THE GROVE LAWN TENNIS CLUB REGISTRATION FORM FOR SUMMER HOLIDAY JUNIOR CAMPS 2015 27 JULY – 21ST AUGUST 10 am – 1.00 pm INCLUSIVE The Grove is running tennis camps for children aged 4-7 and 8+ during the school summer holiday period. Children will practice racket and balls skills & learn new drills. Mixture of points and fun .All levels welcome. Members: £20 per session Non-Members: £23 per session (no restriction on session numbers attended) Book now to avoid disappointment as places will be restricted. Call Ali on 07581 078 325 or email Please then complete and return the form below and make the relevant payment to secure your child’s place. Fees can be paid by cheque (payable to Miss Alice K McGee ) or bank transfer (using your child’s name as the booking reference), to the following account: (cash is also accepted) *Account Name *Sort Code *Account No. Miss Alice K Mcgee 110670 10579060 Places will not be confirmed until the completed form and payment is received. Please return the completed section below to Ali McGee CHILD’S NAME…………………………………………………............................................Age……….. Club Member YES/NO (please circle as appropriate) PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION: Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Emergency Contact No. MOB…………………………………… Land Line…….............................. Email Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I have paid £……………………. By cheque/bank transfer (delete as appropriate) for a total of …………… days on the following dates (please circle as appropriate): Week One: Week Two: Week Three: Week Four 27th, 28th, 29th 30th 31st July 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th 7th August 10th, 11th 12th, 13th, 14th August 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st August CONSENT: I consent to the administration of basic first aid and treatment by a first aider. I consent to my child being taken to hospital by ambulance in an emergency. I consent to the administration of medical treatment in the event I can’t be contacted. Please give details of any medical conditions, allergies or illnesses: Conditions/Safety of children: *All mini juniors must be collected in person by a responsible adult *Should rain force us to cancel a full session, in the first instance and where possible, an alternative date/s will be offered. If this is not possible due to numbers, a refund will be applied. *Children are required bring plenty of refreshments/snacks/packed lunch in named bottles/boxes etc. *Children must wear non-marking gym shoes, be appropriately dressed and have a sun hat. *Children should bring their own named racket where possible (limited number available to loan) PARENT/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE……………………………………………………………………DATE…………………………… Forms can be scanned to Ali at: or left in a sealed envelope in the club House marked for the attention of Ali McGee.