Spring, 2013
Internet Course: Medical Terminology Section Number: # 190 and 191 CRN: 23963 and
23661 Instructor: Jennifer Campbell Office Hrs: By Appointment
Office: MC 2009 Phone: 918- 595-7018Email jennifer.campbell@tulsacc.edu
Division Name: Allied Health Services
Division Associate Dean: Suzanne Reese
Division Office Location: MP 458
Division Phone Number: 595-7002
ALDH 1323 - Medical Terminology, 3 Credits
A comprehensive medical terminology course focusing on root words, suffixes and prefixes, with exposure to medical terms relating to symptomatolgy, disease process, diagnostic testing, procedures and abbreviations. The medical terms are introduced and examined by body system. Upon completion of the course, students should be proficient in utilizing, defining and accurately spelling medical terms and identifying medical abbreviations. Lecture 3 hours, No
: The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. This course emphasizes,
Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
Identify and define the word parts most frequently used with the major body systems and specialties.
Properly spell, define, and pronounce medical terms associated with each body system studied.
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Construct an acceptable and correctly spelled medical term, given a definition.
Identify the meaning of common medical abbreviations.
Describe common human diseases related to the major body systems.
Use the Internet to locate information about specific medical conditions, procedures, and research.
Required text: Medical Language, Second Edition, Susan Turley. Published by
Pearson. ISBN 978-0-13-505578-6. You will need to have an access code to access online materials that are required for this course. This access code should be located on the inside cover of your textbook. If you buy anywhere other than Tulsa Community
College, check with the seller to make sure this access code is intact. Access codes are only good for one year so if you buy a used book it is possible the access code may have already been redeemed ad won’t work.
If your textbook does not have an access code you can purchase one through the publisher or possibly through the TCC bookstore. The directions to order are found on the inside cover of your textbook
Supplemental Text: Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, W. A. Newman Dorland
Required hardware and software:
Computer speakers. Students who do not have speakers may use any TCC
Computer Lab but must use their own headphones.
Microphone. If a microphone is not available, there will be alternate ways to input pronunciation words, and participate in web conferences.
Adobe Flash Player. Your computer is probably already equipped with this player.
If you do not have a Flash Player on your computer, click on the Student
Resources tab in Blackboard. Follow the link to the site where you can download this software.
The latest version of JAVA. If you do not have the latest version of JAVA on your computer, click on the Student Resources tab in Blackboard and follow the link to the JAVA site where you can check your version and if needed download the latest version.
Students should use their provided college email account. Directions for how to access the email system are on your Welcome page inside of Blackboard. Look
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for the link titled MyTCC Portal under hotlinks on the left side of the page. You will need to check your email at least 2-3 times per week.
You should be comfortable with the following:
using email for communication
managing file attachments
navigating the Internet
downloading appropriate plugins
using an Internet search engine
The instructional methods used in this course will include a guided progression through the text via the Internet with accompanying assignments. The course is totally online including the four major exams. The exams are administered in a proctored setting. 50% of the points in the course come from the proctored exams and 50% of the points come from open book quizzes and assignments.
S tudents must complete work as directed by the deadlines listed on the course agenda. Attendance (regular participation in the online classroom) is essential for maintaining the learning environment.
Learning occurs in relationship not only between student and course materials, but, just as importantly, peer to peer, instructor to student, and student to instructor. Students receiving benefits from government agencies must adhere to policies stipulated by the specific agency.
Students are also responsible for consulting with the instructor when problems arise which can affect the student’s performance in this course. A grade of WN (AW) will be assigned for nonparticipation during the first two weeks of the course. An AW will be assigned to students who have not completed 50% of the assignments or the first exam by the end of the first exam period. After the first exam period no AWs will be assigned. Participation is defined in this course as a login to Blackboard.
Logging on to the course site 4
– 6 times per week
Completing the assigned textbook readings and reviewing the online learning module that guides you through the chapter
Utilizing the review activities provided in the text, and online through the Medical
Terminology Interactive applications.
Taking all Internet quizzes, pronunciation quizzes, and participating in all assignments
Adhering to all policies set forth in the syllabus as well as the time schedule set in the agenda
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Students who successfully complete this 3 credit hour course report that they spend an average of 9-12 (18-24 in the summer) hours per week on the course. You may spend more or less, depending on your current level of expertise.
NOTE: This Internet class demands that the student be self-motivated and self disciplined. You are responsible for keeping up with the schedule, assignments, and exams.
What You Should Understand About Internet Classes
1. Be realistic about the amount of time required to do the coursework
2. Plan to spend 3 to 6 (6-12 in the summer) clock hours for every credit hour
3. Schedule class time just as if you were attending class on-campus
4. Turn in your work ON TIME
5. On-line is NOT easier!
6. Participate actively in the class
7. Use e-mail and the discussion boards to communicate often with your instructor and other classmates
8. Log onto the class at least 3 times a week (every day is best)
9. Do NOT fall behind in your assignments
10. ASK for help when you need help
Students will be evaluated in this course by traditional, proctored, examinations as well as by open book assignments and quizzes. Students are required to come on-campus to a proctored testing center for the 4 exams. Other evaluation techniques include, online quizzes, and pronunciation quizzes, completion of a course home page, study guide assignments, submitting assignments completed through the Medical
Terminology Interactive application, participation in discussions, and participation in web conferences. Final grades will be determined as follows:
Exams (4 exams, 125 points each)
Create a Medical Word Internet Quizzes (14 quizzes, 10 points each)
Chapter Review Internet Quizzes (16 quizzes,
5 points each)
Pronunciation Quizzes via phone (5 quizzes
10 points each)
Weekly Review Assignments (16 assignments
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5 points each.
Word Surgery Assignments (16 assignments,
5 points each )
Class Discussion (4 Discussion, 10 Points each)
Creation of a Student Home Page
Participation in course orientation, and 4 exam reviews (5 points each) If you participate in all
5 you get 5 points of extra credit
Total Points Possible
Final grade is calculated as follows:
– 1000 points (90% - 100%) A
– 899 points (80% - 89%)
700 – 799 points (70% - 79%) C
600 – 699 points (60% - 69%) D
Below 600 points (<60%) F
See Course Agenda
Students are expected to take exams during the scheduled exam period. The right to take a make-up exam is left to the discretion of the instructor in the event of exceptional circumstances, and the instructor must be notified immediately if a student is requesting a make-up. Documentation may be required.
There will be a 10% point penalty for make-up exams. No student will be allowed more than one make-up exam for this course.
Credit for assignments and quizzes will not be given after 11:55 pm on the due date. All assignments and quizzes that pertain to the material on each of the major exams are due before the student takes that exam.
If you are unable to access the Blackboard server to turn in your assignment, please email it to me: jennifer.campbell@tulsacc.edu
I will only accept assignments by email during emergency situations .
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You should expect to see a weekly
Announcement at the beginning of each week with reminders of material you should be covering that week. Students should also check the Announcements section of the course frequently for updates .
All TCC students receive a designated Tulsa Community
College email address (ex: jane.doe@tulsacc.edu
). All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your MyTCC email address. Students can generally expect a response from me regarding emails within a 24-hour period, and Internet assignments will be graded within 48 hours of the due date.
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing.
When posting on the discussion board, sending email, participating in a web session or reviewing another students work you are expected to:
1. Be respectful.
2. Use acceptable grammar and spelling. There are now spell check features in both email and discussion board functions.
3 . Use color and font that are easily readable.
4. Use sentence case. Email or discussions posts type in all UPPERCASE is unacceptable. It can be perceived as the equivalent of shouting. You may format your text for emphasis.
5. Use TCC email, or the Email features available inside of Bb as this will clearly identify you and the class you are enrolled. If these resources are not available and you must send from an outside account clearly identify yourself and the class in which you are enrolled.
6. Keep communication on the discussion board relative to the topic.
7. Converse with others the same way you would in a traditional classroom. Harassment will not be tolerated. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for general classroom expectations.
8. If an assignment requires you to critique a peers work, be positive and respectful. Take your responsibilities seriously and offer meaningful feedback.
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the Class Schedule. Violations of plagiarism or etiquette policies will be subject to the consequences listed in the Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook.
Please visit with the TCC Counseling Center or the Counseling Center at the college or university to which you plan to transfer to determine transferability status of this course.
: The last day to drop this class for a full refund is January 12, 20123. The deadline to withdraw from this course April 12, 2013 as per the TCC academic calendar . http://www.tulsacc.edu/about-tcc/academic-calendar
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Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course (“W” grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student. The instructor will not assign an AW to replace a failing grade.
It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at eac@tulsacc.edu or call (918)
595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
Plagiarism is claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of another writer are your own; it includes having another writer do work claimed to be your own, copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, or following the work of another as a guide to ideas and expressions that are then presented as your own. The student should review the relevant sections of the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook . Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the course.
Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned nor tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa
Community College system. Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately fraudulent misrepresentation is employed in an attempt to gain underserved intellectual credit, either for oneself or for another. Academic misconduct is behavior that results in intellectual advantage obtained by violating specific standard, but without deliberate intent or use of fraudulent means.
The student should review the relevant sections of the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy
Handbook .
Click on Student Resources tab in Bb to access a list of college wide supports and resources available to online students.
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