Theme - LGBTQ Affirmative Therapists Guild of Utah

2012 Utah Pride Interfaith Service
12:30 pm -Saturday, June 2, 2012
The Cathedral Church of Saint Mark, 231 E 100 South, SLC, UT
11th Annual Interfaith Service
Presented by Utah Pride Interfaith Coalition
Utah Pride Center: - Utah Pride Festival:
Theme: “Changing Minds, Healing Hearts”
Our Mission Statement
Together, we celebrate the divine within each of us. It is tragically believed
by some gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people that on the event of
their coming-out they lose all rights to consider themselves people of faith,
spiritual and capable of holiness. As an Interfaith community we come together
from many diverse faiths and cultures, to proclaim loudly and proudly that such
is not the case! Each of us is a being of love, created as we are.
12:10 pm
Gathering of Faith Leaders (& Pride Pipers) outside of Cathedral (in courtyard,
weather permitting)
12:30 pm
CATHEDRAL BELL SOUNDS – Processional begins
Processional lead into the Cathedral by Pride Pipers (Bag Pipes)
Vested Processional & Clergy Introductions:
Russell Baker-Gorringe, Chair of Utah Pride Interfaith Coalition & Open &
Affirming Ministries of Holladay United Church of Christ
Hymn: “God Who Stretched The Spangled”
Hymnal P 580
Organist: Scott Green-Mills, Principal Organist at First United Methodist Church
Lighting of Candles
Incense is Blessed by The Rt Rev Scott B Hayashi, Episcopal Bishop of
Utah, joined by founding members of Utah Pride Interfaith Coalition: The Rev.
W. Lee Shaw, Episcopal Diocese of Utah, and Duane Jennings, LDS
The Rt Rev Scott B Hayashi, Episcopal Bishop of Utah
Eleventh Episcopal Bishop of the Utah Diocese
Introduction of 2012 Interfaith Theme
Maureen Duffy-Boose President Emeritus, Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
Who is Jewish?
Emm Yaxte, Congregation Kol Ami
“Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us in life,
sustained us, and brought us to this moment.” (The Shehecheyanu)
Who is Christian?
The Rev Robert E Trujillo, Glory to God Old Catholic Church, Ogden
“Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no
secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by inspiration of your Holy
Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your Holy Name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Episcopal/Christian Prayer Book)
Who is Unitarian?
The Rev Barbara Coeyman
South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society
Who is Native American or Earth Centered Tradition?
Maureen Duffy-Boose, VP of Pagan Pride Project
Lacee A Harris, Medicine Man, Northern Ute & Northern Piute Tribes
“Greetings and thanks to each other as people, to the earth, mother of all
greetings and thanks; And from the four directions, the four winds: Thank you for
purifying the air we breathe and giving us strength, and now the sun, for the light
of a new day; and the stars for their mystery, beauty, and guidance; to our
teachers from all time, remind us of how to live in harmony; and for all the gifts of
creation. For all the love around us; and for that which is forgotten, we
remember. We end our words. Now our minds are one.” (Abbreviated version of A
Daily Thanksgiving Prayer from the Onondago Nation of Ontario and Quebec).
Who is Muslim?
Representing Muslim Community,
The Rev Dex Trujillo, Glory to God Old Catholic Church
“In the name of Allah, … show us the right way; The way of those on whom You
have bestowed Your Grace; Those whose portion is not wrath, and who do not
go astray.” (Based on the Qur’an, The First Surah – “The Opening”)
Who is Buddhist?
Anna Zumwalt, The Buddhist Community of Salt Lake City
“May I become at all times, both now and forever, a protector for those without
protection, a guide for those who have lost their way, a ship for those with
oceans to cross, a bridge for those with rivers to cross, a sanctuary for those in
danger, a lamp for those without light, a place of refuge for those who lack
shelter, and a servant to all in need.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Who is of No Tradition:
Jan Vanderhooft, South Valley Unitarian Universalists
Salt Lake Men’s Choir, “Grant Us Peace”
Director: Dennis MaCracken, Accompanist: Aaron Flood
Tribute to Diverse Community among LGBT People of Faith
 Salt Lake City Mayor, Ralph Becker
Tribute to Utah Pride Interfaith Founding members
Russ Baker-Gorringe, Utah Pride Interfaith Chair & Maureen Duffy-Boose President
Emeritus, Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, honoring with commemorative stoles:
The Rev. W. Lee Shaw, Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Duane Jennings, LDS Affirmation
The Rev Dee Bradshaw, Sacred Light of Christ Church
Litany of Changing Minds (A Prayer for Changing Minds)
The Rev Erin Gillmore, Holladay United Church of Christ
Scott Green-Mills, Principal Organist at First United Methodist Church
Litany of Healing Hearts (A Prayer for Healing Hearts)
The Rev David Nichols, Pastor, Mount Tabor Lutheran Church, ELCA
The Rev Curtis Price, First Baptist Church of SLC
The Zen Chant
Ritual of Remembrance of LGBT People Lost Their Lives:
Urgyen Samten Ling Sangha & The Kanzeon Zen Sangha
Buddhist Community of Salt Lake City
Comments of Tony Milner, Executive Director of Family Promise:
Offering & Offering Music
Organist: Scott Green-Mills, Principal Organist at First United Methodist Church
Benefitting Family Promise, Salt Lake City, UT
Please, make checks payable to: Utah Pride Center
Salt Lake Men’s Choir, “Zion’s Walls,” by Aaron Copland
Director: Dennis MaCracken, Accompanist: Aaron Flood
Introduction of Speaker:
Kurt Cook, Senior Warden, The Cathedral Church of Saint Mark
The Rt Rev Scott B Hayashi, Episcopal Bishop of Utah
Eleventh Episcopal Bishop of the Utah Diocese
Festival March Instructions:
Russ Baker-Gorringe, Chair of Utah Pride Interfaith Coalition &
Open & Affirming Ministries for Holladay United Church of Christ
Congregational Hymn/Benediction: “Lift Every Voice,” Hymnal p 599
Pride Pipers Musical Melody
How Great Thou Art & Faith Melody
Bag Pipers: Justin Howland, Shawn Newton, Marc Pehkonen
Organist: Scott Green-Mills, Principal Organist at First United Methodist Church
Special Thanks to:
The Rt. Rev. Scott Hayashi, Episcopal Bishop of Utah
The Very Rev. Ray Waldon, Dean, the Cathedral Church of St. Mark.
The Rev. Cn Robin James, Cathedral Church of St. Mark
The Rev. W. Lee Shaw, Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Dennis MaCracken and The Salt Lake Men’s Choir
Organist Scott Green-Mills, Principal Organist at First United Methodist
2 - 2:30 p.m.
(Gathering following worship service for interfaith march to Festival Grounds)
Interfaith march to Washington Square / Pride Festival Grounds (From the
Cathedral Church of Saint Mark, 231 E 100 South, SLC, UT), police escorted
march southbound on 200 South to Pride Festival Grounds.
As the Interfaith Service concludes, please move quickly from the Cathedral, out
to the street for the march. Please and do not linger in Cathedral –Visiting can
be done as we march and at the festival grounds.
9 A.M. PARADE LINE UP & STAGING: Meet on 400 East, just north of 400 South, in
the Rent A Center (RAC) parking lot. Parking is available across street, behind the
Children’s Center. As an Interfaith community, we are again honored to carry the huge
Rainbow Flag, at the end of the Pride Parade. We’ll be worshiping with our feet by
participating in the parade and celebrating our divine creation as allies and LGBT/Q
people of faith. We will need about 300 volunteers to help us carry the huge rainbow
flag. We ask each church to bring additional volunteers to carry their own church
& faith banners in front of the flag. For clergy, where possible, we encourage
parade participants to come vested.
Flag carriers; please wear bright colorful clothes to add to the “rainbow” look. Also, so
we can avoid having the money people throw onto the flag blow away, please bring a
bright colored bag or bucket to store donations that people throw onto the flag. This
way we can avoid having gift money blow away in the wind. We’ll gather the donations
at the end, as usual, and then give it to the Utah Pride Center.
Open Communion: For those wishing to participate, we will have an open communion at
our parade staging area.
For those who are unable to walk the parade route, we are looking for vehicles for them
to ride in. Convertible cars work best; however, a comfortable vehicle is what’s
important. If you have a vehicle that could carry people unable to walk the parade
route, please coordinate with Joe Baker-Gorringe at 435-650-9864 before May 26.
On printed program:
A list of each affirming church or faith community, website, & address
Printed Programs curtsey of
Sacred Light of Christ Church