Terms of Reference for the initial stages of the RAM MAG training Background In 2013 a consortium of RC/ RC movement partners collaborated to develop a set of tools and guidance to enable field practitioners make market studies to support humanitarian interventions, in particular around cash transfer programming. Two tools were developed, the RAM (Rapid Analysis of Markets) that allows users to make quick assessments of market conditions in situations of emergencies, and MAG (Market analysis Guidance) that allows users to include pertinent market information during all stages of the project cycle in emergency and post emergency contexts. This guidance has now been shared across the RC/RC movement and is being used in various locations Goal In order to support the utilization of the RAM and the MAG, the same group has now proposed the development of a learning environment to enable the tools to be used more widely and effectively within and external to the RC/RC movement. The tools will potentially benefit any RC/RC who has an interest in cash transfer programming, or requiring knowledge of markets during a humanitarian response. The goal is to get potential users to have the capabilities, interest and instinct to integrate these tools in their standard assessments, monitoring and response. Purpose The purpose of the current consultancy is to initiate the development of the learning environment for the RAM and the MAG. The complete process will include a variety of stages including the production of content, testing and evaluating the training. This consultancy however will limit itself to the recommending the elements of design, which is needed prior to the production of content, testing and evaluation can be done a) Analysis of the RAM and the MAG in order to identify the specific competencies required by the different types of users (two levels of competency are envisaged) team leaders who will lead the process, and implementers who will use the tools) b) A set of options and recommendations with tentative work plans for different learning system components and modalities and the learning path highlighting the time and budget needs for the production of each set of options Objectives The specific objectives include Identifying the specific learning competencies required for the RAM, the MAG, and the advocacy component Classifying the competencies in terms of different levels of complexity Convert the required competencies into pedagogical objectives (primary and secondary). The proposal of different learning system components and modalities including those for different target groups. The options should include the consideration of scenario-based simulation approaches Outlining work plans and estimating time and budget requirements for the different options. including some of the possible options if appropriate below a) E-learning of the RAM, MAG b) advocacy module for all target groups 1 c) Face2 Face ( group) training for the RAM and the MAG for the team leaders (who will have the competencies required to lead a RAM/ MAG d) Face2face (group) training for the RAM and the MAG tools for non-specialists (with the competencies to implement the RAM/MAG) e) Face2face training for the RAM and the MAG tools with an experiential component.(field based exercises) f) The production of a Practical toolkit which will function as a reference used during the training, referred as the real tool to implement during the eLearning course and used on the field. Recommending technical specifications for media and platforms to be used for the production of training materials that will be compatible for multi-platform usage (for example e-learning, CD, HTML5 responsive design, and other offline formats), and the usability of the questionnaires on handheld devices The following specification needs to be taken into account to fulfill the objectives A. Target groups Target group for the RAM training. The e-learning, and other training should provide the basic orientation for non-specialists including everyone from volunteers, NS staff, RDRT team members to expat relief delegates , including logistics staff. There are two main levels of competencies required – one for the people who will implement the RAM, the other to lead the RAM process Target Group for MAG training is programme/project managers, technical livelihood recovery teams and people with some knowledge of markets, including logistics staff This will include coordinators, HES delegates, cash specialists etc. There are two levels of competencies required – one for the people who will implement the MAG, the other to lead the MAG process The advocacy/awareness module should target decision makers and operational leaders and managers (Head of Delegations, Operations Coordinators, FACT team leaders etc. , logistics teams etc.) B. The Proposed Training process (N.B. This is one option that may be revised by alternative options suggested as part of this consultancy Training Process for RAM a) Stand-alone e-learning with no facilitator, produced with the flexibility to be able to print out and used for face-2-face training b) A face-2-face group training, at a higher level for the facilitator/ team leader. The standalone e-learning would be a prerequisite for this 1-3 day course c) A ToT toolkit incorporating both above, and possibly incorporating a practical coaching session d) The contingency Planning section from the MAG is included in the RAM training. e) The advocacy module included at the start of the training Training Process for MAG d) Stand-alone e-learning with no facilitator, produced with the flexibility to be able to print out and used for face2face training a) A face2face (group) training possibly at a higher level for the facilitator/ team leader. The standalone e-learning would be a pre-requisite for this 1-3 day course b) A ToT toolkit incorporating both above, and possibly incorporating a practical coaching session 2 c) The advocacy module included at the start of the training Advocacy/Awarness Module a) A 5-7 minutes standalone awareness component which will also functions as the introduction to the RAM and the MAG C. Pedagogical philosophy The e-learning training should allow for testing the competencies of learners as part of the training. Expected outputs Learning System Components Learning Path 3 Methodology Step Purpose Task analysis Determine level of detail and depth of content Defining instructional objectives (what is required to be learned) Write instructional objectives according to Mager’s 1Structure (Objective, Condition, Performance, Criteria). Selecting instructional Strategies Define instructional strategy and identify instructional activities Action Identify the tasks learners should be able to perform. Elaborate task into subtasks Analyse tasks to identify conditions, performance, and standard of performance. Consolidate the components to write objective statements. Identify terminal objectives, intermediate objectives, and enabling objectives. Analyse instructional objectives to identify types of learning involved. Plan on how to achieve instructional elements Identify macro instructional strategy. Identify instructional activities. Outline course content relatively to instructional activities Deliverables Task sheet and information flow chart Instructional objectives Outlines to achieve instructional objectives (Face to face, E-Learning, performance support kit) The expected outputs will be achieved through the close collaboration between a subject matter specialist (on markets and the RAM and MAG) and an Instructional Designer. The roles of each will be as follows: 1 Robert Mager developed the Criterion Referenced Instruction Framework which includes methods and tools for the design and delivery of training programmes 4 1. Subject matter specialist To agree and clarify the process and deliverables to the instructional designer To familiarize her/himself with different e-learning and other methodologies for training for this kind of content To work through the content of the RAM and MAG tools and analyze the specific competencies required at each stage, to enable the users to understand and use the tools o The RAM for non specialists ( including relief and logistics staff) o The RAM for team leaders who need to have the competencies to lead the RAM process o The MAG for users ( including relief and logistics staff) o The MAG for team leaders who need to have the competencies to lead the MAG process o The key instructional points for why these tools must be used in humanitarian response – as an Advocacy tool and introduction To work with the instructional designer to : o conceive the type of design that will be required, and estimate how long it will take for E-learning and Face2face learning (group) o and evaluate the different platforms that might be appropriate for the implementation of the training o estimate the budget and time needed for the development of the training ( design, production, testing evaluation) o make a presentation to the reference group Instructional Designer To guide and organize the process of skills identification, pedagogical objectives definition (primary and secondary), in relation with the subject matter expert. According to pedagogical objectives and available budget, identify and propose most suitable learning activities for identified targets provide learning scenarios tailored to different audiences, and combining different modalities consistently.Participate to definition of Learning System requirements Schedule Closing date for applications: Process of selection to identify the consultant/ company: Submission of detailed plan of work: Submission of output related to the advocacy component Submission of output related to RAM Submission of output related to the MAG Submission of onward process and budgets Presentation to the reference group Dec 31st Jan 10th Jan 30th Feb 10th Feb 25th Mar 4th Mar 20th Mar 30th Reference Group The two consultants/ companies will submit their outputs for feedback to a reference group bringing together one or two representatives of each of the partner RC/RCs (AmCross, IFRC, BRCS, ICRC) The ICRC will provide the technical lead and monitor the work according to the agreed schedule. 5 The BRCS will take responsibility for o o o o administering the tenders, selection where necessary for the consultancy issuing the contract to the selected constants/ companies arranging for travels and accommodation of the team as required; effecting payments as per agreed contractual procedures. Desired profile of the consultants The subject matter specialist should a) Have extensive theoretical and practical experience of market assessment methodologies in humanitarian contexts, including rapid market assessment (essential) b) be a member of the original team that designed the RAM and the MAG The instructional designer should have a) b) c) d) experience on designing educational resources for processes demonstrated experience of instructional design experience in designing hybrid Learning systems Project management skills specific to the development of online educational resources. and face to face Deliverables Task sheet and information flow chart Instructional objectives General instructional strategy with options, combined modalities and recommendations Outline structure of the face to face training for leaders (RAM) Outline structure of the face to face training for leaders (MAG) Outline structure of the elearning module for practitioners (RAM) Outline structure of the elearning module for practitioners (MAG) Outline adaptation of content of practical toolkit for users (RAM) Outline adaptation of content of practical toolkit for users (MAG) (could be translation of content to Opale) Budget Subject (RAM MAG) Specialist 25 days @ xxxchf Instructional designer - consultancy fees 25 days @ xxx chf Travel TOTAL 16250.00 16250.00 1000.00 33,500.00 Potentials providers: e-learning-cegos.fr 2jprocess.com crossknowledge.com Prospective consultants or consultancy teams should submit a proposal in order to be considered for this piece of work. 6 Please submit proposals by 31 Dec 2013 to Sam Jamieson, sjamieson@redcross.org.uk, +44 (0)207 877 7172, British Red Cross UK Office, 44 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AL, UK. 7