Draft health and wellbeing indicators March

Fife Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-20 proposed indicators (currently available @ March 2015)
Medium term health and wellbeing indicators
1. Vulnerable pregnant women, children, young people and families have reduced risk of poor
health outcomes.
Percentage of women smoking in pregnancy
Percentage of babies breastfed at 6-8 weeks
Percentage of children in P1 with no evidence of dental disease
Pregnancy rate among the population aged under 20 years (rate per 1000 population)
Pregnancy rate among the population aged under 16 years (rate per 1000 population)
Percentage of teenage girls taking part in physical activity*
2. People experiencing difficult life circumstances have better skills, strengths, knowledge, support
and opportunity to improve their health and wellbeing.
Percentage of adult population who smoke
Percentage of children in P1 who are obese
Percentage of young people (aged 13 and 15) who are regular smokers
Percentage of young people (aged 13 and 15) who drink alcohol at least once a week
Percentage of young people (aged 13 and 15) who use drugs at least once a month
Percentage of the adult population eating at least 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables every day
Percentage of adult population drinking more than recommended levels each week
Acute hospital discharges relating to drug misuse (DSR per 100,000 population)
Alcohol related hospital admissions (DSR per 100,000 popn)
Percentage of adults who are obese
3. Older people have increased opportunities and support to improve their health and wellbeing
and to engage in their local communities.
Emergency admissions (2 or more in a year) for adults 75+ (rate per 1000 population)
Percentage of adults aged 65+ eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables
Percentage of adults aged 65+ taking 30 minutes exercise
Hospital admissions for falls and/or fractures in adults aged 75+ (rate per 1000 population)
4. Communities have increased skills and resources to develop local initiatives which create
supportive social networks, increase participation in community activity and improve health and
Percentage of adult population volunteering
5. Neighbourhoods have better, safe, accessible outdoor and community spaces which are used
more by communities to enhance their health and wellbeing.
Long term indicators
Percentage of adults using nearest greenspace once or several times a week
Percentage of population living within vicinity of any derelict site
6. Services and support are delivered differently, in flexible ways, to meet the health and wellbeing
needs of key groups.
 Percentage rating their neighbourhood as a fairly or very good place to live
 Uptake of courses in Health Improvement Training Programme
Percentage of low birth
weight babies
Mental wellbeing – mean
WEMWBS score males and
females aged 18 and over
All cause mortality under 75,
DSR per 100,000 population
All cancer morality rate under
75, DSR per 100,000
All cancer registrations under
75, DSR per 100,000
Coronary heart disease
mortality rate under 75, DSR
per 100,000 population
Coronary heart disease first
hospital admission under 75,
DSR per 100,000
Diabetes prevalence rate all
ages – data requested from
Alcohol related mortality all
ages, DSR per 1000
Life expectancy at birth (M)
Life expectancy at birth(F)
Mortality rate in 15-44 year
olds DSR per 100,000
Mental wellbeing of older
people (mean WEMWBS
score adults aged 65 and
Life expectancy at 65 (males)
Life expectancy at 65