Name: Period:_____ Date:______ The field of earth science which


Name:_____________________________________________ Period:_____ Date:__________


The field of earth science which is involved with the study of the earth’s structure, composition and the various processes and forces which cause the earth’s surface to change is called __________________.

2. _____________________________ is considered to be the founder and father of modern day

Geology because many of the ideas, practices and theories that he used are still used today.

3. The earth is believed to be approximately _______________ billion years old.

4. The earth is composed of the following four major layers: P.P. 12 – 15, Video : Continents Adrift,

Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

A. _____________________________ B. ______________________________

C. _____________________________ D. ______________________________

5. The only layer of the earth’s interior which is believed to be in a liquid phase or state that is composed of high concentrations of iron and nickel is the _________________________________. P. 15, Video :

Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

6. The ___________________ field of the earth is created because the liquid iron and nickel which composes the earth’s outer core is slowly circulating around the earth’s solid iron and nickel inner core.

P. 16 - 17, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

7. The border line between the earth’s crust and mantle is called the _______________________ layer.

Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

8. The crust of the earth and the solid outer portion of the earth’s mantle compose the

_____________________________ of the earth. P. 14, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power

Point Presentation

9. Heat can be moved or transmitted from the source of the heat to another location by any of the following methods: P.P. 18 – 20, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

A. _________________________ B. ________________________ C. ______________________

10. The transfer or movement of heat from the source of the heat from the source of the heat as infrared light which is converted to heat energy when it strikes the surface of an object is called

____________________. P.P. 18 – 20, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

(Example: The transfer or movement of heat from the sun to the earth)

11. The transfer or movement of heat from the source of the heat through an object or substance from one atom or molecule of the object or substance to another is called _______________________________.

P.P. 18 – 20, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

(Example: The movement or transfer of heat from the heat source through the atoms or molecules that compose a metal spoon to your hand.)

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12. The transfer or movement of heat from the source of the heat through a gas or liquid when hot (less dense) gases or liquids near the source of the heat rise and gradually cool becoming more dense sinking downward toward the source of the heat where they are reheated is called __________________________.

P.P. 18 – 20, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

(Example: The hot (less dense) water near the bottom of a pot being heated on a stove rises and gradually cools becoming more dense as it cools causing it to then sink downward toward the bottom of the pot where it is reheated again

13. The partially melted rock which composes the earth’s mantle is moving very slowly (About a1 – 2 inches/year) in __________________________________ currents because the very hot less dense material that composes the earth’s mantle near the outer core rises upward very slowly toward the crust of the earth where is cools becoming more dense causing it to slowly sink and move downward toward the outer core of the earth where it is reheated. P. 21, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

14. The portion of the earth’s mantle that is moving very slowly in convection currents is called the

___________________________. P. 14, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

15. The Theory of _____________________________ proposed by ___________________________ in the early 1900’s said that about 200 million years ago all of the land masses of the earth were connected together as one giant land mass that broke apart into pieces which slowly drifted away from each other over million of years in different directions to their present day location. P.P. 76 – 79, Video : Continents Adrift,

Intro Game

16. Alfred Wegener named the giant land mass that he described in his Theory of Continental Drift

______________________. P. 77, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game

17. Some evidence which supports Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift are: P.P. 76 – 79, Video

: Continents Adrift, Intro Game a.

_____________________ ranges on two different continents that are separated by a large ocean appear to line up with each other when the continents that formed Pangaea are joined together.

(Example: Appalachian Mountain Chain in the United States and England) b.

Living ______________________ and ______________________ which are similar in appearance and structure are found living on different continents that are separated by large oceans. (Example: Ostrich and Emu) c.

_____________________ of identical animals and plants were found on different continents even though the continents were separated by a large ocean.

(Example: Fossils of giant tree ferns found in South America, Africa and Australia) d.

Some land masses or continents appear to ____________ together like the pieces of a giant jig saw puzzle. (Example: The east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa) e.

Fossils of plants that are normally found growing in ___________________ climates were found in artic regions where it would have been too cold for them to grow in today. f.

_____________________ layers (strata) and _____________________deposits which were similar in age and composition were found on two different continents that were separated by large oceans or great distances. (Example: Coal deposits found in England and Pennsylvania)

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18. The process which is believed to have caused Pangaea to break apart and which today is still causing the land masses (continents) to slowly move away from each other in different directions as the material that composes the earth’s mantle slowly moves beneath the earth’s crust in convection currents is called

_________________________________. Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game

19. The process in which the ocean floor on either side of a rift valley is slowly being pushed apart by molten rock that erupts from the rift valley of a mid ocean ridge to form new oceanic crust is called

________________________________. P.P. 80 – 83, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game

20. As you move further and further away from either side of a rift valley of a mid ocean ridge the age of the rock becomes increasingly __________________. P. 82, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game

21. Today the theory of _______________________________________ says that the earth’s crust is

broken up into plates called lithospheric plates which are constantly moving due to sea floor spreading.

P. 87, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game

22. Lithospheric plates are sometimes called ________________________________________ plates.

P. 86, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game

23. Eight of the 15 major lithospheric plates that compose the earth’s crust are the:

P. 87, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

A._________________________________ Plate B._________________________________ Plate

C._________________________________ Plate D.________________________________ Plate

E._________________________________ Plate F.________________________________ Plate

G._________________________________ Plate H.________________________________ Plate

24. The border line which if formed when two different lithospheric plates meet is called a(n)

________________________________________________. P. 87, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game,

Power Point Presentation

25. The three major types of lithospheric plate boundaries are: P. 87, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro

Game, Power Point Presentation


_______________________________ or _______________________________ Plate Boundary


_______________________________ or _______________________________ Plate Boundary


_______________________________ Plate Boundary

26. A type of lithospheric plate boundary which is formed when two lithospheric plates of the earth’s crust move toward each other is called a(n) __________________________ or __________________________ plate boundary.

(Example: Pacific Plate and the North and South American Plate) P. 90, Video : Continents Adrift,

Intro Game, Power Point Presentation ( → | ← )

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27. A type of lithospheric plate boundary which is formed when two lithospheric plates of the earth’s crust

move away from each other in opposite directions is called a(n) _________________________________or

_______________________ plate boundary. (Example: Mid Atlantic Ridge) P. 89, Video :

Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

( ← | → )

28. A type of lithospheric plate boundary which is formed when two lithospheric plates of the earth’s crust slowly slide past each other in opposite directions parallel to one another is called a(n)

______________________________ plate boundary. (Example: Where the Pacific Plate and North

American Plate meet along the San Andreas Fault) P. 91, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power

Point Presentation

( ↑ | ↓ )

29. The crust of the earth which composes the ocean floor has a density that is _______________ than the density of the earth’s crust which composes the continents. P.P. 84, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game,

Power Point Presentation

30. When plates of dense rock that form the ocean floor (oceanic crust) collide with plates of less dense rock that form the continents (continental crust) the plates of rock forming the ocean floor will sink and be pushed beneath the continental plates and be re-melted in the earth’s interior along zones called a(n)

______________________ zone. (Example: The Pacific plate is plowing into the North and South

American plates) P.P. 84 – 85, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro Game, Power Point Presentation

31. ________________________ tend to form along subduction zones when the dense oceanic crust sinks beneath the less dense continental crust in these areas where it is re-melted inside the earth forming large chambers of molten rock (magma) beneath the earth’s crust. P.P. 136, Video : Continents Adrift, Intro

Game, Power Point Presentation

32. __________________________ ranges tend to form along convergent plate boundaries where two different continental plates or oceanic plates of similar density collide. Video : Continents Adrift,

Intro Game, Power Point Presentation
