SNO BOARD NOTES DATE: February 25, 2013 I. Introduction

DATE: February 25, 2013
I. Introduction – Members present, Jenny Fortman, Joy Smallfield, Amy McGarrity, Bob Sorg, Jillia
Pessenda Bovino
Absent: David Hildebrandt, Adam Axvig
II. Previous Minutes Read by: Jillia , Motion to pass with corrections by: Joy , Seconded by: Amy
Passed by all.
III. Treasurer’s report: $36, 896.16-SNO, $23, 557.23-Park Board
IV. Open Mic: Advocates for Human rights project to reach out to refugee and/or immigrant members of
the neighborhood to do interviews to access their experience in MN, specifically the challenges and/or
welcome into community/neighborhood. Contact Jillia at,, if you are
interested in participating in this project either as an interviewer or participating by being interviewed on
your experience.
V. Representative and Committee Reports
A. Small Area Plan Committee – John Akre: Joy, Bob, Jenny new members.
B. AFCAC – Mark Byrnes-upcoming projects update: Public comment open now & welcome for current
Update-Northwest river side--small piece of land that's owned by city, Rep pushing to be adopted into
park land and turned into amphitheatre for event space. Park land vs. City land, city allows certain
stipulations park does not.
Housing vs. Park land, debate will continue. Feedback welcome. Work with River ecology and long-term
river health/sustainability for either plan. Keeping in mind what is best for the river-ecologically.
C. 2PAC-no rep currently; no report.
D. CARE meeting-no rep currently, no report.
E. Sheridan Memorial Park: Sheridan memorial park moving forward. Art slightly changed due to issues
that artist & Park board rep ran into with city.
F. 13th Avenue Business Association: currently meeting re:parking along 13th.
VI. Pat Vogel- 807 Broadway- Upcoming meeting on March 20th: 7PM @ Logan Park, 13th & Monroe
St. NE-on what is being proposed for old school board space. 807 Broadway Task Force leaning toward
100% commercial space, not housing. Open community meeting to hear ALL proposals and get input
from community.
VII. Small Area Plan- WSB/CDG--Breanne Rothstein
Create vision for our neighborhood SNO = small area plan
Received 10 proposals, WSB/CDG selected.
Working with SNO & community members within Sheridan--neighborhood outreach is a part of the plan
to create long-term neighborhood plan for Sheridan, specifically around 13th avenue and Marshall down
to Water St./river. Work toward how those areas impact our neighborhood, how they're connected. Will
hear from the neighborhood and board will eventually need to approve plan. COMMUNITY INPUT
Breanne-lead project manager.
Create a plan that future board and community members can use for reference for the neighborhood and
residents can implement.
Draft should be ready by June.
Floodplain collective is a group of artists working on the project, help with engaging art community.
Edible landscaping potential
Disposable cameras available for community to use and take pics of what they like in the neighborhood,
desirable or undesirable. Make introductions of consultants to park board working on memorial park and
Everwood and connect/work with Friends of the Mississippi.
This group was chosen due to their approach to do outreach to the community, team specifically designed
for this neighborhood. Enthusiasm about engaging the community.
Notes from community members : Important to not only focus on 13th & Marshall but also integrate the
grocery store and Churches & Mosques, etc. within the community. SNO can help get translators for
neighborhood/community outreach.
Motion to adopt and endorse WSB/CDG Team as our consultant to develop a small area plan for SNO by
Bob, 2nd by Joy, Passed by all.
Steering committee meeting: 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm and 4th Monday at 6pm at Eastside
Neighborhood Services. Open to ALL, participation encouraged!
IMPORTANT DATES: Saturday March 30th: 1st Town meeting for small area plan & community input!
Time: TBD Location: TBD
Please send pictures( digital in or disposable cameras available) of what you like or want or don't want in
Sheridan moving forward to:
VIII. Friends of the Mississippi River-Katie Clower
Mission: Protecting and enhancing the Mississippi river and watersheds
Partner with SNO on River Clean-up Project
Remove Siberian Elm from River front on west side of river is one current project in the area.
Prairie restoration is another.
Currently working on Edgewater Park currently and Oly Olsen Park.
New projects along the river: working with AFCAC--host a river clean-up. Possibility for Storm sewer
treatment and Education around storm sewers.
Event potential--Sheridan Neighborhood River clean-up with Friends of the Mississippi River this
spring. Include a Biking/Walking tour along the river & education, ecology of the river. Helping people
get to the river and have a personal relationship to the river.
IV. Announcements:
CSF CSA Shares Available, contact Jillia for details at: Mission of farm
to serve NE Community.
V. Adjourn – Motion made by Amy , seconded by Joy , passed unanimously.
DATE: February 25, 2013
I. Introduction – Members present, Jenny Fortman, Joy Smallfield, Amy McGarrity, Bob Sorg, Jillia
Pessenda Bovino
Absent: David Hildebrandt, Adam Axvig
II. Previous Minutes Read by: Jillia , Motion to pass with corrections by: Joy , Seconded by: Amy
Passed by all.
III. Treasurer’s report: $36, 896.16-SNO, $23, 557.23-Park Board
IV. Open Mic: Advocates for Human rights project to reach out to refugee and/or immigrant members of
the neighborhood to do interviews to access their experience in MN, specifically the challenges and/or
welcome into community/neighborhood. Contact Jillia at,, if you are
interested in participating in this project either as an interviewer or participating by being interviewed on
your experience.
V. Representative and Committee Reports
A. Small Area Plan Committee – John Akre: Joy, Bob, Jenny new members.
B. AFCAC – Mark Byrnes-upcoming projects update: Public comment open now & welcome for current
Update-Northwest river side--small piece of land that's owned by city, Rep pushing to be adopted into
park land and turned into amphitheatre for event space. Park land vs. City land, city allows certain
stipulations park does not.
Housing vs. Park land, debate will continue. Feedback welcome. Work with River ecology and long-term
river health/sustainability for either plan. Keeping in mind what is best for the river-ecologically.
C. 2PAC-no rep currently; no report.
D. CARE meeting-no rep currently, no report.
E. Sheridan Memorial Park: Sheridan memorial park moving forward. Art slightly changed due to issues
that artist & Park board rep ran into with city.
F. 13th Avenue Business Association: currently meeting re:parking along 13th.
VI. Pat Vogel- 807 Broadway- Upcoming meeting on March 20th: 7PM @ Logan Park, 13th & Monroe
St. NE-on what is being proposed for old school board space. 807 Broadway Task Force leaning toward
100% commercial space, not housing. Open community meeting to hear ALL proposals and get input
from community.
VII. Small Area Plan- WSB/CDG--Breanne Rothstein
Create vision for our neighborhood SNO = small area plan
Received 10 proposals, WSB/CDG selected.
Working with SNO & community members within Sheridan--neighborhood outreach is a part of the plan
to create long-term neighborhood plan for Sheridan, specifically around 13th avenue and Marshall down
to Water St./river. Work toward how those areas impact our neighborhood, how they're connected. Will
hear from the neighborhood and board will eventually need to approve plan. COMMUNITY INPUT
Breanne-lead project manager.
Create a plan that future board and community members can use for reference for the neighborhood and
residents can implement.
Draft should be ready by June.
Floodplain collective is a group of artists working on the project, help with engaging art community.
Edible landscaping!!--personal note for community.
Disposable cameras available for community to use and take pics of what they like in the neighborhood,
desirable or undesirable. Make introductions of consultants to park board working on memorial park and
Everwood and connect/work with Friends of the Mississippi.
This group was chosen due to their approach to do outreach to the community, team specifically designed
for this neighborhood. Enthusiasm about engaging the community.
Notes from community members : Important to not only focus on 13th & Marshall but also integrate the
grocery store and Churches & Mosques, etc. within the community. SNO can help get translators for
neighborhood/community outreach.
Motion to adopt and endorse WSB/CDG Team as our consultant to develop a small area plan for SNO by
Bob, 2nd by Joy, Passed by all.
Steering committee meeting: 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm and 4th Monday at 6pm at Eastside
Neighborhood Services. Open to ALL, participation encouraged!
IMPORTANT DATES: Saturday March 30th: 1st Town meeting for small area plan & community input!
Time: TBD Location: TBD
Please send pictures( digital in or disposable cameras available) of what you like or want or don't want in
Sheridan moving forward to:
VIII. Friends of the Mississippi River-Katie Clower
Mission: Protecting and enhancing the Mississippi river and watersheds
Partner with SNO on River Clean-up Project
Remove Siberian Elm from River front on west side of river is one current project in the area.
Prairie restoration is another.
Currently working on Edgewater Park currently and Oly Olsen Park.
New projects along the river: working with AFCAC--host a river clean-up. Possibility for Storm sewer
treatment and Education around storm sewers.
Event potential--Sheridan Neighborhood River clean-up with Friends of the Mississippi River this
spring. Include a Biking/Walking tour along the river & education, ecology of the river. Helping people
get to the river and have a personal relationship to the river.
IV. Announcements:
CSF CSA Shares Available, contact Jillia for details at: Mission of farm
to serve NE Community.
V. Adjourn – Motion made by Amy , seconded by Joy , passed unanimously.