Mathematics year 7 Medium term overview Module Title: Sequences Module Length: 1 weeks Overall aims of the scheme: For all students to improve their understanding of sequences and reach an appropriate level in this topic. For all students to improve their special awareness Inclusion: gifted and talented, SEN, EAL SEN: pathway 2/4 G&T: pathway 5/6 EAL: to focus on language of transformation PP: LAC: Boys underachievement: To support so as to reach targets or better To use MyMaths and 10 QQ Pro to encourage and challenge the boys against each other Syllabus References: Core activities: ICT Links: To understand and recognise sequences. To be able to describe and continue a given sequence Literacy and Learning: Learning through talk: Paired and group work Learning from text: Work sheets, text books Learning through writing: Rich tasks, written explanations of some work Assessment for Learning Opportunities: Mini plenaries within lessons Assessment in week 3 Numeracy Links: Cross-Curricular Links: To look at patterns in nature etc Student Leadership Opportunities: . WrL / Enterprise: Extension/Enrichment Opportunities: Pond borders SMSC Sequences Levels 7/8 Review Generate sequences using term to term and general rules Writing the general term of a linear sequence Levels6/7 Multiples, factors, primes and square numbers Level 5/6 Listing multiples, factors of numbers Generating square and triangle numbers and other sequences from pictures Level 4 /5 Counting on in numbers Ordering numbers Level 3/4 Count on in 1’s and 2’s starting at any number below 100 Number bonds for 1 to 10 1 to 20 Level 3- Put numbers from 1 to 20order Core Rules of indices with both numbers and algebra Generate sequences using term to term and nth rules Writing the general term of a linear sequence Generate sequences using term to term Writing the nth term of a linear sequence Listing multiples, factors of numbers Generating square and triangle numbers from drawings Generating sequences from pictures extension Quadratic sequences Fractional sequences Decreasing sequences Using a general rule to generate sequences Describing sequences in words Rich Task Yr 7 Yr 7 Pond borders Interact Yr 7 Pond borders Interact Yr 7 Pond borders Interact Yr 7 Pond borders Interact Continue number sequences in a specified step eg. 5’s and 10,s Number bonds Ordering numbers Find numbers that follow a statement Continue more difficult sequences Generating sequences from pictures Yr 7 Pond borders Interact Rich Task Yr 8 Seven Seven Odds, squares – squares – evens and groupworthy groupworthy more Odds, evens and more Odds, evens and more Count on in 1’s and 2’s starting at any number below 100 Number bonds for 1 to 10 Draw and continue simple pattern sequence Yr 7 Pond borders Interact Sheep talk (nrich) task (NRich) task (NRich) evens (Nrich) Rich Task Yr 9 Starters evens (Nrich) evens (Nrich)