Syllabus - Angelina College

Fall 2015
Angelina College
Health Careers Division
RNSG 1412: Nursing Care of Childbearing and Childrearing Family
General Syllabus
A. Course Description:
Four hours credit. Study of the concepts related to the provision of nursing care for childbearing and
childrearing families; application of systematic problem-solving processes and critical thinking skills,
including a focus on the childbearing family during the perinatal periods and the childbearing family from
birth to adolescence; and competency in knowledge, judgment, skill, and professional values within a
legal/ethical framework. Eighty classroom and sixteen lab hours. Prerequisites: RNSG 1341, 1441, 1462,
1301, 1363. Co-requisites: RNSG 2460. Lab fee. Special fee required.
B. Intended Audience:
Sophomore working toward educational requirements for Associate of Applied Science in Nursing.
C. Instructor:
Office Location
Phone Number
Alysa Bass
HC 212
Email Address
Susan McKee
HC 217
Nancy Rice
HC 213
Renae Authement
HC 216
Office Hours: See office posting
Phone: Instructors may also be reached through the main Health Careers I telephone number at 936633-5265. If the instructor is not available, please leave a message with Kay Gibbs, the Program
Secretary, and she will relay the message to the instructor.
A. Basic Intellectual Competencies –
1. Critical Thinking Skills (CT) – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation
and synthesis of information.
2. Communication Skills (COM) – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas
through written, oral and visual communication.
3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS) – to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or
observe facts resulting in informed conclusions.\
4. Teamwork (TW) – to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with
others to support a shared purpose or goal.
5. Personal Responsibility (PR) – to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to
ethical decision-making.
6. Social Responsibility (SR) – to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and
the ability to engage in regional, national, and global communities.
B. Course Objectives common for all sections –
Upon completion of this course, the student will have the knowledge and skills to:
1. Applies the use of clinical reasoning, the nursing process, and evidence based practice outcomes as
the basis for decision making for the childbearing/childrearing family (PLO #1) (DEC 1 & 2).
2. Identifies behaviors that reflect commitment to the growth and development of the role and function of
maternal/ child nursing consistent with the state and national regulations and with ethical and
professional standards; aspires to improve the discipline of nursing and its contribution to society; and
values self-assessment and the need for life-long learning (PLO #2) (DEC 1 & 4).
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3. Determines safe, compassionate nursing care using a systematic process of assessment, analysis,
planning, intervention and evaluation that focuses on health promotion and the risk factors for the
childbearing/childrearing family (PLO #3) (DEC 2 & 3).
4. Distinguishes safe practice guidelines for the maternal/ child nursing environment by following scope
and standards of nursing practice (PLO #4) (DEC 2).
5. Analyzes best practices for the maternal/ child patients and their families by collaborating,
coordinating and/or facilitating comprehensive patient centered care with an
interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary healthcare team (PLO #5) (DEC 1,2,3).
C. Course Objectives as determined by the instructor
Introduction to Maternity Nursing
1. Describe legal, ethical, and risk management issues in perinatal nursing.
2. Discuss scope of maternity nursing including: contemporary issues, trends and social concerns.
3. Identify the characteristics of contemporary family systems and vulnerable populations.
4. Compare cultural and family dynamics on maternity and childbearing families.
5. Describe the nurse’s role in perinatal home care.
Reproductive Years
6. Identify and analyze reasons women seek health care including barriers affecting their decisions and
the health risks occurring during childbearing years.
7. Identify and analyze conditions and factors that increase health risks for women across the life span,
including life stage, substance abuse, eating disorders, medical/health conditions, pregnancy and
intimate partner violence.
8. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the following methods of contraception: fertility
awareness methods, barrier method, hormonal methods, intrauterine devices, and sterilization and
recognize ethical, legal, cultural and religious considerations of infertility, contraception, and elective
9. Discuss the assessment findings and nursing interventions for the female reproductive system.
10. Identify and discuss the common causes and psychological impact of and treatments for infertility.
11. Discuss the assessment findings related to pregnancy and high risk pregnancy.
12. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting pregnancy
13. Identify risk factors (including genetics and problems in fetal development) associated with health
problems affecting pregnancy.
14. Plan nursing interventions including pharmacologic therapies specific to the care of the pregnant
woman and care to address the discomforts of pregnancy, nutrition during pregnancy, signs and
symptoms of potential problems, and actual problems during pregnancy.
15. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding pregnancy and high risk pregnancy.
16. Discuss the assessment findings related to labor and birth processes.
17. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting labor and birth processes.
18. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting labor and birth processes.
19. Plan nursing interventions including pharmacologic therapies specific to labor and birth processes.
20. Discuss teaching plans for the pregnant woman regarding labor and birth processes.
21. Identify and discuss typical signs of normal and abnormal fetal heart rate patterns and nursing
interventions used to manage specific heart rate patterns.
Postpartum Period
22. Discuss the assessment findings for the postpartum client.
23. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the postpartum client.
24. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the postpartum client.
25. Plan nursing interventions including pharmacologic therapies specific to the care of the postpartum
client with typical care and with complications in the postpartum period.
26. Discuss teaching plans for clients and families regarding the postpartum period.
27. Discuss the assessment findings for the newborn.
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Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the newborn.
Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the newborn.
Recognize newborn reflexes and differentiate characteristic responses from abnormal responses.
Plan nursing interventions including pharmacologic therapies specific to the care of the newborn.
Discuss teaching plans for parents regarding the care and treatment of the newborn.
Discuss current recommendations, benefits, common problems and nursing interventions associated
with breast feeding.
34. Discuss the identification and care of problems associated with a high risk newborn.
Developmental Influences and Child Health Promotion
35. Discuss the developmental influences and child health promotion.
36. Identify risk factors associated with developmental influences and child health promotion
37. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients of varying developmental stages.
38. Discuss immunizations.
39. Discuss teaching plans for clients of varying development stages.
Pediatric Chronic Illness, Special Needs, and End-of-Life Care
40. Discuss the pediatric patient with chronic illness, special needs and end-of-life care.
41. Identify risk factors associated chronic illness, special needs and end-of-life care.
42. Plan nursing therapies specific to patients with chronic illness, special needs and end-of-life care.
43. Discuss pediatric chronic illness, special needs and end-of-life care medications.
44. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding pediatric chronic illness, special needs and end-of-life
Pediatric Respiratory Dysfunction
45. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric pulmonary system.
46. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the pulmonary system.
47. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the pulmonary system.
48. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with pulmonary disease.
49. Discuss pulmonary medications.
50. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding pulmonary health problems.
51. Outline the principles of airway management and mechanical ventilation.
Pediatric Hematologic and Immunologic Dysfunction
52. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric hematologic and immunologic system.
53. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the hematologic and
immunologic system.
54. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the hematologic and immunologic
55. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with hematologic and immunologic disease.
56. Discuss hematologic and immunologic medications.
57. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding hematologic and immunologic health problems.
Pediatric Cardiovascular Dysfunction
58. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric cardiovascular system.
59. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the cardiovascular system.
60. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the cardiovascular system.
61. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with cardiovascular disease.
62. Discuss cardiovascular medications.
63. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding cardiovascular health problems.
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
64. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric gastrointestinal system.
65. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the gastrointestinal
66. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the gastrointestinal system.
67. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with gastrointestinal disease.
68. Discuss gastrointestinal medications.
69. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding gastrointestinal health problems.
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Pediatric Genitourinary & Endocrine Dysfunction
70. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric renal & endocrine system.
71. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the renal & endocrine
72. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the renal & endocrine system.
73. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with renal & endocrine disease.
74. Discuss renal & endocrine medications.
75. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding renal & endocrine health problems.
Pediatric Cerebral & Neuromuscular Dysfunction
76. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric neurological system.
77. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the neurological system.
78. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the neurological system.
79. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with neurological disease.
80. Discuss neurological medications.
81. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding neurological health problems.
Pediatric Musculoskeletal & Skin Dysfunction
82. Discuss the assessment findings for the pediatric musculoskeletal and skin system.
83. Analyze laboratory and diagnostic tests specific to health problems affecting the pediatric
musculoskeletal and skin.
84. Identify risk factors associated with health problems affecting the pediatric musculoskeletal and skin
85. Plan nursing therapies specific to the care of patients with pediatric musculoskeletal and skin diseases.
86. Discuss pediatric musculoskeletal and skin medications.
87. Discuss teaching plans for clients regarding pediatric musculoskeletal and skin problems.
A. Assessments for the Core Intellectual Competencies –
1. Critical Thinking Skills (CT) – Competency in critical thinking is assessed through student's ability to
discuss patient case studies, identify patient care needs and complete written assignments.
2. Communication Skills (COM) Competency in speaking is assessed through oral contribution in smallgroup activities and interpersonal communication with patients, staff, instructors and peers.
3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS) – Competency in empirical and quantitative skills is assessed
through administration of a dosage calculation exam prior to clinical.
4. Teamwork (TW) – Competency in teamwork is assessed through student's ability to participate in
various group assignments.
5. Personal Responsibility (PR) –Competency in personal responsibility will be assessed through the
student's preparedness for exams and class assignments.
6. Social Responsibility (SR) – Competency in social responsibility will be assessed through the student's
performance on computerized exam questions relating to cultural and global health issues.
B. Assessments for Course Objectives for all sections –
SCANS (Secretary of Labor‘s Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills):
Students are expected to demonstrate basic competency in academic and workforce skills. The following
competencies with evaluation are covered in RNSG 1412:
SCANS Skills
Foundation Skills
Required & suggested readings
Critical Thinking Case Studies
Peer evaluations
Workplace Competencies
Computer assisted Instruction
Completion of Independent Study Projects
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C. Assessments for the Course Objectives as determined by the instructor – Same as above.
A. Methodologies common to all sections
Audio-visual aids
Computer assisted instruction
Group discussion Independent study
Blackboard instruction
B. Methodologies determined by the instructor
Not applicable for this course.
A. Required Textbooks, Materials, and Equipment –
Angelina College. ACNP Student Handbook
All previously required textbooks
Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M., Dirksen, S. (2014). Medical surgical nursing: assessment and
management of clinical problems (9th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M., Dirksen, S. (2014). Study guide for medical surgical nursing:
assessment and management of clinical problems (9th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. (recommended)
Perry, et al. (2014) Maternal Child Nursing Care. (5th ed). St. Louis: Mosby.
B. Assignments –
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Blackboard Resources– This is a Blackboard enhanced
course. Students will be expected to log on to Blackboard to receive assignments, calendars, course
information and other materials. The Blackboard agreement will be signed and returned to the
instructor by the end of the first class week.
C. Course Policies – (This course conforms to the policies of Angelina College as stated in the
Angelina College Nursing Program Student Handbook and the Angelina College 2015-2016 Student
Academic Assistance – If you have a disability (as cited in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) that may affect your participation in this class, you
should see Karen Bowser, Room 208 of the Student Center. At a post-secondary institution, you must selfidentify as a person with a disability; Ms. Bowser will assist you with the necessary information to do so.
Angelina College (AC) admits students without regard to race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, disability,
or age. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of AC should be directed to: Dr. Patricia
McKenzie, Vice president and Dean of Instruction, 3500 South First, Lufkin, TX 75904, telephone is 936633-5201.
Attendance – See ACNP Student Handbook
Additional Policies –
Tardiness – Tardiness is simply defined as not being in the assigned area at the assigned time. To
prevent class disruptions, tardy students will not be allowed to enter the classroom until a break.
Students who are tardy a total of three (3) times will receive an absence.
Progression Policy – A student must earn a minimum grade of “C” or “P” in all required courses in
order to progress within the nursing program. All nursing courses must be taken in the appropriate
Withdrawal and Dismissal –Students who wish to withdraw from the nursing program must do so
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with both the Nursing Program Coordinator and the Office of Admissions. If the student does not
officially withdraw in the Office of Admission, an “F” will appear on the transcript for the course in
progress at that time.
Examinations –Students must be present and on time for all examinations which will be
administered on-line in the computer lab or by paper and pencil. If absent, student must call the
nursing office @ 936-633-5265 and leave a message, BEFORE the exam begins to make
arrangements for a make-up exam or no makeup exam will be scheduled. (See ACNP Student
Handbook 2015-2016 for makeup exam policy.) (Updated 1/12/2015)
Attendance at the final examination is required and may be rescheduled ONLY with the approval of
the Vice President of Instruction. All exams (and written assignments) become the property of the
Nursing Program.
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Blackboard Resources- This is a Blackboard
enhanced course. Students will be expected to log on the Blackboard to receive assignments,
calendars, course information and other materials. The Blackboard agreement will be signed
and returned to the instructor by the end of the first class week.
A. Required Content/ Topics –
Introduction to Maternity Nursing
Read: Perry Chapter 1-2
Reproductive Years
Read: Perry Chapter 3-5
Read: Perry Chapter 6-12
Read: Perry Chapter 13-17
Postpartum Period
Read: Perry Chapter 19-21
Read: Perry Chapter 22-25
Developmental and Genetic Influences on Child
Health Promotion and Immunizations
Read: Perry Chapter 28, 31-35
Pediatric Special Needs, Chronic Illness and Endof-Life Care
Pediatric Cardiovascular Dysfunction
Read: Perry Chapter 36-37
(Rice – 9/28)
Read: Perry Chapter 42
(Bass – 10/5)
Pediatric Respiratory Dysfunction
Read: Perry Chapter 40
(Bass – 10/12)
Pediatric GI Dysfunction
Read: Perry Chapter 41
(Rice – 10/19)
Pediatric Genitourinary & Endocrine Dysfunction
Read: Perry Chapter 44 & 46
(Bass – 10/26)
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Pediatric Hematologic and Immunologic
Read: Perry Chapter 43
(Bass – 11/16)
Pediatric Neurological Dysfunction
Read: Perry Chapter 45 & 49
(Rice -11/9 )
Pediatric Musculoskeletal & Skin Dysfunction
Read: Perry Chapter 47-48
(Rice – 11/23)
A. Grading Criteria: The course grade is based on examination scores.
Methods of Evaluation: Written examinations
Grade Distribution:
Unit Exams (5 total)
Final Exam
HESI Specialty Exam
There will be NO rounding test grades. After averaging, the final grade is the only grade rounded.
* If the student scores over the National Benchmark on the HESI exam, the percentage grade is
recorded. If the student does not meet the National benchmark, the student repeats the exam at
his/her own expense and the better of the two scores is recorded.
B. Determination of Grade
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 75-79
F = Less than 74
The instructor may modify the provisions of the syllabus to meet individual class needs by informing the class in
advance as to the changes being made.
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