MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT STUDENT SENATE (DSS) MINUTES March 1, 2011 ATTENDANCE Students: Angela Olson, Chairperson (skyped); Justin Kraemer, Co-Chair; Karen Vogel, ASACC Representative; Diana Galindo, WSG Governor; Scott Dennis, MATC District Board Representative. o Mequon: Cole Kriegel, Kaitlin Campell o West Allis: Travis Lilac, Foster D. Decoogh, Wendy Jay, Alisa Houhannisyan o Oak Creek: Rebecca Lechmaier, Julia Fedran, Nicole Dorsey o Milwaukee: Hector Lopez Visitors: Adam Struebing and Jim Udulutch Student Life Staff: Archie Graham, Cathy Lechmaier, Jerry O’Sullivan, Rita Wood, and Brenda Saugstad CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by Justin Kraemer at 1:38 p.m. at the West Allis Campus. PUBLIC COMMENTS Scott Dennis spoke about a rally outside of West Allis Campus that was against the Koch Brothers, an issue related to Governor Scott Walker. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Scott Dennis motioned to approve the minutes of the last meeting and Diana Galindo seconded. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Funding Requests o Horticulture Club, Mequon Campus, requested $2,000 to attend the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) conference in Joliet, Illinois. Karen Vogel, a member of the Horticulture Club, spoke about the various competitions which take place at the conference. Attendees are also able to network with employers from around the country. Becky Lechmaier motioned to approve funds in the amount of $2000 and Cole Kriegel seconded. Motion carried. o American Culinary Federation, Milwaukee Campus, made two separate funding requests presented by Adam Struebing and instructor Jim Udulutch. $2000 dollars for 10 students to attend the Central Regional Conference for the American Culinary Federation in New Orleans. Becky Lechmaier motioned to approve the request of $2000 dollars contingent on their ability to raise matching funds and Diana Gilando seconded. Motion carried. $480 to register for the Wisconsin Restaurant Show. This funding request was declined due to the funding the club will receive for the New Orleans Conference. Elections. Elections were held for Parliamentarian, Secretary, and WSG Lt. Governor resulting in: o Parliamentarian - Nicole Dorsey o Secretary – Karen Vogel o WSG Lt. Governor – Cole Kriegel USB Bracelet Gifts. These 2GIG USB flash drives are made to be worn on the wrists and will be given out to students at orientations, raffles, etc. There are two different flash drives we are considering: YTZB at $7.06/pc for a 500 order, and a WVIOK at $7.89/pc for a 500 order. Angela Olson motioned to purchase the YTZB-FVWHH wrist flash drives and Nicole Dorsey seconded. Motion carried. Credit Card Use on Campus. There was discussion on the possibility of students using credit cards on campus. Concerns included paying for card usage and interest on purchases, which would add to students’ debts. Parking Maps. Karen Vogel suggested getting better maps of the campus parking areas especially for the Milwaukee campus since all summer classes will be at the Milwaukee campus. Student Life will take on this project. OLD BUSINESS Reports o American Association of Community Colleges (ASACC). Cathy Lechmaier reported that appointments are being made to see our U.S. Senators Representatives. o Wisconsin Student Government (WSG). Diana Galindo spoke about the Madison conference, February 20-22, 2011. At the time of this conference, there were demonstrations against the bill that Governor Walker brought forth to balance the budget for the state. Some of us were unable to speak with our senators and representatives but did talk with their aides. The WSG Governor wrote a letter to Governor Walker. o School Board. Scott Dennis reported that Al Pinckney, Vice-President of Student Services, would like to know more of what the different campuses are trying to do. Scott learned that Public Television is getting budget cuts, so he urged all DSS senators to join the online organization in support of Public TV. He also asked DSS senators to contact their legislators about a bill passed by the HR1 which cuts the Pell Grant by $845 dollars. o Budget Committee. The members will speak with Bob Hansen from the MATC Times about using recycled paper for the school newspaper. They are also considering funding for one year psychological assessments for students who need to be evaluated on social issues. They are also planning to look for grants to cover this funding in the future. Student Fees. Archie Graham suggested that the DSS recommend an increase to the student activity fee to help cover the salaries of the new positions of manager and student life coordinator. Networking and Professionalism. Scott Dennis has been working with Jennifer Bartolotta on a onehour networking and professionalism workshop. Scott motioned to fund the workshop for all student government representatives and student life staff who would like to attend. Diana Galindo seconded. Motion carried. The budget for each campus is due to Archie on March 4, 2011. Articles of Authorization . Scott Dennis motioned to accept the Articles of Authorization. Becky Lechmaier seconded. Motion carried. DSS Constitution. The wording will be checked and discussed at a future meeting. DISTRICT EVENTS Earthday. April 30, 2011. Grand Ball. Scott Dennis is to be the MC. The West Allis campus is looking for volunteers to help with decorating at the Discovery World Museum. There is free parking. Voting will be held at the registration table. There will be food stations and pizza will be served after 8:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Nicole Dorsey motioned to adjourn and Kaitlin Campbell seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 5, 2011, at the Mequon Campus, Room A202 at 1:30 p.m. Submitted by Karen Vogel, Secretary DSS Minutes, Mar. 1, 2011, p. 2