Biology Study Guide Benchmark 2

Biology Study Guide Benchmark 2
3B. Compare how structures and function vary between the six kingdoms.
Cell Type
# of Cells
Unicellular and Multicellular
Most Multi-cellular
Cell Wall?
Method of
Acquiring Food
pseudomurein, complex Autotroph or
or proteinglycoproteins
Peptidoglycan (murein)
Cellulose in plantlike
Autotroph or
Autotroph or
Het An organism that cannot manufacture its own food and instead obtains itsfood and ene
erot rgy by taking in organic substances, usually plant or animalmatter. All animals, protoz
rop oans, fungi, and most bacteria are heterotrophs.
Aut An organism that manufactures its own food from inorganic substances,such as carbon
otro dioxide and ammonia. Most autotrophs, such as greenplants, certain algae, and photo
phic synthetic bacteria, use light for energy.Some autotrophs, such as chemosynthetic bact
eria, obtain their energyfrom inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide by combin
ing themwith oxygen.
Prok Any of a wide variety of one-celled organisms of the kingdoms Archaebacteria and
aryo Eubacteria that are the most primitive and ancient known forms of life. Prokaryotes
lack a distinct cell nucleus and their DNA is not organized intochromosomes. They also
lack the internal structures bound by membranescalled organelles, such as mitochondr
ia. At the molecular level, prokaryotesdiffer from eukaryotes in the structure of their li
pids and of certainmetabolic enzymes, and in how genes are expressed for protein syn
thesis.Prokaryotes reproduce asexually and include the bacteria and bluegreenalgae. Also called moneran under the old system of classification.
Euk An organism whose cells contain a nucleus surrounded by a membrane andwhose DNA
aryo is bound together by proteins (histones) into chromosomes.The cells of eukaryotes als
o contain an endoplasmic reticulum andnumerous specialized organelles not present in
prokaryotes, especiallymitochondria, Golgi bodies, and lysosomes. The organelles are
enclosed in a three part membrane (called a unit membrane) consisting of a lipid
lipid layersandwiched between two protein layers. All organisms except for bacteria
and archaea are eukaryotes.
2. How do plant and animal kingdoms differ in regards to cell structure?
Plant cells have cell walls for support outside their cell membrane and are usually rectangular in appearance when viewed under the
microscope. Most plants are autotrophs and have chloroplasts (plastid organelles filled with chlorophyll) which provide a distinctive
green color. These two organelles are key in identifying a plant cell: if they are present it has to be a plant cell.
3C. Examine the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems.
3. What do all organisms have in common?
DNA or RNA (genetic material) and are made of cells
4. What are cladograms?
A branching treelike diagram used to illustrate evolutionary (phylogenetic)relationships amo
ng organisms. Each node, or point of divergence, has twobranching lines of descendance, in
dicating evolutionary divergence from acommon ancestor. The endpoints of the tree represe
nt individual species,and any node together with its descendant branches and subbranchesc
onstitutes a clade.
5. How are phylogenetic trees and cladograms used to illustrate evolutionary relationships?
Biologists use cladograms and phylogenetic trees to illustrate relationships among organisms and evolutionary
relationships for organisms with a shared common ancestor.
Both cladograms and phylogenetic trees show relationships among organisms, how alike, or similar, they might be.
We can see a typical cladogram and phylogenetic tree here. Although even biologists may use these terms
interchangeably, you should know that there are some differences between a cladogram and a phylogenetic tree.
First, a cladogram can look at trees that may have been derived from a common ancestor to arrange organisms on
different branches. But those branches used aren't representative of the relative amount of change or evolutionary
time that has occurred between organisms. Plus, a cladogram doesn't necessarily show exact relationships between
ancestors and descendants.
On the other hand, the branches on a phylogenetic tree can be proportional to mount of change or evolutionary
time. So, you can also track how species have changed over time. Species are still grouped according to similarities
and physical or genetic characteristics - for example, the presence or absence of gills. But, a phylogenetic tree
describes an evolutionary history by showing how ancestors are related to their descendants and how much those
descendants have changed over time.
6. What is biochemical or genetic evidence, and how is it used to classify organisms?
The number of differences between comparable base sequences can be used to demonstrate the degree of evolutionary
7. Based on the phylogeny shown, we can conclude that species 2 is most
closely related to species _3__.
8. What do common sequences of DNA show?
Evolutionary relationships can show common ancestry for populations and species
molecular evidence. The number of differences between comparable base sequences
used to demonstrate the degree of evolutionary divergence
can be
9. Classification systems are used to indicate evolutionary relationships among organisms. Modern
classification systems are based upon ___.
A. modes of movement and reproduction
B. biochemical and genetic evidence
C. physical characteristics and habitats
D. behavioral adaptations and eating preferences
10. On the basis of this cladogram, which plants share the most recent common ancestor?
Pine trees and flowering plants because they both contain seeds
3D. Compare and contrast viruses with living organisms.
11. Viruses (Nonliving, Protein Coat contains DNA, and Requires Host)
Living Organisms (Do not require host, living, contains one or more cells)
5a. Trace the history of the theory.
12. What did Charles Darwin observe in the Galapagos Islands?
Galapagos finches, Glapagos tortoises, Galapagos land iguanas and Galapagos tree cactus
13. What specific information about Finches did Darwin observe in the Galapagos Islands?
Darwin observed that finches in the Galapagos Islands had different beaks that finches in South America.
These adaptations equipped the birds to acquire specific food sources.
14. What is the theory of evolution and how has it changed over time?
Biological evolution is genetic change in a population from one generation to another. The
speed and direction of change is variable with different species lines and at different
times. Continuous evolution over many generations can result in the development of new
varieties and species. Likewise, failure to evolve in response to environmental changes
can, and often does, lead to extinction.
The evidence for evolution has primarily come from four sources:
the fossil record of change in earlier species
the chemical and anatomical similarities of related life forms
the geographic distribution of related species
the recorded genetic changes in living organisms over many generations
15. Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution based on observations of
nature. Which observation that contributed to his theory is illustrated by this
population of beetles?
A. Environmental resources are limited.
B. Populations remain
stable over time.
C. Individuals within a population may vary widely.
offspring than can
D. Species produce more
5b. Explain the history of life in terms of biodiversity, ancestry, and the rates of evolution.
16. What is a common ancestor?
the most recent ancestral form or species from which two different speciesevolved
17. What conclusion can be drawn if 99% of the information in organism A’s DNA is shared by organism B’s
They share a common ancestor
18. What is biodiversity?
A term that describes the number of different species that live within a particular ecosystem
19. Which is the greatest threat to biodiversity?
A. hunting and fishing without a license
C. growing flowers and vegetables in a home garden
B. introducing non-native species into a habitat
D. increasing the amount of land set aside for
20. What evidence supports common ancestry?
Molecular genetic sequence
21. Which is a conclusion drawn from the observed DNA similarities found between apes and chimpanzees?
A. Apes and chimpanzees are in the same genus.
B. Apes and chimpanzees are in the same species.
C. Apes and chimpanzees are products of artificial selection.
D. Apes and chimpanzees are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor.
22. According to this diagram, Goniopholididae is most closely related to Dyrosauridae.
23. According to the diagram, Crocodylia is most closely relate to _Bernissortia.
5c. Explain how fossil and biochemical evidence support the theory.
24. What is a fossil record?
The totality of fossilized artifacts and their placement within the earth's rock strata. It provides information about the history of life on
earth, for instance what the organisms look like, where and when they live, how they evolved, etc.
25. What does it tell about the relationships between the organisms found in each layer?
It tells the relative time period the organisms lived.
26. What does each layer of rock that contains fossil records tell us about the history of an area?
Which species of organisms were dominant during that particular rock layers time period.
27. What methods for studying organisms could least likely be accomplished by studying the fossil record?
The exact age of the fossils, determining exactly how the organisms look, and the type of habitat each species
required for survival.
28. What does radiocarbon dating technique show about the way organisms evolved? It shows the relative
time period where plants and animals evolved spanning hundreds of millions of years.
29. Fossils help scientists classify extinct species and determine their relationships to current species.
Fossils provide the most information about extinct species'
A. habitats
B. structures
C. metabolism
D. reproduction
5d. Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.
30. What is natural selection? The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to
survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is
now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
31. What are the requirements for natural selection? To be able to adapt to their surrounding long enough to
survive and reproduce, must have variety of traits in each species.
32. What does natural selection lead to? Organisms better suited to their environment that has the best
chances to survive and reproduce.
33. Identify reasons some populations survive and others do not. Because some organisms are able to adapt
quicker to their environment and reproduce will the other organisms are not able to adapt to their
environment leading to their extinction.
34. How does the presence of a beneficial gene or adaptation affect future populations of organisms? The
presence of a beneficial gene helps organisms have the natural or genetic ability to avoid or repel attack by
biotic (pathogens & parasites) and abiotic agents (chemicals & pesticides)
35. European rabbits were introduced to Australia in 1859. The rabbits reproduced rapidly in their new habitat,
displaced other animals, and overgrazed vegetation. In an attempt to reduce the rabbit population, a virus was
introduced in 1951. This virus is usually deadly to European rabbits.
When the virus was first introduced, the rabbits died in large numbers, but the death rate decreased over time.
Which of the following best explains the decrease in the rabbit death rate?
A. Young rabbits learned to avoid being infected with this virus.
B. Natural selection favored rabbits that are resistant to this virus.
C. The lifespan of this virus is too short to affect rabbits over a long period of time.
D. The rabbits that were originally infected with this virus have been dead for many years.
5e. Recognize the role of evolution to biological resistance (pesticide and antibiotic resistance).
36. What is biological resistance?
The natural or genetic ability of an organism to avoid or repel attack by biotic (pathogens & parasites) and
abiotic agents (chemicals & pesticides)
37. How has natural selection led to biological resistance in organisms?
Because organisms build up resistance to abiotic or biotic agents and pass the traits down to their offspring.
38. When penicillin was first introduced, it was very effective in destroying most of the bacteria that cause
gonorrhea. Today, certain varieties of this bacterium are resistant to penicillin. Which statement best
explains the appearance of these resistant varieties?
A. Penicillin stimulated the production of antigens in the resistant bacteria.
B. Penicillin used today is not as strong as the penicillin used when it was first introduced.
C. Penicillin killed the susceptible bacteria, while naturally resistant varieties survived and reproduced.
D. Penicillin stimulated the bacteria to become resistant, and this resistance was passed to the offspring.
4A. Investigate the relationships among organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes.
39. What are the characteristics of organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes?
Organism: single living thing
Populations: One species living in a given area
Communities: Multiple populations in a given area
Ecosystem: Multiple populations and abiotic factors in a given area
Biomes: All ecosystems with similar climate
40. How does each level relate to the others?
Each level builds and becomes more and more complex.
41. In terms of ecological organization, how is an ecosystem different from a population?
A. A population is larger in size than an ecosystem.
B. An ecosystem has less biodiversity than a population.
C. A population is comprised of several small ecosystems.
D. An ecosystem has biotic and abiotic factors, but a population has biotic factors.
42. Which level of ecological organization contains all other levels?
A. biome
B. ecosystem
C. population
D. community
4B. Explain the flow of matter and energy through ecosystems by
Arranging components of a food chain according to energy flow.
43. What is a food chain?
The series of steps by which energy is obtained, used, and transformed byliving things. For
example: sunlight helps grain to grow, the grain feedscattle, and humans eat the cattle.
44. What is a food web?
a series of organisms related by predator-prey and consumer resource
interactions; the entirety of interrelated food chains in an ecologicalcommunity.
45. If these organisms were arranged in a food pyramid, which organism would have the least amount of
total energy available?
A. coyote
B. insect
C. lizard
D. shrub
46. Create a food chain from the food web above.
Shrub InsectLizard  Coyote
• Comparing the quantity of energy in the steps of
an energy pyramid.
47. According to the energy pyramid to the right, the most
energy is present in organisms living at the same level as the
A. bobcat
B. birds
C. grass
D. grasshoppers
48. In general, which trophic level has the most energy available to
A. producer
B. primary consumer
C. secondary consumer
D. tertiary consumer
• Explaining the need for cycling of major nutrients (C, O, H, N, P).
49. What will most likely happen if decomposers are removed
from the carbon cycle?
A. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will
B. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will
C. The amount of carbon dioxide used by producers will
D. The amount of carbon dioxide needed by consumers will
4C. Relate environmental conditions to successional changes in ecosystems.
50. What does ecological succession look like after a volcano explodes?
Imagine a volcano erupting. Lava flows down the side of the volcano destroying everything in its path, but when it
cools it forms new land. Initially, the new land will be barren with nothing living in the area. But after some time,
simple organisms will begin to colonize the new land. The organisms that engage in primary succession are known
as pioneer species.
Typical pioneer species include simple lichens, algae, and fungi. These simple organisms begin breaking down the
resources in the environment and make it suitable for the later introduction of more complex species, such as
vascular plants. As these organisms carry out their life processes they produce waste and some die. This leads to
the formation of the organic material that will become soil.
Once a small layer of soil is in place on top of the lava flow the variety of life will begin to increase much more
quickly. The pioneer plants will be crowded out by more complex plants, such as grasses and small shrubs that are
able to live in the thin layer of newly formed soil. These small plants will continue to increase the conditions of the
newly formed habitat and make way for larger species of shrubs and small to medium sized trees.
4D. Assess and explain human activities that influence and modify the
environment such as global warming, population growth, pesticide use, and
water and power consumption.
51. How do human activities modify the environment?
Human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in Earth’s atmosphere in the amounts of greenhouse
gases, aerosols (small particles), and cloudiness. The largest known contribution comes from the burning of fossil fuels,
which releases carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect climate by altering incoming solar radiation and out-going infrared (thermal)
radiation that are part of Earth’s energy balance. Changing the atmospheric abundance or properties of these gases and
particles can lead to a warming or cooling of the climate system.
Since the start of the industrial era (about 1750), the overall effect of human activities on climate has been a warming
influence. The human impact on climate during this era greatly exceeds that due to known changes in natural processes,
such as solar changes and volcanic eruptions.
52. How is DNA technology used in forensics, medicine, and agriculture?
a. How is DNA techology used in forensics?
Scientists and investigators use gel electrophoresis to seperate DNA fragments by size. After DNA is seperated
by restriction enzymes gel electrophoresis attracts the fragments with a positive charge because DNA has a
negative charge. The smaller pieces will move faster than the larger pieces down the chart because of their
size. Then the investigators can match the DNA fagments with those of their suspects.
Fragments of DNA seperated by gel electrophoresis
b. How is DNA technology used in medicine?
Scientists can use restriction enzymes to cut out pieces of plasmids so that they can insert new genes in
the DNA. By doing this scientists can figure out what the function of a gene is by observing the effect it has on
an organism and use this to change the cells of other organisms. When scientists find out which gene can cure
a person of a disease they can insert it into a person to cure them.
Scientist use biotechnology to create medicine for diseases.
c. How is DNA technology used in agriculture?
Botonists can alter the genes of a plant with ligase,
nucleotides, and restriction enzymes. First, PCR
(Polymerase Chain Reaction) would be used to create
many copies of DNA for observation. Then restriction
enzymes would cut out an area for the gene and ligase
would attach the gene to DNA. The genes the
scientists use are normally used to create chloroplasts
that can absorb a more efficient light wavelength for
photosynthesis.Also,scientist could insert a gene that
produces more nutrients for a healthy lifestyle. There
are many options, its just what you want to alter.
Tomatoes that were produced more efficiently due to
changes made by biotechnology.
2C. Using Mendel’s laws, explain the role of meiosis in reproductive variability.
meiosis is the process by which sex cells (gametes) are formed; male gamete: sperm/female gamete: egg; four
cells are formed, all different from one another, cells are haploid (have half the number of chromosomes than
Sexual Reproduction and Genetic Variation
Sexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically unique. They differ from both parents and also
from each other. This occurs for a number of reasons.
When homologous chromosomes pair up during meiosis I, crossing-over can occur. Crossing-over is the
exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. It results in new combinations of genes on
each chromosome.
When cells divide during meiosis, homologous chromosomes are randomly distributed to daughter cells, and
different chromosomes segregate independently of each other. This called is called independent assortment.
It results in gametes that have unique combinations of chromosomes.
In sexual reproduction, two gametes unite to produce an offspring. But which two of the millions of possible
gametes will it be? This is likely to be a matter of chance. It is obviously another source of genetic variation in
All of these mechanisms working together result in an amazing amount of potential variation. Each human
couple, for example, has the potential to produce more than 64 trillion genetically unique children. No wonder
we are all different!
2D. Describe the relationships between changes in DNA and potential
appearance of new traits including
 Alterations during replication.
 Insertions
 Deletions
 Substitutions
 Mutagenic factors that can alter DNA.
 High energy radiation (x-rays and ultraviolet)