
The Greene County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, September 21,
2015 at 7:00 pm in the Tech Center. Present for the meeting: Chairman Jerry Jones,
Commissioners Brad Fields, Susan Blizzard, Bennie Heath, and James T. Shackleford, Jr.
County Manager Kyle DeHaven, County Attorney Borden Parker and Deputy Clerk Kathy
The Chairman called the meeting to order. He asked Commissioner Blizzard to open in prayer
and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Blizzard gave the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.
Chairman Jones asked a motion to approve the agenda, changing the Closed Session from
personnel to attorney client privilege.
On motion by Commissioner Fields, seconded by Commissioner Heath the Board voted
unanimously to approve the agenda with closed session being changed from personnel to
attorney client privilege.
Consent Agenda consisted of
September 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
Consideration of Late applications for elderly or disabled exclusion & Present Use Value
Evelyn S. Beaman – Present Use Deferment Parcels 0301236, 0301230, 0324016, 0301235
Nina Wooten Stocks – Elderly Exclusion Parcel 0600637
Linwood Haddock – Disabled Exclusion Parcel 0600284
Refunds (NCVTS) (TAX & TAG)
Robert Ball Hulbert, Jr
Gina Hetzel
Christy Ormond
Christy Ormond
Carolyn Ginn
Latisha Denee
Kimberly Dawn
Lou Ellen
William Allen
Kenneth Ray Harrison
Donna Hmm
Timothy Brad
Andrew Bailey Cook
Releases: Ad Valorem Tax
Thornton, Edward Lee
Edward Lee
Thornton, Edward
Thornton, Edward Lee
Edward Lee
Thornton, Edward
Thornton, Edward Lee
Edward Lee
Thornton, Edward
Thornton, Edward Lee
Sugg, Robert E.
Sugg, Christopher
Sugg, Francis Craig
Sugg, Francis
Sugg, Francis Craig
Refunds: Ad Valorem Tax
Sugg, Francis Craig
Sugg, Francis Craig
Commissioner Heath had a few corrections to be made to the previous meeting minutes,
the corrections were; on the Planning Board Appointments Commissioner Heath
recommended Mr. Grant and Mr. Barrow for their Land Surveyor backgrounds and
Commissioner Blizzard then recommended that Mr. Grant, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Sugg and
Mr. Riddle be chosen and Mr. Mooring be an alternate.
Commissioner Heath then also advised that in prior years they would have an employee
appreciation day in conjunction with the presentation of the Holiday Bonuses and Holiday
Luncheon. This event was held on the same day as the first Commissioners Meeting in
December. The food would be provided by the county and they asked for dessert dishes to
be brought by the employees. He also noted this was just a suggestion.
On motion by Commissioner Heath, seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the Board
voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda with the changes noted.
County Manager Kyle DeHaven then came forward to present a plaque to Ms. Jane
Monroe for her 31 years of service to the people of Greene County and to wish her well in
retirement. The Resolution is attached.
1. Andrew Parker, McDavid Associates. Public Hearing on the FY2015 CDBG-I Application for
the Hedgefield Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Project. Mr. Parker presented the package for this
project. The chairman opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Jody Tyson came forward to
voice his concerns. Mr. Tyson listed his many concerns and asked the Board to table this tonight
and look into this further. Chairman Jones asked if there were any more public comments, there
were not. Mr. Parker asked that the Board consider this application as is. Commissioner Blizzard
spoke against the project. Commissioner Shackleford spoke in favor of the project and
Commissioner Heath also spoke in favor of the project. Chairman Jones closed the public
On Motion by Commissioner Shackleford and Seconded by Commissioner Heath, the
Board voted on the FY2015 CDBG-I Application for the Hedgefield Subdivision Sanitary
Sewer Project. 2 votes yes and 3 votes no (Commissioners Blizzard, Fields and Jones voted
no) the motion failed.
2. Berry Anderson, EMS Director, Debris Management Ordinance. Mr. Anderson and Mr.
DeHaven stated that this ordinance will allow for the removal of debris on private community
streets to maintain public safety operations and provide for debris removal in the event of a
federally declared event. Chairman Jones opened the floor for public comments. No one came
forward to ask questions and Chairman Jones closed the public hearing.
On motion by Commissioner Blizzard and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board
voted unanimously to approve the Debris Management Ordinance.
1. Earline Smith, 9433 Hwy 903 N, Ayden. Ms. Smith had 3 points that she covered and asked
the Commissioner’s to look into: 1. Process for a tax reduction for the residents of Scuffleton, 2.
Proposed zoning laws and where the county is with them, 3. Inspections of the 701 Residential
Child Care Residence – she is wanting to make sure the County follows these inspections to the
2. Sherry Smith Ayden, Scuffelton. Ms. Smith stated that the owners of Anchor One were on the
news and they stated they are in fear of the residents of this area and will now need to put up a
3. Wylanda Jones and Dale Campbell, Oakridge Dr. Farmville. Ms. Jones and Mr. Campbell
came to speak about a car dealership/maintenance garage being built in their residential
neighborhood. They stated there are written covenants for this neighborhood that states no
businesses allowed. They also stated that this was tried before by the same person and it was
stopped. They are asking for the county’s help in stopping this from happening. They stated that
the name on the business is S & A Hardy.
No other people signed up to speak.
Chairman Jones closed the Public Comment Section at this time.
1. Berry Anderson, EMS Director; Relief Fund Board Members for Fire Departments – Mr.
Anderson stated there are two positions that are chosen by the fire chiefs and then there are 2
positions that the Fire Chiefs of each Greene County Fire Departments recommend for the Relief
Fund Board Members and must be residents of their district. These must be voted on by the
County Board of Commissioners and a fifth position chosen by the state Department of
On motion by Commissioner Heath and Seconded by Commissioner Blizzard the board
voted unanimously to approve the Relief Fund Board Members presented.
2. Todd Harper, Parks and Recreation Building Advisory Board Building Committee. Mr.
Harper stated he was here approximately 6 weeks ago and advised that they were in need of a
locations to hold basketball practices and games or they may need to cancel the basketball
season. He stated he was happy that a temporary fix is in place and that the kids are being taken
care of but he is here tonight asking for approval of a resolution to pursue the possible building
of a multi-purpose facility. He stated they have received support of local area mayors for this
facility and they are looking at ways to limit the cost to the county. He stated his Advisory
Board is looking for donations to fund this facility. Commissioner Heath stated he was glad to
hear that Mr. Harper was happy that there will be a winter sports season because his letter that
was given to him dated today stated otherwise. Mr. Harper stated he apologized for that letter it
should have been updated.
On motion by Commissioner Fields and Seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the Board
voted unanimously to approve the Resolution to look for funding of the Multi-Purpose
Center. The Resolution will be attached to file copy of these minutes.
3. JoAnn Artis Stevens, Rosenwald School. Ms. Stevens stated she was here to speak about the
Old Colored School that is owned by LCC. She stated she is requesting that the County stop
giving money to LCC. Commissioner Blizzard advised that she had found a deed showing that
the Board of Education gave LCC the South Greene Bldg and the ball field. Ms. Stevens stated
that was not the correct deed that shows the old colored school portion was given away. Ms.
Stevens again asked that the Commissioners stop giving money to LCC and help her get control
of the Old Colored School.
4. Sheriff Lemmie Smith, Staffing and Pay. Sheriff Smith stated he was there to discuss the high
turnover rate of his department. He stated he is losing at least one employee a month due to low
pay. He stated he lost 3 jailers in one week recently due to low pay. He stated he has to pull
deputies off the road to work court. He spends the time and money needed to properly train new
deputies and then they go to surrounding counties that pay better. Chairman Jones asked how
many people he needs. Sheriff Smith stated he could use 2 court officers and they can be used for
other things when court is not in session. Chairman Jones advised they would look into this.
The Chairman turned the meeting over to the County Manager.
Mr. DeHaven’s first order of business is the Health Department/DSS Electronic Door System.
Mr. DeHaven stated that the current system is shot and this has become a security issue. Mr.
Rhodes of the Health Department stood and stated that this system has been looked at many
times over the last couple of years and that he himself has been doing temporary fixes because
the company it is from (Down East Protection Systems) can no longer make repairs to it because
it is so old. Mr. Rhodes got a couple of quotes from two companies and there are big difference
in the prices. Commissioner Blizzard asked if the two departments had money in their budgets to
cover this cost. County Manager DeHaven stated no. Commissioner Heath feels we need to
remedy this as this is a security issue and recommended they go with lower bid. Chairman Jones
directed the County Manager and Health Director to make sure the bids are the same products.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a Billing, Eligibility and fee policies and procedures manual that
has been rewritten by the Health Department for the Health Department. This is for information
Mr. DeHaven then presented a Proclamation recognizing National 4-H Week as October 4 – 10,
2015. This proclamation details the benefits 4-H can have in a community, and the opportunities
it provides young people.
On motion by Commissioner Blizzard and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board
voted unanimously to approve the Proclamation recognizing October 4 -10, 2015 as
National 4-H Week.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a request to fly the 4-H flag at the County Complex during the
National 4-H Week October 4 – 10, 2015. Doing so shows support and unity between the county
and the 4-H program while demonstrating civic pride for the 4-H’ers.
On motion by Commissioner Fields and Seconded by Commissioner Heath the Board voted
unanimously to approve the flying of the 4-H Flag during National 4-H Week October 4 –
10, 2015.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a Resolution declaring October 3rd as Greene County Clean Sweep
Day. This is a day that the 4H members pick a designated area in the County to clean up.
On motion by Commissioner Heath and Seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted
unanimously to approve the Resolution declaring October 3rd as Greene County Clean
Sweep Day.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a Proclamation declaring September as National Alcohol and Drug
Addiction Recovery Month. This request was submitted by Eastpointe.
On motion by Commissioner Blizzard and Seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the
Board voted unanimously to declare September as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Recovery Month.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a request for a Budget Amendment for the Sheriffs Calendar Fund.
The Sheriff brought to Mr. DeHaven’s attention that his calendar fund was overlooked in this
year’s budget. The funds in this line item are from sales of calendars and calendar advertisement
spaces. The proceeds are used for deaths of sheriff’s deputy’s immediate family and the funds
being re-appropriated are the ending numbers from the 14-15 year budget.
On Motion by Commissioner Heath and Seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board
voted unanimously to approve this Budget Amendment.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a request for a Budget Amendment to Increase the Public Building
Budget due to unforeseen costs that depleted the funds that were there.
On Motion by Commissioner Shackleford and Seconded by Commissioner Fields the
Board voted 4 yes and 1 no (Commissioner Blizzard) to approve this Budget Amendment.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a request for a Budget Amendment for the Health Department.
This amendment reflects a correction in increased expenditure of salaries from a last minute
suggestion from commissioners for a portion of a department that was not affected by the
implementation of furlough days.
On Motion by Commissioner Health and Seconded by Commissioner Blizzard the Board
voted unanimously to approve this Budget Amendment.
Mr. DeHaven then presented a Report of Collected Taxes by Fiscal Year. This is for information
County Attorney Report and Recommendations – Mr. Parker had nothing at this time.
Commissioner’s Report and Recommendations – Commissioner Fields asked Mr. Rhodes
of the Health Department to look into what is needed for the Farmer’s Market Kitchen to
be used by the public.
CLOSED SESSION – Attorney Client Privilege
On Motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted
to go into Closed Session.
On Motion by Commissioner Shackleford and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board
voted to end Closed Session.
On motion by Commissioner Shackleford and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board
voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.