Title of Abstract, Center Aligned and Capitalized Tim Mewes1*, Patrick Kung1, Mingzhong Wu2, Yang-Ki Hong1 and Claudia Mewes1 1: Affiliation, Address, Country 2: Affiliation, Address, Country This is a template file for the book of abstracts of the ICMM2016, to be held from June 5th until June 8th 2016 in Tuscaloosa, USA. The abstract should fit on a single page. The page size is letter format which is 8.5” x 11” (or 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm) in portrait orientation. The page margins are 1” (or 2.54 cm) at the top, bottom, left and right – please do not change this. Please underline the presenting author and mark the corresponding author with a * in the author list and add the e-mail contact of the corresponding author as the last line of the abstract, as shown below. Please do not insert any page number, header or footer. Please use Arial font throughout the abstract. Please do not change the formatting of the abstract. Please Figure 1: This is an example figure with the ICMM 2016 logo. You can use this as a template for your own do not change the font size of the abstract. The figures or delete it if not needed. correct font size is 14pt for the title, 10pt for the author list, 10pt for the affiliations, 9pt for the figure captions and 10pt for the text of the abstract and the references. We ask you to prepare a single MS WORD file and insert figures as needed, for an example see figure 1. Your abstract has to fit on one page! There will be no editing process after your submission. Please use square brackets to cite references in the text, see for example [1]. Use the APS style for the list of references, see for example references [2] and [3] below. Please submit your abstract using the following link: http://tinyurl.com/ICMM2016-abstracts. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by XXX under contract number yyyyyy. REFERENCES [1] T. Mewes, R. L. Stamps, H. Lee, E. Edwards, M. Bradford, C. K. A. Mewes, Z. Tadisina, and S. Gupta, IEEE Mag. Lett. 1, 3500204 (2010). [2] S. Schafer, N. Pachauri, C. K. A. Mewes, T. Mewes, C. Kaiser, Q. Leng, and M. Pakala, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 032402 (2012). [3] H. Lee, Y.-H. A. Wang, C. K. A. Mewes, W. H. Butler, T. Mewes, S. Maat, B. York, M. J. Carey, and J. R. Childress, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 082502 (2009). *corresponding author: tmewes@mint.ua.edu