solving equations quiz

Name: ___________________________________
Write the equation for the following and solve using the balance beam method or
algebra tiles.
1. The sum of a number and nine is 17. Find the number.
2. A number diminished by 9 is 7. Find the number.
3. Three-fifths of a number is 15. Find the number.
Solve # 4-6 using Algebra. Please show all steps!
4. Seven less than a four times a number is 21. Find the number.
5. A number doubled is increased by eight and the result is 30. Find the number.
6. Five less than half of a number is 20. What is the number?
Solve # 7-10 using any method from class. Please show all steps!
7. Brady has $66 in his account. He is saving $4.20 per week. How long will it
take him to save $339?
8. The width of a rectangle is 18 cm less than the length. The perimeter is 88
cm. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
9. Five times a girl’s age minus 8 gives her mom’s age. If her mom is 37 years
old, how old is the daughter?
10. Machine A, Machine B and Machine C are three different models of balloon
stamping machines. In one week, Machine A stamps four times as many
balloons as Machine B. Machine C stamps 400 more balloons than Machine A.
All three machines working together stamp 20,200 balloons in one week.
Find the number of balloons stamped by each machine in one week.