Supplemental Material A study of the impact of gate metals on the performance of AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors Jingtao Zhao, Zhaojun Lin, Quanyou Chen, Ming Yang, Peng Cui, Yuanjie Lv, and Zhihong Feng In this supplemental material, the scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS) measurements were performed to study the interaction between the gate metal and the AlGaN interface. And with the measured capacitance-voltage (C-V) curves and the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the prepared three Ni/Au Schottky contact AlGaN/AlN/GaN HFETs with same structure but different thicknesses of Au layers, we have analyzed the relationship between the additional strain of the AlGaN barrier layer with the mass of the gate metals. With the Schottky contact metals removed, the SEM-EDS measurements were performed under the gate using FET-Nova Nano SEM 450 and Oxford–X–Max with an accelerating voltage of 15 KV at room temperature. Fig. S1 is the SEM-EDS composition maps in the heterostructure material under the different gate metals and the referential heterostructure material without device processing. From Fig. S1, it can be observed that the atomic percent of Aluminum for the referential heterostructure material without device processing is 1.20%. For the heterostructure materials under Fe, Cu, Ni and Au gate metals, the values of the atomic percent of Aluminum are close to that in the referential heterostructure material, and Fe, Cu, Ni and Au atoms are absent in the respective AlGaN Barrier layer. While for the heterostructure material under Al gate metal, the atomic percent of Aluminum is 6.72%, much larger than that in the referential heterostructure material. Thus Al Schottky contact forms a chemical reaction at the interface versus a physical one. This is consistent with the conclusion in Ref. 1, which claims that for the devices with Al/Au gate metal, the Al/AlGaN interface undergoes a Ga-Al exchange chemical reaction driven by the large heat of formation of AlN as compared to that of GaN at room temperature. For the other four devices, the Schottky contacts form extremely weak chemical reactions at the interface compared to Al described above. FIG. S1. The SEM-EDS composition maps in the heterostructure material under the different gate metals and the referential heterostructure material without device processing. The spectrums 1-5 are for samples with Al, Fe, Cu, Ni and Au gate metals, respectively. The spectrum 6 is for the referential heterostructure material. We prepared three Ni/Au Schottky contact devices with same structure but different thicknesses of Au layers. To investigate the electrical characteristics, the C-V measurements were carried out using an Agilent B1520A at 1 MHz, and the I-V measurements were carried out using an Agilent B1500A semiconductor parameter analyzer at room temperature. The corresponding electrical characteristics are shown in Fig. S2, from which it can be seen that the 2DEG sheet carrier density and the intensity of the PCF scattering are little affected by the mass of the gate metals. FIG. S2. The measured C-V curves (a), the calculated 2DEG electron density n2D (b) under different gate biases, the output I-V characteristics (c) and the relationship between the electron mobility of the 2DEG and the applied gate bias (d) for the AlGaN/AlN/GaN HFETs with different thicknesses of the gate metal at room temperature. References 1 C. I. Wu, and A. Kahn, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 16, 2218 (1998).