upload e-learning

Software Requirements
Date: 10 September 2013
Prepared by-
Tanuja Rokade
Software Requirement Specification
Table of Content
1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Document Conventions.............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions............................................................. 3
1.4 Project Scope............................................................................................................... 4
2. Overall Description ................................................................................................. 5
2.1 System Environment.................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Functional requirements definitions.......................................................................... 5
2.3 Functional cases ……………………………........................................................................... 5
2.3.1. Access to Home Page………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
2.3.2. Account Management ……………………………………………………………………………………. 7
2.3.2. Article Management ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
2.3.2. Bio-data Management ………………………………………………………………………………..…. 7
2.3.2. Join the club……………… ……………………………………………………………………………….…. 7
2.3.2. Reports Management………………………………………………………………………………….…. 7
3. Requirement Specification.................................................................................... 13
Software Requirement Specification
Software Requirement Specification
The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to provide a
detailed description of the functionalities of the SPA Website. This document will cover each
of the system’s intended features, as well as offer a preliminary glimpse of the software
application’s User Interface (UI). The document will also cover hardware, software, and
various other technical dependencies.
This document features some terminology which readers may be unfamiliar with. See
Appendix a (Glossary) for a list of these terms and their definitions.
This document is intended for all individuals participating in and/or supervising the SPA project.
Readers interested in a brief overview of the product should focus on the rest of Part 1
(Introduction), as well as Part 2 of the document (Overall Description), which provide a brief
Overview of each aspect of the project as a whole. These readers may also be interested in Part
6 (Key Milestones) which lays out a concise timeline of the project.
Readers who wish to explore the features of SPA in more detail should read on to
Part 3(System Features), which expands upon the information laid out in the main overview.
Part 4(External Interface Requirements) offers further technical details, including information
on the user interface as well as the hardware and software platforms on which the application
will run.
Readers interested in the non-technical aspects of the project should read Part 5,
which covers performance, safety, security, and various other attributes that will be important
to users. Readers who have not found the information they are looking for should check Part 8
(Other Requirements), which includes any additional information which does not fit logically
into the other sections.
Software Requirement Specification
The SPA system is composed of two main components: a client-side application which will run on
user’s browser, and a server-side application which will support and interact with various clientside features. The system includes potential scenarios Accounts Management, Article
Management, Portal Communication tool, Banner Management etc.
Software Requirement Specification
2. Overall Description
The SPA encompasses numerous files and information from the user’s Database, as well as files
on the e-learning server system. This system will be completely web-based, linking to SPA and
the remote web server from a standard web browser. An Internet connection is necessary to
access the system.
The SPA web site will be operated from the e-learning server. When an user connects to the SPA
Web Server. The e-learning Server will then interact with the user’s Database, which allows the
Windows type program to transfer data to and from a database.
Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what
services it will provide to the user. Nonfunctional (supplementary) requirements pertain to
other information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately.
The system contains two modules those are Admin & User.
User Module:
Admin Module contains 9 sections.
The first section is home page on this page we will display information about the portal, latest
courses information, News, Updates.
The second section is About Us; it contains three sub sections those are about the SPA
Software Requirement Specification
Vision & mission and about the founder. All these pages contain related information text.
The third section is Create Account; it contains two sub sections - Free & paid account.
Again free & paid account is divided into three sub sections corporate, Individual and
supplier account.
The forth section is Upload Articles. Only logged in users can upload articles.
The fifth section is Upload Bio-Data. It contains two sub section- Upload Senior
Management Bio-data & Upload Junior Management Bio-data.
The Sixth section is Join the club. In this user can request to join the club and after approval
user will be member of the club.
The seventh section is Add Brands. In this the supplier can add their products.
The eighth section is Job posting. In this the corporate member can post jobs and
candidates apply for that post.
Admin Module:
The admin module has 2 sections.
The first section is our associates. In this section admin can add the name, logo and website
link of the associates.
The second section is banner management. The admin can add/edit/delete the banner
using CMS.
Software Requirement Specification
Brief Description:
The user connects to web server to view the registration page.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The user connects to the e-learning web server.
2. The user selects the Registration link on the home page.
3. The user will be redirect to the registration page.
1. User can Create an account:
Brief Description:
The user chooses link to create an account on the Create an account page.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The user selects the “Create an Account link”.
2. The e-learning server returns the “Account Creation form”.
3. The user fills the form.
4. The user clicks on “Submit”.
5. The e-learning server checks to see if all required fields contain data.
6. If all required fields contain data, then e-learning server adds the data to the
7. If all the required fields are empty the e-learning server returns the form to user
with message.
Software Requirement Specification
8. The e-learning server returns the user to home page.
2. Admin can view/delete an account:
Brief Description:
The admin can search/filter registered accounts by name or type of account.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the admin must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The admin chooses the “Manage Account” link.
2. The E-Learning Server presents a form displaying registered member information.
3. The Admin can edit information by clicking on Edit button.
4. The E-Learning Server presents the registered members account’s update
information form.
5. The Admin update all information he wants to edit and click on Update Button.
6. The server checks all required field information. If information is proper then old
information is replace by new information, otherwise server return members
update information form with error message
7. The Admin can delete the record of any member by click on Delete Button.
8. The E-Learning server return confirmation message to delete member record. If
Admin click an OK Button then member record will be deleted.
1. User can Upload an articles:
Brief Description:
The user chooses link to upload an article.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
Software Requirement Specification
1. The user selects the “Login link”
2. User enters the username and password. And click on “Submit”.
3. The e-learning server returns the home page if username and password are
correct otherwise it will return an error message.
4. The user selects the link “Upload article”.
5. The e-learning server returns the “Upload article form”.
6. The user fills the form.
7. The user clicks on “Submit”.
8. The e-learning server checks to see if all required fields contain data.
9. If all required fields contain data, then e-learning server adds the data to the
10. If all the required fields are empty the e-learning server returns the form to user
with message.
11. The e-learning server returns the user to home page.
2. User can Download an article:
Brief Description:
The user chooses link to download a bio-data. User can filter the articles by article name.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The user selects the “Login link”
2. User enters the username and password. And click on “Submit”.
3. The e-learning server returns the home page if username and password are
correct otherwise it will return an error message.
4. The user selects the link “Download article”.
5. The e-learning server returns the “Download article form”.
6. The user fills the form.
7. The user clicks on “Submit”.
8. The e-learning server checks to see if all required fields contain data.
Software Requirement Specification
9. If all required fields contain data, then e-learning server adds the data to the
10. If all the required fields are empty the e-learning server returns the form to user
with message.
11. The e-learning server returns the user to home page.
3. Admin can view/delete an article:
Brief Description:
The admin can search by article name.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the admin must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The admin chooses the “Manage Articles” link.
2. The E-Learning Server presents a form displaying uploaded articles information.
3. The Admin can edit information by clicking on Edit button.
4. The E-Learning Server presents the registered members account’s update
information form.
5. The Admin update all information he wants to edit and click on Update Button.
6. The server checks all required field information. If information is proper then old
information is replace by new information, otherwise server return members
update information form with error message
7. The Admin can delete the record of any article by click on Delete Button.
8. The E-Learning server return confirmation message to delete article record. If
Admin click an OK Button then article record will be deleted.
1. User can upload bio-data.
Brief Description:
The user chooses link to upload a bio-data.
Software Requirement Specification
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The user selects the link “Upload bio-data”.
2. The e-learning server returns the “Upload bio-data form”.
3. The user fills the form and uploads bio-data in .doc format.
4. The user clicks on “Submit”.
5. The e-learning server checks to see if all required fields contain data.
6. If all required fields contain data, then e-learning server adds the data to the
7. If all the required fields are empty the e-learning server returns the form to user
with message.
8. The e-learning server returns the user to home page.
2. User can download a bio-data:
Brief Description:
The user chooses a link to download a bio-data. User can also filter the bio-data by designation.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The user selects the link “Download Bio-data”.
2. The e-learning server returns the “Download bio-data form”.
3. The user filters the bio-data according to designation name.
4. The user clicks on “Submit”.
5. The e-learning server returns the doc file to user.
6. The e-learning server returns the user to home page.
2. User can view/delete a bio-data:
Software Requirement Specification
Brief Description:
The user can view/ delete his/her bio-data only.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The admin chooses the “Manage bio-data” link.
2. The E-Learning Server presents a form displaying uploaded bio-data information.
3. The Admin can edit information by clicking on Edit button.
4. The E-Learning Server presents the uploaded bio-data’s update information form.
5. The Admin update all information he wants to edit and click on Update Button.
6. The server checks all required field information. If information is proper then old
information is replace by new information, otherwise server return members update
information form with error message
7. The user can delete the record of his/her uploaded bio-data by click on Delete Button.
8. The E-Learning server return confirmation message to delete bio-data record. If user
clicks an OK Button then bio-data record will be deleted.
Brief Description:
The user chooses link to join the club.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The user selects the link “Join the club”.
2. The e-learning server returns the “Join the club form”.
3. The user fills the form.
4. The user clicks on “Submit”.
Software Requirement Specification
Brief Description:
The Admin can get all reports.
Initial step by step procedure:
For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the web server and elearning web server.
1. The Admin clicks on “Reports” link.
2. The Admin select type of report he wants and then click on print button.
3. Following are the type of reports admin can print.