Electronic Supplementary Material Oxytocin Shapes Parental Motion during Father-Infant Interaction Omri Weisman*, Emilie Delaherche, Margot Rondeau, Mohamed Chetouani, David Cohen, Ruth Feldman *To whom correspondence should be addressed: omriwei@yahoo.com Supplement S1: Participants. Thirty-five healthy fathers (average age 29.7 years, SD = 4.2, range 22 – 38) participated with their five-month old infants (SD = 1.25 months, range 4–8) in two lab visits, a week apart (total N = 70). Females were not enrolled to this study due to physiological effects of OT manipulation (e.g., uterus contraction) and the need to control for menstrual cycle. Fathers' exclusion criteria included smoking, chronic mental or physical illness, and medication intake. All fathers were educated middleclass and married to the infant's mother. Infants (18 girls) were healthy, and 68.5% were firstborns and exclusion criteria included premature birth, labor- or birth-related complications, multiple birth, or illness. Supplement S2: Description of analysis of parent-infant motion. Parent-infant motion analysis was conducted based on a randomly selected 2-minuteslong vignette extracted from the first 3 minutes free-play recording, using the following procedure: The position of the father head was obtained with ear tracking (figure 1a). A template of the father ear was initialized on the first frame of each session. The position of the ear in the following frames was obtained by template matching [1]. A search area of 60x60 pixels was chosen according to the position of the ear in the last frame. The similarity between the template and all sub-regions in the search area was computed. The position of the ear corresponds to the point with the highest similarity with template (the dark spot on the similarity map; figure 1b). The position of the infant head was set manually on the first frame of all sessions, between the two eyes. Distance was normalized according to a scale (diameter of the rotating device of the chair; d') to take into account the zoom variations in the various sessions (figure 1c). Three dyads were discarded from final analysis due to unsuccessful recording (1 dyad), father holding the infant during the experiment (1 dyads), and because ear-tracking was not feasible (1 dyad). Three variables were computed from the analysis: the distance between father and infant, the speed, and the acceleration of the father. Several statistic parameters were extracted for each variable: mean, median, minimum, time to minimum (time till minimum was reached), maximum, time to maximum, range, and standard deviation. The distance d (distance of father head to baby head) is similar to father’s head position according to his baby’s head since 5-month-old infant has minimal movements in the d direction. We can therefore approximate speed, the derivative of d, as similar to father head motion. Supplement S3: Description of analysis of speech turn taking. To assess speech turn taking during father-infant interaction, father and infant's utterances were first segmented using ELAN. From the first 3 minutes free-play recording, we obtained 9,706 segments of vocalization (duration varied from 0.1 to 7.79 seconds). Then infants and fathers utterances were labeled by two annotators (blind to drug condition) as vocalization (including laugh, singing, and cry) or other noise. For all items, the kappa values between the two annotators were between 0.82 and 1. From the annotation, we extracted all the speech turns of the infant and the father using the algorithm specified in Delaherche et al. [2]. A speech turn is a continuous stream of speech with less than 150-ms of silence. We obtained a list of triples: speaker label (father or infant), start time, and duration of speech. From theses triples, we also deduced the start time and duration of the time segments when the father and/or the infant were not speaking (pauses). The following features of interest were measured: Father Vocalization (the durations of the speaking segments for the father); Infant Vocalization (the durations of the speaking segments for the infant); Father Pause (silence >150 ms between consecutive father speech slots); Infant Pause (silence >150 ms between consecutive infant speech slots). We also extracted three features involving simultaneously both partners, i.e., synchrony variables: (1) Silence (sequences of time during which none of the participant was speaking for more than 150 ms). (2) Overlap Ratio (duration of vocalization overlapping between father and infant divided by the duration of the total 3 minutes interaction); (3) Synchrony Ratio (number of infant’s response to his father vocalization within a time limit of 3 seconds divided by the number of father vocalisation during the time paradigm). This feature estimated the ratio of timely related responses from the infant following his/her father vocal features. Supplement S4: Raw data of fathers' and infants' salivary oxytocin (OT) values in the OT and placebo (PL) conditions. Oxytocin Father Family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Baseline 30 12 13 14 31 24 18 68 21 18 34 56 15 31 9 12 14 29 22 13 9 17 11 22 34 27 54 19 25 13 10 10 Pre20 min Interaction later 2477 617 72 370 4435 6801 30470 2477 21338 1190 2237 7973 20 465 645 529 209 203 627 800 70 3796 3796 30000 4000 2651 20306 30000 14195 452 18022 1190 1406 152 3931 118 6801 3055 18373 1517 231 2365 1886 5672 16 284 2660 257 270 60 498 1592 86 720 720 2651 111 1325 30000 2215 30467 204 44 13122 Placebo Father Infant Pre40 min Interactio 20 min n later later 40 min Pre20 min later Baseline Interaction later 787 161 44 108 104 1562 1065 973 188 452 413 2237 15 338 1293 54 148 36 324 2405 296 405 405 2107 80 592 953 4082 2000 169 127 1061 67 5982 129 65 5 3456 138 1474 478 888 15499 39949 77 5672 3456 5982 2477 605 1292 59 1564 1523 1592 82719 12113 409 408 1674 88 211 2215 13635 15 56 32 11 693 10 32 30 10 30 13 28 16 51 75 17 10 4 62 114 26 9 19 19 25 87 30 172 82 30 30 29 134 8227 35 56 32 35382 494 5793 4513 5032 39949 18373 36 4288 4082 8227 1867 764 1968 703 195 4617 5203 19578 34193 2938 8227 27300 2329 8227 3557 18022 14 19 20 11 18 20 34 26 16 31 4 37 17 21 13 8 15 20 18 20 8 14 27 34 36 22 20 38 23 62 18 6 15 25 38 17 55 12 18 43 25 21 20 258 34 51 15 12 11 9 20 122 21 17 28 65 44 29 18 22 44 22 28 4 8 22 31 24 28 12 28 31 16 32 7 156 12 25 14 11 12 10 26 23 12 16 30 356 18 16 33 49 18 25 16 14 Infant Pre40 min Interactio 20 min n later later 19 28 14 19 26 11 18 22 35 6 7 90 17 27 16 10 11 11 25 6 47 11 28 37 16 15 27 42 11 27 7 3 15 21 18 16 13 80 46 4 18 22 12 19 15 9 4 19 8 6 58 10 7 7 4 39 16 19 8 23 10 7 13 16 21 13 9 12 21 76 203 4 27 53 50 620 83 8 43 18 7 5 19 55 59 7 31 151 35 21 91 188 98 161 34 22 To assess whether infant’s OT increase was due to OT vs. Placebo condition or father head acceleration or infant’s OT level before interaction, we computed a mixed model. As shown in the table below, we only found a significant condition effect. Value (Intercept) 3.140779 Father OT treatment 4.310636 Father Acceleration Maximum 0.009582 OT Infant < Interaction -0.003686 Std.Error 0.3809328 0.3803170 0.0062852 0.0027839 DF t-value p-value 31 8.244969 0.0000 29 11.334324 0.0000 29 1.524519 0.1382 29 -1.323984 0.1958 This result means that there is no effect of maximum father’s acceleration when considering the whole sample (PL + OT), there is only a group effect: the overall level of infant's OT is significantly higher in the OT group than in the PL group 40 min later 16 15 25 7 22 14 104 30 37 12 25 244 21 166 16 7 8 8 55 11 12 12 25 232 31 17 25 243 50 237 124 31 1. Brunelli, R., & Poggiot, T. 1995 Template matching: matched spatial filters and beyond. Pattern Recogn. 30, 751-768. 2. Delaherche E., Chetouani M., Bigouret F., Xavier J., Plaza M. & Cohen D. 2013 Assessment of communicative and coordination skills of children with pervasive developmental disorders and typically developing children using social signal processing. Res. Aut. Spect. Dis. 7, 741-756.