Speech and Debate Cheyenne East High School COACHES: Marcus Viney (Head Coach) Ashley Schulz (Assistant Coach) Jeff Pope (Volunteer Coach) Matt Prevedel (Assistant Coach) Sandy Patrick (Assistant Coach) WHAT IS SPEECH AND DEBATE? Speech and debate is an academic activity that is both challenging and competitive—the “speech” part is like acting and the “debate” part is just arguing. You can do one or both! Similar to athletic activities, speech and debate requires regular practice, coaching, and competitions. Speech Public Speaking Original Oratory Extemp Interpretation Drama Humor Duo Debate Lincoln-Douglas Public Forum Policy Debate Congress HOW DOES SPEECH AND DEBATE WORK AT EAST? We offer elective classes, after-school practices (see website), and trips to competitive tournaments: Classes: Competitive Speech: this class prepares students for competition in speech events (emphasis on creative interpretation and expression); students will travel and compete with the speech and debate team throughout the season. Debate: this class prepares students for competition in debate events (emphasis on logic, rhetoric, and argumentation); students will travel and compete with the speech and debate team throughout the season. Speech: this class introduces students to public speaking as well as competitive speech and debate events. Travel and Tournaments: We compete almost every weekend starting in November and ending in March. Mostly, we compete in Wyoming and Colorado, but occasionally, we travel farther. We spend significant amounts of time away from home—on the road and in hotels, but the trips are always an amazing bonding experience! Is this expensive for you? No. We pay for everything except for the meal before we leave. East has an incredible legacy—we have been and are nationally competitive. Come be a part of our team! WHY IS SPEECH AND DEBATE IMPORTANT? Increases academic performance (provides unique benefits for gifted and at-risk populations) Plays an extremely important role in college admissions, scholarships, and ultimately career paths! Develops real-world skills transferable to almost any profession (e.g. Confidence & Poise, Public Speaking Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Research Skills, Current Events Knowledge, Writing Skills, How to Advocate & Defend Positions, Social and Collaborative Skills, Organizational Skills, etc.) RESOURCES: Our website: cheyenneeastspeechanddebate.com National Speech and Debate Association: speechanddebate.org Mr. Viney: (970)-310-0011 vineym@laramie1.org