle Todd & Stacey 6th Sierra Swanson - $1750 McLeod David & Kari Johnan Holsteins, John & Nancy Bierhaum, Foremost Farms USA Midwest Dairy Association, American Farm Bureau Federation IDEAg Nick & Nancy Kunkel, Riverview 7th Lucas Plamann - $1500 McLeod 8th Isabella Portner - $1400 Brown 9th Caleb Vinkemeier - $1320 Carver 10th James Gathje - $1250 Meeker Steve & Debbie MN DHIA, MN Corn Growers Association, Big Gain Tom & Mary MN Brown Swiss Association, Kwik Trip, Polka Dot Dairy Jeff & Tina MN Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, Caledonia Haulers, CoBank Scott & Denise AMPI, Sysco Minnesota, Quality Liquid Feeds 11th McLeod David & Kari 12th McKenzie Swanson $1200 Anna Buckentine - $1200 Carver Jon & Jeanie 13th Owen Scheffler - $1200 Goodhue Tony & Maizie Grain Millers Dairy Products MN Farmers Union, Davisco Foods International, Bongards’ Creamery MN Soybean Research & Promotion Council, CHS, Udder Tech Dana Allen-Tully & Jim Tully, MN Select Sires, MN Beef Council © 2014 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to the Extension Store at 800-876-8636. Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent postconsumer waste material. 14th Kristin Erf - $1200 Washington David & Kathy 15th Emily Annexstad - $1200 Nicollet Fillmore Co. 4-H, Rice Co. 4-H, Rice Co. ADA Rolf & Jean Larry Rosenfeld Memorial, ADM Alliance Nutrition, Wolf Creek Dairy th 16 Shelby Kuechle - $1100 Meeker Perry & Sarah MN Junior Holstein Association, Hubbard Feeds, IBA Dairy Supplies, Trans Ova Genetics 17th Amy-Jo Vander Wal Pipestone John & Belinda Accelerated Genetics, ABS Global, Albert $1100 Lea Seed, AgCountry Farm Credit Services, American AGCO 18th Tyler Kappers - $1100 Fillmore James & Janet Burnett Dairy Co-op, Brown Co. 4-H Federation, Centra Sota Co-op, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Classic Mix Partners 19th Aaron Houdek - $1100 Houston Kris Dairy Farmers of America, Dairyland Laboratories, Ecolab, Elanco Animal Health, Jim & Mary Evans 20th Kelsey Erf - $1100 Washington David & Kathy Genex Co-op, Fillmore Co. ADA, First District Association, Form-A-Feed, Hastings Co-op Creamery st 21 Catherine Thompson Olmsted Donny & Holly K5 Ranch, Land O’ Lakes, Leedstone, Lely $1000 USA, Michael Foods 22nd Emily Pieper - $1000 Rice Ray & Bridget MN Holstein Association, Midwest Embryo Transfer Service, MN Farm Bureau Foundation, Morrison Co. ADA, Munson Lakes Nutrition, Nelson Milk Hauling 23rd Judd Saemrow - $1000 Rice Gordon & Loren & Laura Olson & Family, Ocheda Hindy Dairy, Organic Valley, Parnell Corporate Services, Port-Haven Dairy, Theresa & Philip Raak 24th Mikayla Erf - $1000 Washington David & Kathy Strong Animals, Rice Co. 4-H Boosters, Rochester Area Holstein Association, Schultz Milk Hauling, Schaefer Ventilation Equipment, Sjostrom Farms 25th Carley Vinkemeier - $1000 Carver Jeff & Tina Steele Co. ADA, Tandem Products/ Tenderfoot Division, United Farm Credit Services, United Farmers Co-op, Ziegler Cat, Zoetis Minnesota State Fair 4-H dairy cattle exhibitors who receive a purple or blue ribbon in their respective class are eligible to participate. Youth also complete an online leadership portfolio and earn points based on his or her project leadership, dairy-related activities and community involvement. Bonus points are given to individuals receiving champion and reserve champion honors. A committee of judges selects the top 25 based on a scorecard format. To date, the event has awarded more than $160,000 to deserving Minnesota 4-H youth. The Minnesota 4-H Dairy Showcase is a joint effort between the Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association and the Minnesota 4-H Dairy Project Development Committee. © 2014 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to the Extension Store at 800-876-8636. Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent postconsumer waste material.