CM12 : p.29 sonnets in romeo and Juliets, not include sonnets wrote

CM12 : p.29 sonnets in romeo and Juliets, not include sonnets wrote in prose and verse >> blank
verse. Straitght to Elizabethan poetry p.34 see definition. Ancient and modern verse ancient quantity
and modern number and also accent >> les mots employés par Sydney. The two types of verse
contratin here. Ancient >> latin verse feet not made up on syllable, in latin one foot = 1,2,3, or even 4
syllables, words defining each of these syllable wehther the syllables are long or short. For example
the most standed verse made up of a shirt syllable and and a long one. Iamb in latin short and long.
Next year romatinc poems used this system, iamb tronchees, series of lines with three syllable with
one long and two shorts. A parti du 18ème siècle on utilize tout ces pieds. They knew that system, it
was a system applicable only to latin. In E poetry they use what he calls number and accent. Count
syllables you can stresses in a line. P. 35 >> line by Shakespeare premiere phrase >> 5 stresses and
10 syllables basic patterns of a line of Shakespeare, 5 iambs = iambic pentameter it’s true and untrue.
Remember what Sydney said. The true way to describe a line by Shakespeare >> to say that it is a
decasyllable, it is called ten syllables. Decasyllabic line. Second text p .35 line 35 him est en plus.
Because when you use rhyme the English distinguish between two system. Masculine ending >> sur
une syllable forte. Feminine faible. Ce que l’on a vu au premier vers masculine et 35 >> feminine.
RYthm boring >> Shakespeare >> extrastresses brooks nd standing two stressed syllable de suite.
Vision isochronique de la poésie = les temps forts et accents sont toujours écarté de la même
distance. Trois syllabes forte de suites = ralentis le rythme, on va essayer tjrs de placer les accents
forts a des espaces réguliers. L. 26 du premier = ges et of going to be sped up two weeks syllables
pronounces them quicker. This is interesting because as we saw S write blank verse name of the
person whi invented them using here in p.34. Not blank verse here. Blank verse looks very much as
latin verse. This type of blank verse in henry howard 1540 and published in 1557 >> 1561 on stage.
What type of blank verse ? differences between those two speechesin term of metrics shift between
in the way the verse is make. << end stopped second one the lines are run-on lines= enjambment.
Line 36. First one no such things. Pas des enjambements pas coupé par le changements de vers. Dans
chaque evrs des petites unités ensemble. Les enjmabements pas forcément le suejt dans le vers
d’avant. Here there is not romantical stopped except in one or two occasions. Shakespeare star of his
carrier end stopped and end the other. Not pause but in the line 29. In the second excerpt the
opposite except in 37 and 42 these are the only two clear brakes. If you look at the endings in the
first excerpt, all masculine endings. 2 excerpt >> him pastime winds thunder >> feminine endings >>
sentences tend to begin in the middle of line. The effect = the underline metrical rhythm is actually
covered dissimulated behind the syntax, the way the syntax is used is independent of the line;
Evolution of his line more fluid use of verse throughout his carrier. S verses change >> quand ets ce
qu’il préfère utilizer la prose ou le svers >> in the start of his carrier historical play >> Richard 3 most
of those plays are complitly in verse. Prose there is used only for clowning. These are very limited
occurences. In the early comedies tend to have more prose or more verse for lovers more prose for
comedy. Reason for that the comedy section == essentially done by men, the lovers implied women,
little boys acting on stage, verse early to remember than prose, the memotecnic dimension on verse
because love scene more easy to remember. Début de carrier pratiquemment toutes les scenes en
vers dans romé Juliette. Vraiment in distribution sociale des vers. These changes, you have plays
comic wits >> in which towards the end of the 1590 and in particular in MA, there is 0 percent prose
in richar 3 in MA 74 % prose= lot of it used between Beatrice and benedick, change of status of prose
more and more particuralarly with gifted boy actors in prose. 1600 >> emphuistic verse some of
the soliloquies in prose which is also different. Scene between master and followers in prose.
L’utilisationd e la rime >> petit sonnet brusquement des échanges sous forme de sonnet soit partagé.
Dans much ado on utilise aussi la ryhme mais pour des raisons non artistiques >> MA IV 1. 251-254
>> quatrain 4 lines which are spoken by the friar they rhyme ay/ure/ay. Tous ces mots là rimaient du
tems de Shakespeare. Couplets in V sc 4 entry masked ladies. Les ryhmes sont là pour dire aux gens
attention ça rime soit taillez vous soit fille en coulisse si vous voulez bien rentrer masqué c’est
maitnenant they are just signals. If you look at the end of scene very often the last two lines rhyes as
couplet. Those cues helpful, needed extrahelp. Ces vers rimes ils pouvait hurler la rime c’était une
signal absolu. One extra fraction on verse and rhyme act 3 sc 1 gulling scen >> l. 105-116. Deux
premiers sont dit par Hero this couplet is the signal for the girls to live the stage. She is the stage
director from 107-116 beatrice speaking ABABCDCDEE end of the scene >> rhyming couplet two
ways >> final couplet beginning of the sonnet signal that this is the end of the scene. A cue et last
couplet of a sonnet. Spenser avait aussi une technique pour tenir la tension. Fairy Queen by Spenson
>> queen of fairies called glorianna falls in love with Arthur gloriana = elizabteh the first >> twelfht
knights each for different virtue in the end only wrote 3 books. Some of th e knights some stand for
holiness coverage >> allegorical = medieval poetry claimed that Chaucer was his model and uses a lot
of very old fashioned words and materials, all these adventures the queen Elizabeth quick appearing
>> one section where she is called Belphoebe is actually a servant of Diana also a hauntress very
much the woman, also a leader called Una symbol of unity = religious leader. Elizabeth the head of
the church of England. Una here= very important symbol to represent her. She also appears as one of
the knights >> britomart (mart because she is a matial character and brito = Britain. Wonderful
excerpt where btiomark looks at a mirror amzing good looking man, medieval word.Arthegall est un
demi frère d’arthur et porte les armes d’achille. Spenser turning towards a past >> british> using
word that Chaucer uses. He is using metrological figures >> second excerpt description of where
Athena lives. Athena here you have in her cave, reliques elements of destroyed buildings. Benedick
calling Beatrice = destroys everything c’ets un peu l’arme de destruction massive.
p. 36 : John Donne. >> 20 +40+40+100+200+1000+1000= 2400= 1 siecle = une heure donc une heure
sans sa copine = 1siecle. Donne is all about delievering a hidden message. Making a point in
surprising you. When you begin each hour gonna be a year and then gradually jumps in 200 and
1000. What John Donne done here that he misse her very much, doesn’t want everybody to read
this. Meant for chosen few. Cette idée là ça dans la critique littéraire de l’époque on appellee ça a
conceit = expand your mind it’s necessitate of with the reader to understand. Suppose to calculate
something. Computation = resolution of it.
p.37 : toujours John Donne >> lovers are separated not uppose to cry you suppose two seprate
quietly to his soul to go away. Lait as a religion. In the second section line 9 his love is not physical
love because sublunary >> amour physique sont des amours trop changeants. Trops soudé aux
influences célestes parce que gérer par la lune. Two souls are one l. 21 dans une seule strophe l’idée
selonf laquelle les deux ames font deux é ème strophe love is like a ductile gold. 2ième image >> 2
compasses (les compas ici) il dit que l’ame est comme un compas toi tu es le point fixe quand je suis
obligé de m’éloigner tu me suis, et quand je rentreà la maison je me redresse ici erect LOOOL ! This is
another conceit. A l’envers du calcul. Ici on part d’une comapraison bizarre et il epxlique dans les
trois strophes suivantes.