Monday 2/10/14 Tuesday 2/11/14 Wednesday - CLASS Outside Thursday 2/12/14 2/13/14 Friday 2/14/14 Benchmark : SC.912.L.14.7 Learning Goals Students will relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes. Benchmark : SC.912.L.14.7 Learning Goals Students will relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes. Essential Question Why is an understanding of plant tissues and reproduction important for human life? Bell Ringer/ FCIM –14.2/14.3 Bell Ringer/FCIM 14.2/14.3 Benchmark : SC.912.L.14.7 Learning Goals Students will relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes. Essential Question: Why is an understanding of plant tissues and reproduction important for human life? roots of plants function? Bell Ringer/FCIM 14.2/14.3 Benchmark : SC.912.L.14.7 Learning Goals Students will relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes. Essential Question: Why is an understanding of plant tissues and reproduction important for human life? Benchmark: SC.912.L.14.7 Learning Goal Students will relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes. Essential Question: Why is an understanding of plant tissues and reproduction important for human life? Bell Ringer/FCIM 14.2/14.3 Bell Ringer/FCIM 14.2/14.3 Daily Agenda I do - Bellringer We Do-Enzyme Lab You do -Discuss results/lab write-up and Daily Agenda Bellringer I do -Intro to plant structure and functions – access prior We do knowledge about plants –class thinking map -Chapter 21 pg 640642plant cells and tissue YOU DO Create a graphic organizer for vocabulary structure and function Daily Agenda. Bellringer Class notes and discussion outside with plants Daily Agenda Bellringer Lab –dissect flowers/plants and leaves( stomata ) using scientific observations and inquiry processes Daily Agenda Bellringer FCIM assessment 18.1 (macro/enzymes) Finish Lab Intro to photosynthesis I do -Access prior knowledge using chemical equation WE do – build graphic organizer to list what we know to be ready for Monday You do – complete any unfinixhed work Vocabulary – Vocabulary – cuticle, stoma, guard cell, vascular system, seed coat, protection, Sepal, petal, anther, embryo sac, style, stigma, pollination, pollen tube, haploid, diploid, pollen, egg, sperm, Root hair, root pressure, Vocabulary – cuticle, stoma, guard cell, vascular system, seed coat, protection, Sepal, petal, anther, embryo sac, style, stigma, pollination, pollen tube, haploid, diploid, pollen, egg, sperm, Root hair, root pressure, endodermis, Vocabulary –– cuticle, stoma, guard cell, vascular system, seed coat, protection, Sepal, petal, anther, embryo sac, style, stigma, pollination, pollen tube, haploid, diploid, pollen, egg, sperm, Root hair, root pressure, endodermis, Vocabulary –– cuticle, stoma, guard cell, vascular system, seed coat, protection, Sepal, petal, anther, embryo sac, style, stigma, pollination, pollen tube, haploid, diploid, pollen, egg, sperm, Root hair, root pressure, endodermis, transpiration, tracheid, guard cell, sieve-tube member, Essential Question Why is an understanding of plant tissues and reproduction important for human life? Homework- work on Lab write-up Comprehension Check – Should there always be more plant life than people? Describe the differences between xylem and phloem? ESOL ; DI ESE ; DI endodermis, transpiration, tracheid, guard cell, sieve-tube member, companion cell, pressure-flow mechanism, vessel element, cohesion, xylem, phloem, vessels, source, sink, stomata, sap Homework- Ch 21 Section1-4 Qs# 1-5 Comprehension Check Which process requires more energy from the plant, water moving up the xylem or nutrients moving down through the phloem? explain transpiration, tracheid, guard cell, sieve-tube member, companion cell, pressure-flow mechanism, vessel element, cohesion, xylem, phloem, vessels, source, sink, stomata, sap transpiration, tracheid, guard cell, sieve-tube member, companion cell, pressure-flow mechanism, vessel element, cohesion, xylem, phloem, vessels, source, sink, stomata, sap companion cell, pressure-flow mechanism, vessel element, cohesion, xylem, phloem, vessels, source, sink, stomata, sap Homework- reinforcement Homework- study for quiz Homework- NONE Comprehension Check How do the functions of stems differ from those of roots? How are they similar ? Comprehension Check - Describe what the lab shows about the structure and function of plants. Comprehension Check – Einstein said that if all the bees died, then all life would die off. Do you disagree or agree with this statement? ESOL ; DI ESE ; DI ESOL ; DI ESE ; DI ESOL ; DI ESE ; DI ESOL ; DI ESE ; DI