MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE CAMBRIDGE SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA (VICTORIA) HELD AT THE SAVAGE CLUB ON 16TH DECEMBER 2015. 1. Attendance Present: Antara Mascarenhas (Chairperson), David Rees, Jeremy Platt, Peter Baines, David Rand, Peter Adams, Ken Beadle, George Dixon, Ian Peterkin, Peter Hone, Andrew Caroe & Anthony Bailey. Apologies were received from the following members. Chris Briggs, Janelle Ward, Quentin van Abbe, Ronald Francis & Anona Armstrong. A quorum of voting members was present, so the Chairperson opened the proceedings at 12H04. 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2014 AGM. The 2014 AGM Minutes were tabled and it was moved by Peter Adams and seconded by Antara Mascarenhas that the Minutes should be adopted as written. The motion was accepted unanimously. 3. President’s Report. The President briefly summarised her report for 2015 in which mention was made of the numerous social events that had been held during the year and an acknowledgment made of the work of the committee in improving the administration of the society and developing a new Web site. As this was her last year as President, she thanked all members for their support during the last 3 years. 4. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s report was tabled and discussed. The Society made a surplus of $13,589.16 in 2015 but consideration needed to be given to an outstanding bill for the annual dinner which had been held much later than usual after the end of the financial year. This would effectively lower the amount. The Members Equity in terms of Assets less Liabilities was $7584.16 after allowing for the estimated annual dinner bill. It was moved by Jerry Platt and seconded by Peter Baines that the report be adopted. The motion was carried unanimously. 5. Honorary Auditor’s report. The Treasurer advised that the Auditors Certificate & signed Financial Statement would be tabled after the meeting. 6. Appointment of an Honorary Auditor Prof Anthony Bailey accepted the offer to conduct audits of the Society’s books for the year 2016. 7. Level of Annual Subscriptions It was proposed by the Treasurer that the Subscriptions for 2016 should be the same for members within the Melbourne area but effectively reduced by 50% for country members (>100km from Melbourne), viz: Melbourne $25 for 1 year, $45 for 2 years, $90 for 5 years Country $25 for 2 years, $45 for 4 years, $90 for 10 years The proposal was adopted and accepted unanimously. 8. Election of Committee and Office Bearers. The Nominations submitted for Committee Members were: President Chris Briggs Vice President Janelle Ward Secretary David Rees Treasurer Jerry Platt Magister Prandii Peter Baines Committee members Peter Adams, Ronald Francis, Tash Polyzos, William Usher, Anona Armstrong AM, Fabrice Boucherat & Jane Farago Past President Antara Mascarenhas (ex officio) David Rand proposed that all signed nominations be approved for the 2016 CSV Committee. The proposal was declared accepted. 9. Any Other Business A request was made by George Dixon that the Committee consider the benefits of everyone wearing name badges at annual dinners. Peter Adams moved that a vote of thanks be given to Antara Mascarenhas for her dedication and good work during her term as President. It was carried unanimously. The Chairperson closed the meeting at 12H24. Signed as being a true record by the Chairperson: 17th December 2015 Attachments A,B & C The Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Inc. A0030667D. ABN 82 869 550 988 secretary@cambridgesociety.org.au www.cambridgesociety.org.au Phone: 03 9596 1811 President: Mr Chris Briggs Secretary: Mr David Rees Treasurer: Mr Jeremy Platt 10 Village Close MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 Attachment A Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Balance Sheet 2014-15 31/10/2014 less: 31/10/2015 ASSETS Cash and Bank Accounts Westpac Cheque a/c Westpac Cash Reserve a/c Undeposited cheque Trybooking TOTAL Cash and Bank Accounts $3,073.92 $11,143.07 $14,216.99 $206.66 $27,505.19 $240.00 $250.41 $28,202.26 TOTAL ASSETS (Including surplus for year of $13,589.16) $14,216.99 $28,202.26 $ 1,697.50 - $ 14,448.10 LIABILITIES Outstanding accounts Unpresented cheques Pre-paid expenses Subscriptions 2015 Subscriptions 2016 Subscriptions 2017 Subscriptions 2018 Subscriptions 2019 Subscriptions 2020 TOTAL LIABILITIES $2,283.00 $1,098.00 $842.00 $378.00 $54.00 $6,352.50 $2,676.00 $1,640.00 $1,062.00 $738.00 $54.00 $20,618.10 NET ASSETS $7,864.49 $7,584.16 Represented by Members' Equity $7,864.49 $7,584.16 Note 1. Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Inc. A0030667 Note 1. Due to the lateness of the Annual Dinner this year (Nov. 6) provision must be made for the cost of this event. This is the actual cost of the function from the invoice subsequently received from the Melbourne Club. The Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Inc. A0030667D. ABN 82 869 550 988 secretary@cambridgesociety.org.au www.cambridgesociety.org.au Phone: 03 9596 1811 President: Ms Antara Mascarenhas Secretary: Mr David Rees Treasurer: Mr Jeremy Platt 10 Village Close MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Income and Expenses 2014-15 1/11/201331/10/2014 1/11/201431/10/2015 INCOME Annual subscriptions 2014 2015 2016 2017 5y 2014-2018 5y 2015-2019 5y 2016-2020 TOTAL Ann subs Functions AGM Annual dinner Dinners VC/other functions Lunches TOTAL Functions Interest income Muscat sales $3,310.00 $3,150.00 $270.00 $5,675.00 $1,045.00 $18,786.24 $4,652.23 $2,163.47 $8,480.00 $35,126.94 $262.29 $75.00 $1,155.00 $14,134.00 $10,725.10 $0.00 $8,281.50 $34,295.60 $271.79 $0.00 TOTAL INCOME $38,774.23 $40,242.39 $157.91 $1,673.70 $925.00 $585.00 $1,530.00 $270.00 $1,325.00 $870.00 $60.00 EXPENSES Membership expenses Miscellaneous Postage/Printing/Stationery Web site development TOTAL Membership expenses Function costs AGM Annual dinner Dinners VC/other functions Lunches DVD purchases TOTAL Function costs Government fees Muscat costs $1,831.61 $74.99 $1,231.98 $1,450.00 $2,756.97 $1,000.00 $18,257.60 $4,976.00 $2,366.70 $6,689.15 $74.82 $33,364.27 $128.35 $0.00 $1,069.19 $241.00 $11,849.58 $0.00 $10,680.49 $0.00 $23,840.26 $56.00 $0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $35,324.23 $26,653.23 $3,450.00 $13,589.16 TOTAL INCOME - EXPENSES The Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Inc. A0030667D. ABN 82 869 550 988 secretary@cambridgesociety.org.au www.cambridgesociety.org.au Phone: 03 9596 1811 President: Ms Antara Mascarenhas Secretary: Mr David Rees Treasurer: Mr Jeremy Platt 10 Village Close MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 Attachment B President’s Report, December 2015 The Society has had another busy year, bringing you a range of events – including our usual mix of lunches, after-work drinks and sporting activities. Our usual eclectic collection of lunch speakers has included historian Robin Adams, Infrastructure Australia’s Colin Duffield and the Cambridge Eco-racing team who, on most occasions, have filled the room at the Savage Club. After-work drinks continue to provide Cambridge and Oxford alumni the opportunity to mix and network, and we hope to see some new faces at these drinks next year. ANZ CEO, Mike Smith, was the keynote speaker at our Business Dinner in August, which attracted a large number of alumni from the business community. Turning to sport, we held the Annual Boat Race Dinner and the usual biannual golf meetings with Oxford alumni. The Henry Gordon-Clark Trophy for the best team performance has remained firmly in Cambridge hands since its inauguration. Professor Patrick McGorry was our guest speaker at the Annual Dinner, held this year in November. His talk on mental health highlighted the disparity between how Australian society regards mental and physical illnesses, and how this disparity is reflected in unequal levels of government funding. We welcomed many new faces to the dinner this year and had a record number of people stay for the after party, lasting until the early hours of the following morning. We even took an obligatory Cambridge ‘survivors’ photo’. I would like to acknowledge the Committee’s continued dedication towards organising a wide range of interesting events for our diverse membership. This year our Secretary, David Rees, and Treasurer, Jerry Platt, also consolidated some of our administrative processes and identified budgetary savings. We are in the process of launching a new website – my thanks go to Fabrice Boucherat for so efficiently project managing this website overhaul. Fabrice, along with William Usher, are the Committee’s most recent additions. As I sign off as President, I would like to thank you for your support and continued involvement in the Society over the past three years. On behalf of the Committee, I wish you a very happy festive season. The Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Inc. A0030667D. ABN 82 869 550 988 secretary@cambridgesociety.org.au www.cambridgesociety.org.au Phone: 03 9596 1811 President: Ms Antara Mascarenhas Secretary: Mr David Rees Treasurer: Mr Jeremy Platt 10 Village Close MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 The Cambridge Society of Australia (Victoria) Inc. A0030667D. ABN 82 869 550 988 secretary@cambridgesociety.org.au www.cambridgesociety.org.au Phone: 03 9596 1811 President: Ms Antara Mascarenhas Secretary: Mr David Rees Treasurer: Mr Jeremy Platt 10 Village Close MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934