Galaab Gandaria HIS 3553 Dear Cousin, Hope all is well in England and that life is treating you fairly. Unfortunately things are not so well here in America. The country is at war with each other and is split in two between the North and South parts of the country, in what has been called the Civil War. I have become an avid supporter of our president Abraham Lincoln and his efforts to win the civil war for the north. The north is fighting in this unjust war because of several events that have unfolded over the last couple of years. Luckily I have stayed current because our country does a good job of delivering the news in the newspaper. It seems certain disagreements started after the Missouri compromise was admitted. According to the newspaper, the Missouri Compromise was an effort by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of Missouri late in 1819 for admission as a state in which slavery would be permitted. At the time, the United States contained twenty-two states, evenly divided between slave and free. Admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset that balance; it would also set a precedent for congressional agreement in the expansion of slavery. And from what I read it seems that the United States seems to want to expand west. The desire for expansion comes after the Mexican American war cousin. The United States acquires much land west from a war with neighboring Mexico which most of us here in the north did not agree with. Much of this land cousin is to be free of slavery and also Negros. But it seems that the previous Missouri compromise has deterred the south wanting slavery in the new acquired land. A speaker for the Republican Party in town told what follows next cousin and I saw pictures in the newspaper. Galaab Gandaria HIS 3553 The U.S. Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act on May 30, 1854. It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which prohibited slavery north. The Kansas-Nebraska Act infuriated many in the North who considered the Missouri Compromise to be a long-standing binding agreement. In the pro-slavery South it was strongly supported. After the KansasNebraska Act was passed, pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters rushed in to settle Kansas to affect the outcome of the first election held there after the law went into effect. Pro-slavery settlers carried the election but were charged with fraud by anti-slavery settlers, and they did not accept the results. The anti-slavery settlers held another election, however pro-slavery settlers refused to vote. This resulted in the establishment of two opposing legislatures within the Kansas territory. Violence soon erupted, with the antislavery forces led by John Brown. The territory earned the nickname "bleeding Kansas" as the death toll rose. You see cousin, that because of these events the country is at war. It seems that many southerners want to expand slavery and retain their power and dominance over blacks. They fear the revolt of blacks upon release and the fact that every white person could share living next to a black person. So due to these events over the past years it was inevitable that a war would erupt. I am currently support the Republican Party cousin, which seems to want to stop slavery and its heinous existence. During the elections of 1860, I was at voters rally to support them. It seemed the Abraham Lincoln was to win the presidency. But I feared that by Lincoln being president and his views on slavery would ultimately provide ammunition for a split between the pro-slavery and the anti-slavery people. Galaab Gandaria HIS 3553 Cousin, I recently was at rally where president Lincoln gave a speech and he spoke of slavery and his vision. According to his speech it seems that president Lincoln does not agree with slavery and he is not a slave master himself. But he mentions that he holds no say in what the south does with slavery and so that the north should not interfere with slave affairs. It seems cousin that president Lincoln only means to contain slavery and not let it expand. He believes that by not letting slavery spread to northern and western states that slavery will soon die out. Based on the speech I attended, president Lincoln will end slavery in the near future and will end the war. Sorry to write this letter cousin based on bad news and troubling times here in the United States. Please cousin, pray for us and hopefully we pull out of this bad situation and awful time. I feel that by voting and having my opinion felt somehow I can make a difference in abolishing slavery along with some concerned citizens. Blacks should have the same opportunities as the white man and should be able to pursuit happiness. Please give my greetings to your family and do not trouble them with America’s dark times. I love you cousin and please write to see how your life is. Much love and greetings