Session 5 Facilitator’s Guide: Helping All Learners Succeed Sequence of Sessions Targets for this Session I can identify ways to apply the anticipate, act, assess, analyze cycle to my instructional practice. I can analyze student work samples to determine the appropriate instructional response. I can plan to meet the needs of all students to lead to college and career readiness. High-Level Purpose of this Session This session furthers the conversations about meeting the needs of all students in Common Core aligned instruction. Through a process of looking at student work that develops over the course of a module and entering a classroom via video, participants will have thoughtful conversations about the instructional moves the teacher makes to meet student needs. Related Learning Experiences All other NTI sessions Key Points Looking at student work Annotated teacher lesson plan Furthering the discussion of the modules as models Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? How will we know that they are able to do this? 1. I can identify ways to apply the anticipate, act, assess, analyze cycle to my instructional practice. Observation Notecatcher completion Discussion 2. I can analyze student work samples to determine the appropriate instructional response. Group discusiion Notecatcher completion Participant questions 3. I can plan to meet the needs of all students to lead to college and career readiness. Session Overview (105 minutes) Part 1: 12:00-1:00 (lunch 1:00-1:45) Part 2: 1:45-2:30 Section Time Overview Welcome 12:0012:15 Welcome participants to the session and introduce learning targets. Also, introduce the 4A’s graphic of a cycle of: anticipate, act, analyze, assess The Classroom Connection 12:151:00 (includes 45 minute lunch) Participants will analyze a set of student work. They will also get a view into a 1:00-1:45 teacher’s planning via an LUNCH annotated lesson plan and 1:45-2:00 view her instructional practice in action via video. 2:00-2:25 Participants will look at Application for Learning documents that have been (Differentiated created to support options for 3-5 and instruction during additional 6-8 participants literacy time. This portion of Prepared Resources Facilitator’s Preparation Profile of a Learner Ali_NTI814 Annotated lesson_NTI814.doc Ali Work Sample Analysis_NTI814 Work Sample 1_Ali.pdf Work Sample 2_Ali.pdf Work Sample 3_Ali.pdf Work Sample 4_Ali.pdf P1_End unit Assess_Ali.pdf P2_End unit Assess_Ali.pdf 5m1.2l18.doc Teacher Thoughts Grades 6-8: Common Core Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers Review PPT Review Session 5 Facilitators Guide the session is differentiated based on the grade level you most want to “dig into.” Notice_Wonder_Connect Grades 3-5: Closure Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards (received in session 4 of this NTI) 4A’s notecatcher Action Plan 2:25-2:30 Participants will synthesize their learning for the session. Session Roadmap Section 1: Welcome Time: 12:00-12:15 [15 minutes] Welcome participants to the session and introduce learning targets. Also, introduce the 4A’s graphic of a cycle of: anticipate, act, analyze, assess Time 5 min Slide #/Pic of Slide PPT Slide #1, #2 Script/Activity directions Welcome participants and say something similar in content to the following: “This session has been developed to help further your educational expertise Grouping Whole group 1 min 8 minutes PPT Slide #3 PPT Slide #4, #5, #6 regarding scaffolding, accommodating and supporting all students in a diverse general education setting. It is inherent in the beliefs of our organization that all students deserve access to a rigorous, standards based curriculum that helps them to achieve more than they ever thought possible. We are aware that ELL students and students with disabilities represent a heterogeneous population of students with diverse strengths and areas of need. Our focus today is on supporting your work as educators in teaching grade appropriate content knowledge to all of your students” (Facilitation Note: Consider a personal story to connect with your audience about your teaching in an inclusive setting) Introduction of learning targets Introduce the 4A’s graphic. As a facilitator do not give much context for the graphic, ask participants to think about this graphic and how it might relate to “helping all learners succeed.” On a sticky note participants should write down the answer to this question: what do you think that this 4A’s Whole group Whole group and teams/groups graphic represents in relation to helping all leaners succeed? OR “do you have a “wonder” about this graphic? As they introduce at tables have them share a thought from their independent writing. (1 minute per person to share: name, role and thought about the 4A’s= 8 minutes) Section 2: The Classroom Connection: Analyzing Student Work [ minutes, including a 45 minute lunch] Participants will analyze a set of student work. They will also get a view into a teachers planning via an annotated lesson plan and view her instruction in action via a video. Time: 12:15-2:00 (Lunch 1:00-1:45) Profile of a Learner Ali_NTI814 Annotated lesson_NTI814.doc Ali Work Sample Analysis_NTI814 Work Sample 1_Ali.pdf Work Sample 2_Ali.pdf Work Sample 3_Ali.pdf Work Sample 4_Ali.pdf P1_End unit Assess_Ali.pdf P2_End unit Assess_Ali.pdf 5m1.2l18.doc Teacher Thoughts Time Slide #/Pic of Slide 5 min PPT Slide #7 Script/Activity directions 1 25 min PPT Slide #8 Locate A Profile of a Learner: Ali Facilitator let participants know that this student is actually in the classroom of the teacher whose thinking you will enter via an annotated lesson that she provided (although the name has been changed in the document). Read and take notes in the space provided (there is a chart that says “Scaffolds and Interventions Used” and “Questions for Teacher” on the A Profile of a Learner: Ali document. Explain that they should be identifying which interventions the teacher used in supporting Ali. They may work in pairs, or alone, as they will not have an opportunity to discuss their findings with the whole group. Explain to participants that, now that they are familiar with the student and some of the teacher moves, they will be looking at a sequence of student work that was developed over the course of a module. Also, they will be looking at an annotated lesson plan that was prepared by a practicing teacher who is implementing the modules in a classroom with a heterogeneous population of students Participants need to locate the Ali Work Sample Analysis document. This will serve as a notecatcher and will guide them through the tasks of looking at work samples. You will work independently first (15 minutes). You may want to use the Continuum of Interventions document that you received yesterday (jn your participant notebook). Reconvene your team or split table group and compare note-catchers with your team allowing each member of the team/group a chance to share a connection or question from Grouping 10 PPT Slide #9 4 minutes PPT Slide #10 2 minutes PPT Slide #11 LUNCH 1:00-1:45 Tell participants that they will now enter the classroom that Ali is in. Locate the Anticipated/Acted note catcher in the participant notebook. Participants should watch and analyze how the teacher anticipated student needs and then acted to ensure those needs were met. Show a picture of the 4A’s graphic again: PPT Slide #12 looking at the work (10 minutes). Add new thinking to your notecatcher if appropriate. Participants will locate the documents Instructional Thoughts from Ali’s Teacher and Annotated Lesson Plan (Grade 5, Module 1, Unit 2, lesson 2) in their participant notebook. Explain to participants that now we are going to get to look into the thinking of the teacher as she thoughtfully planned to support Ali. Ask participants to text code with P for I “predicted” she would use this, and B for I would like to “borrow” this teacher move from her. Debrief as a team or in split table groups: “Go’round” the table or your team and share one scaffold or intervention that you predicted the teacher would use that you she in fact used, then, if time, one teacher move you’d like to borrow from her. 8 minutes 5 minutes PPT Slide #13 Video link: (video length 7 minutes 56 seconds) Participants will capture their thinking on the Anticipated/Acted Notecatcher as they watch the video As a team or split table group discuss your discoveries around “anticipating/acting” or thoughts you have about the cycle of the 4A’s Section 3: Application of Learning :GRADES 6-8 [25 minutes] Participants will look at the Common Core Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers. They will think about ways that this resource will support meeting the needs of all learners. Time Slide #/Pic of Slide Time: 2:00-2:25 Common Core Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers Notice Wonder Connect Notecatcher Script/Activity directions Grouping Facilitator note: “Hide” the 3-5 slides in the Powerpoint if you are delivering this to a 6-8 audience. 1 minute PPT Slide #14-#16 24 minutes Hand out the Common Core Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers spiral bound materials. Facilitator say something like: “We have been working on interventions at the individual student level, now we will turn our attention to whole class or whole grade or school level. Be thinking about how these documents can support you in a variety of settings as you plan to meet the needs of students. These materials, were created to support you in planning for additional literacy time and support for students in grades 6-8 who are not meeting grade level expectations in literacy. These materials can be used in a variety of instructional settings and are not intended solely to be used with students with disabilities or ELLs. However, these materials will help you in providing for students in a variety of settings and with a variety of learning needs including students with disabilities and ELL’s In your school teams or split table group follow the following process: Step 1: Look through the materials for the general flow; feel free to engage in conversation with colleagues as you notice and wonder (4 min.) Step 2: Read the “overview” independently (5 min) Step 3: In your teams/groups divide up the tabs to look at the materials more closely. Use your Notice, wonder and connect notecatcher as you look at your section. (10 minutes) Step 4: Go around and share the “gist” of each section with the group/team. Discuss your findings and how these materials can be used in your classroom or school to support all students. (5 minutes) Section 3: Application of Learning GRADES 3-5 Time: 2:00-2:25 [25 minutes] Participants will revisit the Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards. They will look at this resource through the “lens” of meeting the needs of all learners Time Slide #/Pic of Slide PPT Slide #14-#16 Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards (received in session 4 of this NTI) 4A’s notecatcher Action Plan August 2014 NTI Script/Activity directions 1 min 1 min 23 minutes Facilitator note: “Hide” the 6-8 slides in the Powerpoint if you are delivering this to a 3-5 audience Have participants locate the materials from session 4: Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards. Say something like “Facilitator say something like: “We have been working on interventions at the individual student level, now we will turn our attention to whole class or whole grade or school level. Be thinking about how these documents can support you in a variety of settings as you plan to meet the needs of students Facilitator say something like” Although you learned about these materials in session 4, now you are going to go back and look at these materials and discuss specific ways that these materials will help them to help all learners succeed.” Locate the 4A’s Notecatcher Step 1: Look through the Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards and jot some thinking down on the 4A’s notecatcher as to how these materials will help as you plan to meet the needs of all students. (5 minutes) Step 2: Share in teams/groups how these materials can be used in your classroom/school/district (10 minutes) Step 3: Jot down on your Action Plan: August 2014 NTI Grouping PPT Slide #17 specific action steps your team/group needs to take to integrate your new thinking or practices into your classroom/school/district (5 minutes) Step 4: Close with lingering questions about the materials or implementation (3 minutes) Let participants know that if they want to continue Action Planning, they can attend our last session of the day where EL staff will be present to assist with action planning. Section 4: Closure Time: 2:25-2:30 [5 minutes] Participants will use the Team Synthesis document to reflect on their learning from this session. Time 1 minutes 5 minutes Slide #/Pic of Slide PPT #18 PPT #19 Session 5 FG and PPT Team Synthesis Script/Activity directions Learning Target Check in Turnkey Materials Provided Locate the Synthesis for Teams document that you have been filling out at the end of each session. Discuss in teams and answer the questions on the synthesis form. Thank participants for their participation in this session and explain the options for the last session of this NTI (Conversation Cafes or Action Planning time – both supported by EL staff) Grouping Profile of a Learner Ali_NTI814 Annotated lesson_NTI814.doc Ali Work Sample Analysis_NTI814 Work Sample 1_Ali.pdf Work Sample 2_Ali.pdf Work Sample 3_Ali.pdf Work Sample 4_Ali.pdf P1_End unit Assess_Ali.pdf P2_End unit Assess_Ali.pdf 5m1.2l18.doc Teacher Thoughts Action Plan August 2014 NTI Team Synthesis Grades 6-8: Common Core Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers Notice_Wonder_Connect Grades 3-5: Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards (received in session 4 of this NTI) 4A’s notecatcher