UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO COLORADO SPRINGS INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD (IRB) ADDENDUM: RESEARCH INVOLVING PREGNANT WOMEN, HUMAN FETUSES, AND NEONATES For IRB Use Only IRB#________________ Date Received _____________________ Date Approved ___________ Please use this addendum to address the regulatory requirements for conducting any research procedures while conducting research with pregnant women, human fetuses, and neonates. The UCCS IRB requires that investigators plan for the inclusion of these populations as early in the protocol planning process as possible. The UCCS IRB also requires that all submissions specify the inclusion of pregnant women, fetuses, and/or neonates. Definitions pertaining to this addendum can be referenced in 45 CFR 46.201-207 subpart B and the IRB Standard Operating Procedures Special Topics: XXIV. Will the protocol include only de-identified secondary data analysis? If so, please disregard remaining questions. Yes No Questions involving Pregnant Women or Fetuses 1. Are you targeting pregnant women for enrollment? Yes No 2. What is your reasoning for including this vulnerable population (pregnant women/fetus/placental tissue)? 3. For the research procedures indicated in the application, describe scientifically appropriate clinical and pre-clinical studies, including studies involving pregnant women and nonpregnant animals that provide data for assessing potential risks to pregnant women and fetuses. If prior research is not necessary to understand the fetal risks for the procedures listed above, enter “N/A” and explain why no prior research is needed. 4. Do the procedures discussed in the application provide the least possible risk for achieving the objectives of the research? 5. The interventions or procedures indicated in the application have prospect for direct benefits for The pregnant woman only The fetus only Both the pregnant woman and the fetus Version 8/03/2015 Neither the pregnant woman nor the fetus 6. Who will provide informed consent, if required? a. Are they fully informed regarding the reasonably foreseeable impact of the research on the fetus? If N/A/, please explain: Yes No 7. Will any researchers engaged in research have any part in any decision with regards to terminating the pregnancy? Yes No 8. Will any researchers engaged in the research have any part in determining the viability of the neonate? Yes No 9. Does the proposed research involve, after delivery, the placenta, the dead fetus, or fetal material? Yes No 10. Will any inducements, monetary or otherwise, be offered to terminate a pregnancy for the purpose of this research? Yes No Questions involving Neonates 11. Are you targeting neonates for enrollment? If no, you are finished. Yes No 12. What is your reasoning for including neonates? 13. What are the risks involved to the neonates due to being enrolled in this study? 14. What are the benefits to the neonates due to being enrolled in this study? 15. Describe the appropriate pre-clinical and clinical studies that have been conducted that provide data for assessing potential risks (answer “N/A” if no studies are needed to determine neonatal risks): 16. Who will obtain parental permission, their level of experience and understanding of the potential impact on the neonates: 17. Will neonates that have been determined to be viable be included in the study? Yes No 18. Does the proposed research involve neonates of Uncertain Viability? Yes No 19. Does the proposed research involve Non-Viable Neonates? Yes No Viable: Being able, after delivery, to survive (given benefit of the available medical therapy) to the point of independently maintaining heartbeat and respiration. Version 8/03/2015 Non-Viable: a neonate after delivery that although living, has futility of care concerns. Examples of futility of care are lethal congenital genetic defects, extreme prematurity, or other lethal abnormalities. Version 8/03/2015