Outcomes measurement Check to see your suicide prevention strategies are meeting your goals Stakeholder Community action group Outcome Community is able to implement appropriate strategies to match its current needs (e.g. not go into prevention talk when still in grievingawareness phase) about Increased the issue Indicator % survey respondents (those involved in suicide prevention activities) who answer positively (4 or 5) to 'How well you feel that the suicide prevention activities undertaken in your community are appropriate for the community's current state?' % survey respondents (those involved in suicide prevention activities) who answer positively (4 or 5) to 'Do you think awareness of suicide has increased in your community?' Risk groups Safety net for at risk community members (local and access to regional, federal services – linking effectively) Network analysis shows sufficient safety net is established and relationships are appropriately managed (this assessment should be undertaken with mental health and suicide prevention experts) Stakeholders related to risk groups Risk groups Awareness of prevention strategies % survey respondents who answer positively 'Are you aware of local (or regional/federal) support services for mental health and/or suicide prevention?' Risk groups Stakeholders related to risk groups Stakeholders related to risk groups Stakeholders related to risk groups Awareness of support services Stakeholders related to risk groups Community is able to identify and support members experiencing high levels of stress and mental illness People in the community feel equipped to respond to suicide Stakeholders related to risk groups Community is able to support members experiencing grief and loss after a suicide Risk groups Reduced stigma associated with suicidal behaviours and mental illness Stakeholders related to risk groups % survey respondents who answer positively (4 or 5) 'How comfortable are you supporting members of your community experiencing high levels of stress and mental illness?' % survey respondents (those involved in suicide prevention activities) who answer positively (4 or 5) to 'How comfortable do you think the community would be to support one another if a suicide occurred?' % survey respondents (those involved in suicide prevention activities) who answer positively (4 or 5) to 'How comfortable do you think the community would be to support one another if a suicide occurred?' % survey respondents who answer positively (4 or 5) 'Do you feel there is stigma about mental illness and suicide in your community?' % survey respondents who answer positively (4 or 5) 'How comfortable are you/would you be with engaging with local support services for mental health and/or suicide prevention? % survey respondents who answer positively (4 or 5) 'Do you feel there is stigma about mental illness and suicide in your community?' Stakeholder Outcome Indicator % survey respondents who answer positively (4 or 5) 'How comfortable are you/would you be with engaging with local support services for mental health and/or suicide prevention?' Risk groups Stakeholders related to risk groups Risk groups Social connectedness of the community % survey respondents who answer positively (4 or 5) 'How well connected do you think you and members of your community are?' Improved wellbeing – Physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual The outcomes intended for individuals in the community are important for the action groups. However, these are not direct outcomes from this web resource, so have not been included in the outcomes measurement framework. Should these outcomes be measured, it should be undertaken with expert support to ensure any questions asked of vulnerable members of the community are appropriate. Risk groups Risk groups Increased feeling of comfort with living environment Increased feeling of learning and growth Increased feeling of participating in meaningful activities Increased hope Increased personal resilience Reduced risk of suicide Reduced incidence of suicide (attempt and actual)