Journey -

 Prequel Storyline (backstory)
 A Middle-aged black and greying Rooster and a Goddess surrounded
in the aftermath of a big war called the Prologue War.
 The Rooster is the most depressed, because he had more loved ones
that were lost.
 They do their best to move on from the horrors of the war, but they’re
constantly on the run from a malicious, vile dictator and syncreticinfected versions of a dead ancient species that the Rooster deprived
from called the Meganite Chickens.
 The Dictator proclaims that the Prologue War was just a backup for a
bigger, dangerous war that he’s been building up that goes by the
name of the Great Toon War. Despite the fact he lost the war due to the
squadron fighting for good having an unexpected backup from an
army of dragons, in the Great Toon War, he will go out in full force.
During the middle of the Great Toon War, the Dictator along with his
over packed regime, will unleash his most dangerous weapons that are
able to wipe a toon species to the brink of extinction.
 The Rooster the Goddess are protecting and raising two eggs from the
rooster’s most likely deceased cousin, they feel that the eggs and
anyone else out there are their last chance for survival, not only to get
prepared for the next war in many years’ time, but to grant themselves
and the new generation a brighter just future.
 The rooster and the goddess’s relationship grow over time as work off
each other very well as they survive the post-apocalypse wasteland of
planet Combfowl.