Art 3251 A - Printmaking I

Printmaking I Art 3251 TR 9:00-11:30
Instructor: Chadwick Tolley Daytime phone: 706-667-4062 Email:
Fall 2014 Schedule: January 6, Classes Begin. January 19, Martin Luther King Holiday. March
3, Midterm. April 6-10, Spring Break. April 28, Last Day of Class.
Prerequisites: Foundation Program
Course Description:
This class is an introduction to basic Screen-printing and Relief printmaking. Students will learn
how to create original images and successfully print editions of their own work.
Screen-printing techniques will cover how to transfer images to your screen using photosensitive
emulsion. This class will demonstrate various ways to manipulate your images using
photographic imagery, photocopies and hand drawn stencils. Relief printmaking techniques will
cover transferring a drawing to a flat surface and printing single and multiple color relief prints.
The structure of the class will be: 1. Students are given assignments based on technical
demonstrations. 2. Students will have time to complete the assignment. 3. Students are
expected to hang up their work at the beginning of class on the due date and should be prepared
to talk about it. Critiques are the terminal part of each assignment and should remain objective,
respectful and constructive.
Schedule for Print I Spring 2015
Black and White Notan Print. Demonstration (cutting and transferring image), Tuesday,
January 6. Demonstration (printing in class), Tuesday, January 13. Adding color plate,
demonstration, Thursday, January 15. Due at the beginning of class Tuesday, January 20.
Printing in class required
Create asymmetrical Notan. Include at least 4 textures and 4 values.
2. Multiple color/plate printing. Demonstration Tuesday, January 20. Due Tuesday,
February 3. Printing in class required
3. Reduction Printing. Demonstration Tuesday, February 3. Due Thursday, February 19.
Four color minimum using complimentary colors. Printing in class required
4. One color collage/drawing. Demonstration, Thursday, February 19. Due Tuesday,
March 3. Create illusion of space by using rules of perspective: 1. Overlapping 2.
Objects get smaller further away 3. Objects less vivid further away. Include full value
range 0,10 and at least two different numbers in between. Printing in class required
5. Three color Screenprint. Demonstration Tuesday, March 3. Due Tuesday, March 17.
Key image, two colors. First color opaque, second semi-transparent, must overlap with
first to give illusion of 4 color print.
6. Five color Screenprint. Make attempts to add depth and texture. Due Thursday, April 2.
7. Final 1. Minimum 7 color screen print, incorporate texture and transparent color. 2.
Personal 6” x 4” trading card for exchange. Final, due on day of final, TBA.
Plan and Prepare:
As a general rule, expect the studio to be crowded the last few days before an assignment is due.
To achieve maximum success, a great deal of research and preliminary work is required, look at
as much art as you can and develop a formal analysis of the work, try to determine how the artist
assembled the image. You must use your own photographs, drawings and collected images or
manipulate appropriated images to the point that you are constructing a complex work that is your
own. At the end of the semester there will be individual portfolio reviews. Keep all your work in
safe and in good condition. All Print/Photo majors are expected to keep at least one print from
each edition as part of their professional portfolio development. All Printmaking students should
keep at least one print and turn in their entire class portfolio at the end of the semester.
Throughout the semester, I will bring in books and prints and other examples, to help you
understand how other artists have worked in the past and how it may relate to your work. As a
starting point for printmaking related research, please see the attached list of artists, galleries and
websites starting with Davidson Galleries (Seattle) and
Classroom Safety and Etiquette:
(Safety) Because we have a “shared studio experience” it is very important that we maintain a
clean, safe and courteous working environment. Safety and cleaning procedures will be explained
during demonstrations and students are responsible for taking notes and following all procedures.
Students will be required to pass a safety quiz before starting the course. (Cleanliness) The
cleanliness of the Printshop will determine the cleanliness of your work and time it takes to create
it. Clean up all ink, screens, newsprint etc. after printing. In addition to maintaining cleanliness
throughout the semester, students will be required to participate in a Mid-term and Final clean up.
There are a limited number of presses and students may be required to sign up for two hour time
slots. Show up on time, if you are 20 minutes late you will forfeit your time slot.
Do not use cell phones during critiques or demonstrations.
Do not eat or drink in the printmaking studio.
Disability Services located in Galloway Hall (706) 737-1469
Augusta State University believes academically qualified individuals with disabilities should have
equal opportunity and access to a quality education. We have been actively involved in fostering
an environment that encourages full participation by students with disabilities in every segment of
the University. The Office of Disability Services was established to help ensure an accessible and
positive college experience for the students with disabilities. Our Office provides a variety of
services and accommodations to meet the needs of disability related concerns in accordance with
the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
Demonstrated Techniques:
Health and Safety
Preparing a screen and relief matrix
Use of tools, drawing materials, stencils, printing and registration
Cleaning and reclaiming screens
Photo screen-printing, application and exposure
Color printing and registration
Course Objectives:
- To develop and extend personal ideas and language within you prints.
- To discuss and analyze personal ideas and the ideas of others more confidently, in individual
and group critiques
- To understand and fully exploit Screen-printing and Relief techniques and materials so that
your work can reach its greatest conceptual and technical potential
- To place Screen-printing and Relief Printmaking in a historical context and understand its link
to other disciplines
- To develop a professional attitude to the Printshop and others by using all printing equipment
competently and safely
Grades for participation and studio projects will be based on the following criteria.
Development and interpretation of original ideas
Demonstrated knowledge of techniques. This includes a group quiz
Participation in critiques and explanation of ideas
Presentation and cleanliness of work
Professionalism within the print shop
Students are required to spend a minimum of six hours a week outside of class, the time and
effort you put into your work will be reflected in your grade.
Final Grade:
You will receive a grade for each of the seven assignments and your final will be determined by
the average. All projects are assessed with a grading rubric that will be posted in class. The last
assignment will count for double of any previous assignment. In addition to your assignment
grades, participation or portfolio points will be given for preparation and printing in class.
A = (excellent) above average in both technical and conceptual ability
B = (above average) complete the assignment with technical basics and basic conceptual inquiry.
C = (average) poorly executed and/ or badly conceived and not researched.
Each grade is given with the understanding that the class is new to students. As students progress
through the semester, a greater degree of accomplishment is expected.
Your attendance is mandatory. The third absence without a written excuse will result in the drop
of your final grade by one letter, the forth by another letter, etc. There is no limit to excused
absences but if they are excessive you may need to drop the class. If you are absent for a critique
your grade will be marked down a letter grade.
Arriving late to class, especially for critiques or demos will result in half an absence. Both
critiques and demos require your participation. Attendance will be taken at the beginning and end
of class. Three tardies will count as one absence.
If you are missing an assignment by mid-term or if you have more than three absences you will
be dropped. All projects must be completed to receive a grade. If work is still missing at the end
of the semester a failing grade will be submitted. Late work will marked down one full letter
Supply List:
Apron, (You can use Printshop aprons)
Pencils, Sketchbooks, Tracing paper, Brushes, Soft round nylon are best
Clear Mylar for registration
Frosted Mylar for drawing and making positives
Paper: Stonehenge, Arches, Rives BFK, Somerset, Kitikata, Mulberry
Plastic Clear packaging tape
Cellulose sponges, Gloves, Disposable Facemask
Purchase screen and woodcut tools today!! so that you will receive them in time to complete the
first assignment. If you keep your screen and tools in good working condition you can recoup the
cost by re-selling at a reduced rate. The recommended woodcut tools can be found at . A five piece set runs $47.29 and the seven piece set runs $53.99, the
brand is Powergrip and is found under the Carving Tools menu on the website.
Screens can be bought at reduced rates if purchased in bulk. Go to,
6 white screens, 23” x 31”, 110 mesh are available for 113$. Bulk prices at for a 23” x 31”, 230 mesh are $26 per screen.
Suggested Text Books NOT required
List of suggested artists/groups/sites for examples and research/websearch.