Group think Abandonment of personal responsibility The techniques of cults to indoctrinate them brainwash their followers We have to stop supporting the entire concept of domination if we are ever going to get out of this mess that we have worked our way into as human beings in consciousness and the subsequent loss of freedom that goes hand-in-hand with that level of unconsciousness. 20m recap Image-06 We have to develop a true sense of uniqueness and individuality and treasure that. Not want to be part of a group think mentality. You can work with other people, but to identify with that group is something altogether different. Means you are basing their taking an identity from it and are no longer a unique individual having been dissolved in the group. The group does not have a conscience, only individuals, individual people have a conscience. Once you're in a group that has its own direction it wants to go, it's about preservation of the whole and preservation of the group and its agenda. A group of people who can accomplish great good is possible when people in the group continued to see themselves as unique individuals, working for a specific goal that they know themselves to be correct, right, good and true, and are not identifying with the group and its preservation. Unfortunately all institutions in the world are presently about that. They are all about self-preservation which is a low modality of consciousness. Just survival only at any cost is a basic brain modality of consciousness in the Rcomplex. It doesn't take into consideration any higher minded ideals or philosophy. There is nothing to be respected in giving up your individuality as a unique human being. That is to be loathed and avoided at all costs. It leads us, no matter how good our intentions are, down a path of following whatever they wants of us. Follow orders of the herd mentality. This is why we are in the mess we are as a people because none of us are actually truly listening to our conscience and acting in accordance with it. We are going along with the group and following its agenda but wants of us. We are basing our behavior, decisions and actions on what we think the group expects of us. It cannot remain like this if we are ever going to prosper, if we are ever going to move into a way of being where we thrive and not creating unimaginable self-inflicted suffering for self. This group-think herd mentality behavior is how we are creating a self-inflicted wound. We are doing it to ourselves. We are putting ourselves in chains. It's not something that is really being done to us once we look at the dark occult groups that are working towards our enslavement as actually our willingness to obey the herd mentality and wanting to fit in and go along with the group. They are bringing us all into the herd, the big farm, and getting ready to lead us to the slaughterhouse if we don't turn it around. We are trying to understand why they are like this. Without the why there is no power, there is no deep understanding. You'll never be able to reverse situation without understanding why and not enough people understand why people are in that state of mind. They don't have enough information about human psychology and certainly not enough information about the techniques that are employed against them by the people who are wielding techniques of cults, of herd conformist mentality. A cult is a herd conformist group with members who act on behalf of the group and abandoned their own personal responsibility to truth, what is right, and go along with what the group expects of them, right or wrong. Image-07 Techniques of cults or how to brainwash willing followers who want to give away personal responsibility for their own actions As long as you continue to exist in that modality of consciousness, where you believe you can give away personal responsibility to do what is right to someone else, you are walking over cliff into an abyss willingly. Whether you are conscious of this or not, you are going over the edge of a cliff. This whole desire to do this is an illusion, it can never be done. If you think you can live outside the boundaries of Natural Law and prosper and not suffer, that is impossible. To imagine you can do this is a negative use of the imagination. Imagination is there a allow us to be capable of doing amazing things, but it can be abused to imagine you can do things that you cannot do, to engage in a delusion through the use of imagination. There is no such thing as giving away your personal responsibility, whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not or whether you want to accept it or not. You can certainly brainwash someone who thinks they can actually give away their personal responsibility. Understanding these techniques and understanding the mindset of the person who allows themselves to fall for these techniques shows you why we are collectively doing what we are doing. Part of the solution is to understand the psychological factors at work in people who join group thinking institutions, in people who continue to obey orders without actually listening to their conscience. We need to know why they want to do this if we are ever going to help them come out of this brainwashed condition. It comes down to self-respect, at some level these people do not like an aspect of who they are, they don't like themselves. In many ways they should not like who they currently are, but they have not developed the willpower to want to make a change. They have not developed enough love for themselves, the higher self. Not the physical body, not the ego self and the identified will that we play, but the real Self. This Self is not simply the sum of your thoughts emotions and actions. It is a higher connection to one us, to the divine if you will. It is a sport that exists in all of us. A person in this condition may not have made a connection to the divine essence within them, some thinking that it is not there and that there is no soul. There is a self-loathing component within them that makes them want to turn that self-loathing outward and take it out on someone else. We need to understand the psychological factors at work within someone's mind if we are ever going to help them come out of that condition. If we are going to be assistance to the process of change, we need to know why they are already there. Without the why you come to the situation powerless. The four main over-arching techniques of cults: - Isolation - Conformity - Indoctrination through Repetition - Trauma The techniques of cult initiation. In other words how to make a human robot, a biological and Jordan, someone will follow orders unquestioningly. Give themselves up, both lower self and higher self. Their connection to higher self is already gone and they give up their body as well to allow their actions and behaviors that are taken by the body to be commanded by the group or master. Do not be a follower. The worst thing you can do is just absolutely believe all of this without actually discovering these things for yourself through seeking the truth. If you're going to follow anything then you need to follow where the truth leads you. Except that which is, not what you want to believe is there. It's difficult enough to master oneself without trying to hold other people up as a guru. That is not to say that once you understand what is going on that you have no responsibility to help others reach that level of understanding. You do have that responsibility, it is part of everyone's personal responsibility. Do not believe anything, know that which is. Image-08 Isolation Isolation is key because it is very difficult to continue the other techniques without anyone disrupting them, are breaking up, questioning why something is happening to someone which would happen if it was done in the open. The conditioning is done in an isolated section, removed from the rest of the community. You're not allowed to be in constant contact with anyone outside of this group. All cults isolate their members in some respect or another. A religious cult that has people go live with them in some sort of commune, or a boot camp where you are removed from the civilian population, or a police academy. Separation from the rest of the community is absolutely essential otherwise people would be questioning what is going on, people would be comparing notes. This also involves the creation of an us-versus-them mentality. You have to demonize people who are outsiders, who do not belong. You always need an enemy. A cult needs an enemy to point their finger at and say they are the entire problem. Cult wants people to believe that there is a certain enemy in order to get them to do what they want them to do. Hitler had the Communists. America has Arab fundamentalists. Hitler created his own false flag just as American rogue elements within the government created its own false flag. Often it is an invented enemy, but they need any me there to create that opposition, the oppositional consciousness of us-versus-them. This always gets people to look outward, never of inward. We need to turn our gaze inward. Are you part of the dynamic is creating the problem? If you see any part of your-self that is part of the dynamic, you need to withdraw from it. Say no. It's what the process of apophasis is about. We need to take a good long hard look at ourselves and stop pointing the finger outward. We point the finger at ourselves as individuals and then help other people do that same process. Respect, taking another look at oneself. There's too much external finger-pointing. What we have is a ”my freedom” movement. We do not have a real freedom movement of people who really want to affect a true lasting positive change, a true solution. We do not have this in mass numbers. We have “my freedom”, people who are interested in themselves being free, but when it comes to the freedom of all and being told that you are part of this dynamic that is destroying human freedom with the certain things that you are doing, they are not interested in this freedom, you become the bad person for bringing this message. People will listen up to a point until they are told that they themselves are doing something that is problematic, that is contributing to the problem, then don't want to hear anything beyond that because you touched a nerve. The “my freedom” alternative research community that we have is largely a group of people that realize that their own personal freedom is being accosted but when it comes to the freedom of all it is a very little consequence or significance to them. If their wallets or their freedoms are being affected it matters, but if something else is happening in another place and it doesn't really affect you immediately then “so what.” Without isolation, all of these techniques would come into question, these techniques would be called out as to their validity. The master and the person who is being conditioned into this form of slavery would be questioned by outsiders. The master would be asked why you think you have a right to do this to another human being, and follower would be asked why are you allowing this to be done to you. Image-09 Conformity Bringing people into a semblance of sameness. This can be difficult to do because everyone is an individual and everyone is unique. We are all unique beings and all unique creations. We should not squander that away. Some people insist “should” should never be said to another person because it is the immediate engagement of the ego. That is bunk. This is the problem. No one is saying “you should not do this”, “should not be acting like this.” They don’t want to step on others sensibilities and wound their egos, thinking that will turn them off. The problem is we are too accepting of others bad behavior. No one is calling anyone on their bullshit to be frank. This is the problem. No one is willing to step up and say you should not do this, this is wrong, this is against natural law, you do not have this right, why do you even imagine you have this right. You don't have to tell him what they should do, but tell them what is wrong and what they should not do, the apophatic way. Trying to vent people from saying what should or shouldn't be done is New Age garbage, it is walking on egg shells around evil. We should look evil in the face and call it what it is, be honest. This technique of conformity works in a number of ways. The first is you set all the ground rules in the environment so if people act outside of these ground rules they are ostracized and punished, or physical punishments or ridiculed in the group dynamic. No individuality can be tolerated in groupthink herd mentality. The old identity is to be broken down completely. This is why there is the state of isolated separation from the rest of the community. It is to break down the uniqueness of the individual, get rid of the true self. One's old identity has to be shed in order for this cult programming to be accepted. The old identity that the person brought in has to be broken down so that a new molded personality can be built up that only acts in accordance with the group's agenda. This is why there has to be total conformity. Some methods to achieve this are uniforms, shaved heads, symbolism put on the same place on the body. Uniforms are there to bring the group into one form, as one mind, one controlled mind, not as several forms. It creates the illusion of sameness and appearance. There are also techniques to employ sameness in behavior and speech. The idea of having to answer in a certain way, with a certain level of volume, you have to spend a certain way when you say it, start or end a phrase with a keyword “sir, yes sir.” All of these are techniques to induce conformity in the herd and get them to completely look at whoever their master is at any given time as the authority. The chain of obedience. Sameness and speech and behavior has to be emphasized as a value, as what you aspire to. This is all done to eventually get a person to abandon their conscience. They have already abandoned personal responsibility by then going to group. They asked the group to handle the problems for them, the conditions of security and predictability are favorable for this type of mind, I don't want any surprises in their life, they want that sameness. It is all based on fear of a person who really doesn't want to take a look at themselves and deal with the world as it really is. Image-10 Indoctrination through repetition Repetition is one of the most critical techniques of all occult brainwashed. You have to do things and say things over and over and over and over again. One of methods of deprogramming a conditioned mind is repetition as well. People need to hear things many times for it to sink in, and people need to hear things many times to get something out of their mind that does not belong there, that is doing damage, that is insulting to the soul, that reduces their connection to the higher self. You'll notice that these techniques are widely used in hierarchical institutions such as schools, corporations, government, etc. Not education, but modern schooling which is indoctrination. Physical exhaustion, such as keeping someone in the same place seated in a certain position, or walking and telling them something while they're walking, you are working with the mind and the body. You can become emotionally traumatized as a result of this as well, as emotional abuse can be used. Like in our school settings today in which we try to put our children through a form of education that is not beneficial to the human brain. Repetition is widely used in the military and police: obstacle courses, drills, formations, marching in step, etc. Indoctrination means to speak into three ways, three methods of speaking into. Education comes from educo which is to lead out, educare is to lead out of. Education is leading someone out of ignorance, darkness. Indoctrination is speaking something into someone, putting the program there that doesn't belong there. Education can also mean to draw out that which is within. In the Gnostic Gospel, Jesus said that “if we bring forth that which is within us, that which we bring forth will save us.” If we bring forth the inner self we will save ourselves, but if we do not bring forth that which is within us, that which we do not bring forth will destroy us. This is all about self-respect, making a connection to the higher self. If we don't do this we will be doomed. We aren't dealing with our inner self, our psychic garbage, the shadow self, the demon side of self, and it will come back to bite us. We have to deal with our own darkness and negativity, it cannot just be brushed off repeatedly and not dealt with, not looked at. This is what a lot of the New Age movement wants, never look at the negative as if that draws more to you. The problem is people are not dealing with the negative that exists within them, and trying to transmute it into something more positive, to work with the shadow material and eventually integrated so that it is not ruling. You can have it be there but continuously be making a free will decision to conquer it, to better it, to be better than that shadow self, that lower self. We all have lower instincts of the lower mind, but we need to make a continual renewal within ourselves to be better than those lower instincts every day of our life so that we recognize they are there and not ignore them. The instincts are present but we do not let them rule us. Anyone saying that this is not important work to do is deceiving whether they know it or not. Aspects of the new age movement are there to cloud real solution to get us out of this. There are many dark occult plants to put out false information. Indoctrination, speaking into to change three things. The things you're trying to control are thoughts, emotions, and actions. You do this by speaking into, not trying to leave someone out of, or trying to draw something out of the being. It is programming through words in three ways: thoughts, emotions, actions. One of the ways that repetition is used in military boot camp and police academy training is through rigorous schedules and training or instruction. You have to have people going through the same thing on a daily basis. Regimented and repetitive behavior is stressed, things being the same, conformity, always doing it the same way, never diverging, and that no uniqueness. There physically demanding things like obstacle courses, drills, pushups and exercises, formations, marching in step all the while being told things, spoken into, words being used while these repetitive behaviors are going on. Getting people to form specific formations with their bodies so that you are looking at yourself as just a member of this group. This can reinforce a person's abandonment of personal responsibility. They want to get lost in the herd, lost in the group so that they are no one unique, giving up your uniqueness to give up your personal responsibility. We think that if they are just looked at as a member of this one unit, and we act as one, then it is not me that's doing it, I cannot be blamed, I'm just one bit, look at the huge group and I was just one tiny insignificant person, I cannot be held responsible. This is where some of their mindset is at, but they can somehow give away their own responsibility for their actions. You're always responsible for your actions, it does not matter who told you to do it or what group you belong to or why you did it. If you did it, you are responsible for. That is the truth. The truth is extreme and people do not want to hear it. This forces one to point the finger at oneself and not anyone outside oneself. Until it stops being the “my freedom” movement and people start pointing the finger within and ask how in my part of this entire enslavement vehicle, how my giving my energy to it, there will be no lasting true change. The repetition of phrases, chance or songs is widely used in training the police and military. Left right left right, or some ridiculous song, over and over while you march or do something else. Nonstop repetition that puts you into the R-complex of the brain doing the same thing over and over not only your body but also with your mind through the voice. It goes in three years and works its way through the subconscious and nests there. It's about getting you in the box, in the cage, so that you don't even think about getting outside the cage. Image-11 Physical Trauma putting people through the hard physical training, high levels of physical activity to such an extent that it takes the recruits or followers to a point of extortion, of physical collapse sometimes, and do this on a daily basis over and over again. The drill instructor is yelling at the person who is exhausted, and the other recruits join in and yell at him as well, join in on the mockery of this person who has physically collapsed. If you have low sleep time and disrupted sleep your mind can become so deteriorated you can become really insane without proper sleep. People make horrible decisions without getting enough sleep, REM sleep that is disrupted or chaotic. Such as being woken up unceremoniously at night and being put through some crazy exercise immediately, or some repetitive task, or for an inspection. This will lower someone's defenses, it will open them up to suggestion, it would not make accurate decisions so they will rely on the suggestion of others more readily. The diet consists of high-carbohydrate and low-nutrient contents. Potatoes and pasta flour-based products are a large part of military diet. This is about throwing the body into a state of having enough energy to do things in the short term but not having energy remaining to think of high levels. High-level thinking isn't really going to be possible when you are physically exhausted, when you're sleep is disrupted or eating that crap diet. Image-12 Mental/Emotional Trauma this is comprise the verbal and psychological abuse, yelling at the follower. Abusing them with words, degrading, telling them their trash and worthless. This is all to break down the old sense of self. To look at their instructors or Masters as the only person they receive instruction from. “They tell me what is good or bad, because who am I, I am nothing, I am knowing, I cannot understand most things on my own because I am a piece of trash.” That is continuously reinforced. Eventually when someone tells you something constantly, and you're already in the low sense of self-esteem and are ready to give away your sense of responsibility to begin with, then you believe quite readily all of those things. You go in and are willing to listen to these people who don't care about you, who only have their agenda and the group's agenda to serve and you will go do things that only a piece of trash will do, you will do wrong. Once you come this far is very easy to let yourself go all the way and do things that are completely immoral at the beck and call of the master. When you are already in this low state of self-esteem and someone is coming in and telling you that you are worthless you are various highly susceptible to believe that and behave like that. You did not go in with self-respect. The respect and the military is all illusory, is all based on violence and power in the physical sense. Not real true Power that comes from alignment with truth and Natural Law, capital p Power. Every part of this, at the lowest motivational factor, is based on fear, someone is afraid. Someone is afraid and wants to control others because they are afraid. That is the psychology of a child, not a true adult, not a true human being. It is an infant who knows very little of anything. There is no real power there, there is no self-esteem, there is no self respect. The military and police do not command any respect once you understand the real dynamic that is going on. It is low self-esteem, fear, infantile. It is not something that is adult, by someone who is truly mentally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually aware and reached a level of maturity in those capacities. Unexpected and sudden shocking scenarios of being woken up in the middle of night and you're in a heightened stress state. Is done when coming out of sleep so that people follow follow orders pass because the conscious mind is not activated yet, they are still in that somnambulistic state between waking and sleep which is like a sleepwalking state. The people who practice these techniques know well how they work. These techniques have been known for thousands of years. The problem is that the willing idiots who is the joiner or follower has no idea these techniques are being used against, and idiots. One who knows not the self. Eye-die. When they are done using you up you will be thrown and cast aside at the piece of trash that they think you are, because that is how they view you. They view people who fall into these traps as lower than dirt, lower than slime. If you are going to control someone's mind, thereby control the behavior, you need to keep them in a perpetual atmosphere of fear, in a perpetual fear based consciousness. Image-13 People who do this are idiots, morons, not really smart, not intelligent at all, this is not to insult anyone. This is to state the fact of the matter. People who fall for this scam to control their mind ,as those who do it or who receive it, or not intelligent. They are either right brain or left brain imbalance. A right brain imbalance someone who doesn't care about themselves and will let someone else to dominate and control them. Once you're in the state of being controlled can be controlled and the output will be determined by the person controlling. Once someone takes control over that which is being put into someone's mind they have control over what the outcome will be, what the person will be like when the output them from the program. Garbage goes in, garbage goes out. Bad input leads to bad output. These people are literally not intelligent in their current condition. Intellect is not intelligence. Intellect is a component of intelligence. You may know police or military that are intellectual, who have the capacity of intellect, but are not intelligent. These are not the same. Intellect is one component of intelligence, the left brain half, the logical, repetitive, and organized. It is a part of true intelligence but not the totality. True intelligence is the intellect combined with the right brain aspects of the individual, which is intuition, the feminine component of intelligence. The creative aspects, imagination, looking at things in general holistic terms, conceptual thinking of seeing the big picture. True intelligence is when you combine the masculine and feminine components, or the left and right brain, and the third eye is open, depicted by the blazing Star of awakened intelligence. Not the star of david, or the seal of solomon, but the older name for it is the blazing Star because it is the combination of the male blade representing the intellect, with the feminine chalice representing the intuitive, creative, nurturing aspects. Both of them need to be combined, not imbalance to one side or the other. Both of these need to be united ultimately with care. Care, the heart, has to come into play to develop true intelligence. This happens when the left and right brain are operating in true balance with true intelligence. “Intelli” is on the left part of the brain, where intellect is. “Gence” is on the right brain, gen from genere, to create. Intellect plus creativity is intelligence. It is right in the bird and hardly anyone ever sees it. Image-14 The real solution to all of this is personal responsibility and self-respect. We cannot give away personal responsibility. In this image shown where we are all going as a human species is going. Not some of us, all of us. We are all tied together, they're all in the same situation together. We do not stop trying to give her away our personal responsibility which cannot be done, we are going to be walking off a cliff to our doom. Personal responsibility is yours whether you like it or not, it is an inherent immutable law of nature, by the fact that you are in the cosmos in the current form you are in, the human form, you are responsible for your actions. You cannot give that responsibility to another. Image-15, 16, 17 Saying “NO” is the solution A single person in the whole crowd does not give the Nazi salute as Hitler goes by. He stands out amongst the crowd who are all going along. He says no, I will not part of that. He knows it is not the right way and stands out as a unique individual who claims his personal responsibility in that moment at least. The beginning of making it a decision that has to be reaffirmed, to keep that responsibility and not try to give it away. It can only be done through self-respect, looking at yourself again and again. Image-18 “Human sickness is so severe that if you can bear to look at it, but those that do look at it will become well” -Vernon Howard This is all about the willingness to take a look at ourselves, which is the development of true respect for ourselves which we cannot give to anyone else until we have it for ourselves. Respect and responsibility is the answer. “There are only two mistakes one can make on the path to truth: not starting and not going all the way”