Catholic Diocese of Columbus Office for Divine Worship CELEBRATION OF ADULT CONFIRMATION — NOVEMBER 1st , 2014 — 10:00 AM — ST. JOSEPH CATHEDRAL Candidate’s Full Name Please Print Last First Middle Current Address Street City State Phone Number Zip Email Confirmation Name Must be a Documented Saint’s Name for Confirmation Registered Parish Parish Pastor’s Signature City Sign Phone Number A CURRENT COPY OF YOUR BAPTISMAL RECORD MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THIS FORM. Baptismal Name in Full As it appears on the Baptismal Certificate Date of Baptism Date of First Communion Church of Baptism Church of Baptism ‐ Street Address Church of Baptism ‐ City State Zip Father’s Name Mother’s Maiden Name_ Name of Sponsor First Middle Last Sponsor’s Address Street City Sponsor’s Phone State Zip Email Sponsor’s Registered parish Parish name City State ADULT CONFIRMATION RETREAT The Adult Confirmation Retreat is on Saturday, October 4th , from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Martin de Porres Center 2330 Airport Drive Columbus, OH, 43219 Please check if you are attending the Confirmation Retreat: Candidate Sponsor Registration Fee for the Adult Confirmation Retreat is $35.00 per person. Check payable: Diocese of Columbus. Please return completed form and retreat fee no later than September 19th to the Office for Divine Worship 197 East Gay Street Columbus Ohio 43215‐3229 (614) 221 ‐ 4640 Catholic Diocese of Columbus Office for Divine Worship CELEBRATION OF ADULT CONFIRMATION INSTRUCTIONS Please fill out the Adult Confirmation form. Print a copy for yourself and a copy for the Pastor to sign and send in. You must include a current (dated within 6 months) original copy of the Baptismal record, (front & back) and stamped with the parish seal. The Pastor’s signature confirms that the paperwork of the candidate and sponsor has been reviewed and has been approved and the parish has provided the necessary catechesis for the sacrament. The candidate will have been baptized, will have received First Communion, and be a registered member of the pastor’s parish. They are therefore a catechized Catholic wishing to complete their initiation by receiving Confirmation. Baptized Catholics who have not received their First Communion are considered un‐catechized Catholics and should be addressed within the parish’s RCIA process, not in the Diocesan Adult Confirmation. The sacramental catechesis of the candidate for confirmation is the responsibility of the parish sponsoring the candidate. In addition to the sacramental catechesis provided by the parish, each candidate should attend a one day retreat. It is highly recommended that you attend the retreat offered by the Office for Divine Worship. The sponsor is also strongly encouraged to attend with the candidate. The sponsor is to have received the sacraments of initiation, that is: that they are baptized Catholics, received the sacrament of Eucharist, and have been confirmed. They are to be Catholics in good standing with the church (a good practicing Catholic). Things to look for: Candidates who are under 18 years old should be confirmed with their parish unless there are extenuating reasons for them to be included. Parents and Diocesan clergy can not be a sponsor. 197 East Gay Street Columbus Ohio 43215‐3229 (614) 221 ‐ 4640