Lab Research

Hot Pack Lab Research
Use the internet to answer the following questions. List your source(s) (website) next to each of
your answers. Do NOT use wiki.answers,, etc.
1. What are hot packs?
2. Why are they used?
3. How do they work?
Hot Pack Lab
To investigate the best ratio of CaCl2 to water that produces a temperature between 45°-55°C
(the ideal temperature for hot packs).
If the ratio of calcium chloride to water is related to the temperature of the exothermic reaction,
then a CaCl2 to H2O ratio of _______________________ will produce a temperature between
Measuring scoop (mL)
Test tube
Graduated cylinder
Calcium chloride
1. Add 10 mL of water to the test tube
2. Carefully add 1 mL of CaCl2 to the test tube and record the maximum temperature
3. When you think the temperature has reached its maximum value, immediately add
another 1 mL of CaCl2 and record its maximum temperature.
4. Repeat step 3 until the temperature reaches more than 55°C.
Ideal CaCl2 to H2O ratio:
Describe how you would design a hot pack based on what you learned from this lab.
Hot Pack Lab Report
You are going to use the information from the Chemical Reactions Lab to complete a lab report.
This report should be word processed, in complete sentences (except the data section). Follow
the format information on the rubric (included on the back of this page) and below. All the bold
face section headings should be included. Leave one line space between sections.
Proper Heading:
Last Name, First Name
Science, Period ___
Date Due
Title: Descriptive title which explains the experiment. (Lab Report is NOT an appropriate title).
Should be centered on the paper.
Purpose: Clearly state the purpose/problem in one sentence.
Hypotheses: Use the “If…, then…” format. Avoid using “I” or “we.”
Data: Copy your data table into your report (include a descriptive title). It can be hand written
or typed. Use a piece of graph paper to make a best fit line graph of the results. Make sure your
graph has an appropriate scale. Remember titles and units. DO NOT use a computer program to
make your graph! You may attach the graph at the end of your report.
Analysis: Include a descriptive sentence indicating the relationship between the two variables.
Analyze your graphs for trends and/or patterns, and discuss in complete sentences. Be sure to
make some predictions of what would happen if you changed the procedure [how would you
change it?]. You can use your research to get ideas.
Error Analysis (Part of Analysis – not a new section): Discuss in complete sentences several [3
or more] possible experimental errors, including possible effects of the errors, and ways you
tried to minimize the errors or ways you would if you did this lab again. Errors should be things
that are difficult to control.
Conclusion: Tell whether your data supported your hypothesis or not with evidence from the
experiment. Include a discussion of what you learned by conducting the experiment, and how
the results could apply to your life. Again, use your research. How could you make this into a
hot pack that you could carry until needed and then use?
** Please staple the Hot Pack Lab paper AND the Rubric to your report.
Lab Report due on _____________________________________________________