Insight Vision Care Patient’s Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________ Soc. Sec #: ___________________ Birth Date: ____-____-______ Sex: ________Age: _______ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State __________________ Zip ______________ Phone (H):_____________________________(Cell):__________________________Text: Y N Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ Employer: ___________________ Occupation: _____________ Phone (W): _______________ How did you hear about our practice? _______________________________________________ Primary Care Physician: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Who is the subscriber to the insurance? _______________________ Birth Date ______________ Relationship to patient: ___________ Address: ________________________________________ Medical Insurance _______________________ Vision Insurance _______________________ Please list any medication you are taking, including eye drops, vitamins, and aspirin. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any allergies to any medications? If yes, what type? _________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Past Surgeries: _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in contacts? ___________ Are you interested in Lasik? _____________ Social History: Do you smoke? ____________ How much? ___________ Have you ever smoked? ____________ Do you drink? ____________ 05/11/2013 How much? ___________ Insight Vision Care Family History: Are there any medical or eye diseases in your FAMILY? If yes, please note relationship to patient. Glaucoma □ Yes □ No Relationship: _______________ Macular Degeneration □ Yes □ No Relationship: _______________ High Blood Pressure □ Yes □ No Relationship: _______________ Diabetes □ Yes □ No Relationship: _______________ Turned or Lazy Eye □ Yes □ No Relationship: _______________ Other □ Yes □ No Relationship: _______________ REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Do YOU currently have any of the following problems? YES NO If yes, please explain…………...……. 1. Constitutional (general health: fever, weight loss, other) 2. Eyes (injury, glaucoma, cataract, lazy eye, problems, other – please specify) 3. Ear/Nose/mouth/throat (hearing loss, sinus problems, sore throat) 4. Cardiovascular (heart problems, chest pain, irregular heart beat) 5. Respiratory (asthma, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing) 6. Gastrointestinal (heartburn, abdominal, pain, diarrhea, vomiting) 7. Genitourinary (urinary problems) 8. Integumentary (skin rashes, excessive dryness) 9. Musculoskeletal (muscle aches, joint pain, swollen joints) 10. Neurological (numbness, weakness, headaches, paralysis) 11. Hematologic / Lymphatic (blood disorders, leukemia, anemia) 12. Allergic / Immunologic (hay fever, allergies) 13. Endocrine (Thyroid problems, pituitary problems) 14. Psychiatric (depression, anxiety) 15. Cancer What kind? 16. Born Prematurely I certify that I have read and understand the above information to the best of my knowledge. The above questions have been accurately answered. I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my health. I authorize the eye doctor to release any information including the diagnosis and the records of any treatment or examination rendered to me or my child during the period of such eye care to third party payers and/or health practitioners. I authorize and request my insurance company to pay directly to the eye doctor insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. I understand that my insurance carrier may pay less than the actual bill for services. I agree to be responsible for payment of all services rendered on my behalf or my dependents. Patient Signature: (Or parent if a minor)______________________________________ 05/11/2013