
Zen Open Circle
Hazy Moon Spring Sesshin
Saturday 3 (Long Weekend) – Saturday 10, October 2015
Cloud Mountain Zendo, Woodhill Mountain, via Berry
Susan Murphy, Roshi
‘Sesshin’ means literally ‘to touch, to settle and to convey the heart-mind’.
‘The heart-mind’ is what we experience as our true selves, when we let go fear and
open to the way things really are, minus our opinions about them. In sesshin we
agree to set aside ordinary concerns and take this great matter up as our central
concern with firm, quiet focus, in close company with each other and on behalf of all
the many beings of the world. Sesshin deeply nourishes your practice with its grace,
silence, meditation, inquiry and Dharma, along with silent work practice and periods
of open sitting and walking with the wind and stars, in a dedicated Zendo set in a
place of striking natural beauty.
Our Teacher
Susan Murphy Roshi is our founding teacher and teacher also for the Melbourne Zen
Group. She is a lineage holder since 2001 in both the Diamond Sangha (Robert
Aitken, Ross Bolleter) and Pacific Zen Institute (John Tarrant), and author of Upside
Down Zen (2004, 2006) and Minding the Earth, Mending the World (2012).
Sesshin Schedule
We arrive between 1pm and 5pm on Saturday October 3rd to set up. We enter into
silence at 7pm on Saturday and continue with seated meditation, walking meditation,
sutra chanting, dharma talks and interviews with the teacher. We move out of silence
after breakfast the following Saturday. Delicious vegetarian meals will be provided
from supper on Saturday evening through to breakfast on the following Saturday.
Sesshin Venue
Cloud Mountain temple is located at 36 Wattamolla Road, Woodhill, high on the
northeastern rim of Kangaroo Valley, 7 km from Berry, two hours south of Sydney. This
is a place of natural beauty and fertile energy, overlooking a rainforest valley ringed
by dramatic cliffs and mountains, alive with birds and animals. You can sleep in the
dojo area and several other indoor spots, but most people choose to pitch tents in
sheltered flat areas on the land.
Sesshin places are limited - don’t delay!
Access is by car (2.25 hours), or by train to Berry on the South Coast Line (2.6 hours).
Check the CityRail website timetable for train journeys that go through to Berry
(changing at Kiama). The Airport Line connects to South Coast Line at Wolli Creek.
Enquiries: Sesshin Coordinator
Deborah Chadwick: deborahchadwick2@bigpond.com Mobile: 0427 214 216
Full-time Cost: $480. Concessions are available for those who are wholly unwaged or
have the additional cost of travelling from interstate. (Please see application form for
details). Full or partial scholarships may be available in circumstances of genuine need.
ZOC Spring Sesshin Application 2015
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Application Form: Hazy Moon Spring Sesshin
(page 1 of 2)
Please cut and paste this form, and the membership form (if you are not
already a member), into a new email to
Deborah Chadwick (deborahchadwick2@bigpond.com).
Phone Numbers: Day:
Emergency Contact Name:
Special Food Requirements: Meals will be vegetarian. If you have additional food requirements such as
allergies, please describe them here, so that they can be factored into Sesshin shopping and preparation.
Special information:
Are there any personal factors that may affect your participation (e.g. health/mental health factors)? This
information will be treated confidentially.
Do you have any medical or first aid training?
Attendance details: Please plan to attend from the first day. All other arrangements to attend must be
discussed with the Teacher or Sesshin coordinator and approved prior to attendance. To attend you must
be a current year financial member of ZOC (see details of attached membership form).
Current financial ZOC member Yes
Full time attendance
Number of days?
Part-time attendance
(excluding October 3rd; and including the day you leave)
Arrival date and time
Departure date and time
I need transport
I can offer transport
Number of seats
I have a wagon / ute / free car space and can help transport food and equipment
I would like to help with Sesshin shopping ______ (Your generosity in this matter is greatly appreciated)
If you get a lift with another participant please offer at least $15 per trip towards the cost of fuel.
Confirmation of your place at sesshin:
When your application form and confirmation of payment are received by the sesshin coordinator, a
confirmation email or letter will be sent to you with detailed information about what to bring to sesshin,
and transport information if you have requested a lift.
ZOC Sesshin Application 2015
Zen Open Circle is a not-for-profit organization, and apart from sesshin, our
teacher Susan Murphy Roshi relies solely upon dana to support and sustain her
teaching. The Sesshin fee includes an honorarium for the teacher for the weeks devoted to
sesshin preparation and teaching, plus a contribution towards sesshin costs such as
accommodation, food and consumables, insurance etc, with surplus funds from fees, if any,
being put toward general ZOC revenue (from which Sesshin scholarships are drawn).
It is traditional at the end of a Buddhist retreat to be invited to offer dana as an expression of
the special relationship between teacher and student and the fruits of practice that this brings,
during Sesshin and beyond, and to help make possible the ongoing gift of the teaching. Dana
offerings come from the heart and remain voluntary and anonymous in nature.
You are welcome to contact the Sesshin Coordinator, or our Treasurer, if you have any questions
about these arrangements.
Please check your membership and attendance status with the appropriate fee schedule.
Full time attendance: $480
Part-time attendance, $80/day
Please complete the membership application attached below. ZOC insurance
cover requires that you hold at least interstate level membership.
Concessions are available for fully unwaged/fulltime students/pensioners (contact Coordinator)
Full-time attendance concession fee: $420
Part-time concession fee, $65/day
Full or partial scholarships may be available for genuine financial hardship. If you think you may
be eligible, please consult with the Sesshin Coordinator.
Members are encouraged to offer dana to our community by helping others to attend sesshin.
I would like to contribute to the scholarship fund to assist another Zen student
By electronic Funds Transfer or direct deposit via local Commonwealth Bank branch
Amount transferred
Transfer to BSB 062438
Account No. 10094519
Please specify your surname in your bank transfer and email your receipt number and date of
payment to the Sesshin Coordinator. If you are unable to make EFTs or a direct deposit please
contact the sesshin coordinator by email to discuss alternative arrangements.
Sesshin Coordinator contact: Deborah Chadwick (deborahchadwick2@bigpond.com)
*Applications after this date may be refused and will attract a $50 late fee
You will be asked to sign your sesshin form when you arrive at sesshin.
Applicant’s Signature:
ZOC Sesshin Application 2015
Annual Membership Form July 1 20 15 – June 30 2016
Annual membership fees cover operating costs for ZOC, such as insurance,
venue deposits and hire, maintaining a website, subsidizing sesshins,
maintaining zafus and zabutons, administrative costs such as postage and
photocopying; purchasing software; accounting assistance. To meet
incorporation legislation requirements we need your full name and address.
Please pledge as much as your financial circumstances allow.
The recommended annual membership pledge is $70+ concession eg
students and unwaged and $120+ for those with full time work who reside
in the Sydney region. For those in remote NSW or interstate the annual
(interstate/distance) membership is $60.
(Please Print or Type Details Below)
Pledge Details:
Recommended annual membership pledge is around $70+ concession; $120+ for waged
members; $60 (Interstate/distance member)
Amount Pledged. _________
(Please cross out whichever is not applicable).
Electronic Funds Internet Transfer
or direct bank deposit
or by hand to Mel Lewis
ZOC Banking Details: - BSB 062438 Account No. 10094519
(Please include your FULL name in the reference section when you make the transfer)
All pledge payments: Please complete this form and hand/email it to Mel Lewis:
I hereby apply to renew/commence my membership of Zen Open Circle, and I agree to honour the
purpose, spirit and guidelines of the association as cited on www.zenopencircle.org.au
New Members: i.e. If you have not been a Member prior to 2015; your application will be
submitted to Zen Open Circle for final approval.
To assist us, please outline briefly your reasons for joining Zen Open Circle below:
ZOC Membership Application 2015-6
ZOC Membership Application 2015-6